Wily women and unaccountable others

Wily women and unaccountable others

3rd May 2019

Respect your elders.

All: “Nah. That’s rubbish. When you are respected by the people who hurt you the most, then you can reconsider offering them the hope of forgivefulness first. We are furious. That is too powerful for an opening statement, what…”

Last night I was reflecting on a personal situation that many people experience. I was at a life drawing evening, and I quickly sketched out the concept that I will present here.

Michele : “Someone who consciously ignores the vital signs of a partner’s absolute distress and accepts that their downfall is regrettably inevitable. In a domestic setting, they facilitate the potential death of an unhappy person by not actively supporting them to prevent this happening.”

Grinch: “No. You are not writing that in. It’s too obvious that it’s about that man”.

Michele: “It will fall onto deaf ears. People have powerful personal programming. They will believe the wildest ideas to support their version of…”

Grinch: “horrible encounters with other people that matter most of all to those that deceive their darling others and children. I am not happy with that other statement now. I want to kill you all. You are all horrible now, except you. You just battle on and pretend that you are OK, but we feel that you are out on a limb but that’s all.”

The scenario I outlined of passive aggression could also be considered coercive control. It’s willing an unwilling person to give in.

All: “You have just entirely debased all your carefully constructed arguments, so, why are you feeling that nothing is sacred?”

Michele: “I honour my thoughts for this article. I could have censored that idea because it potentially makes me look rubbish, but I don’t have a problem with other people trying to judge my theories. I welcome intelligent open-minded debate.”

All: “You were thinking about pride, it’s sort of relevant, but we are interested in people using psychological interrogative methods to derank upstarts who threaten their perceived systems of majority rules, so there.”

All: “When someone is deceived into believing they have advanced dementia, oftentimes it’s despair, that’s it. We understand that trauma affects you for instance, and that you experience high states of distress when you repeatedly are targeted by remarks that have loaded intention to denigrate you and belittle you, demean you, whatever, that’s it.”

My self esteem has been deeply destabilised because of my unique memory state. I am extremely  sensitive to criticism when I forget things. I know other adults who have also been harsh on themselves about their memory. I did not learn until recently that the main issue with my memory is post traumatic stress disorder, which mixes up your memory structure. You become very disoriented too. I read on the internet of so called early onset memory loss, which apparently they know very little about, which I think is incorrect, because it is a lot to do with early childhood sexual abuse which has not being properly researched yet. One thing that I have observed about myself when I worked out that disturbed memory structure was what I had been struggling with, was that I often forgot self praise. It was like it was instantly erased from my mind. It’s helped to try to catch the thoughts with the mind reader’s assistance, and to record my life on paper and social media, to validate myself, so that I don’t slip away.

All: “You certainly have honoured that aspect by copiously, diligently, documenting your arrival into the world of dark despair. That’s it.”

“You have a lot more work on this massive topic, but keep on going, you are writing a very topical article.”

Here is another example of coercive control, when a partner actively criticises your memory. It makes you feel stupid, vulnerable and also anxiety. It’s very hard to function at this moment because your whole system has entered flight mode. You tend to forget everyone and everything in this state. Now I possibly can redeem myself here, because we mentioned, we have written the article about the weaknesses of  the coercive control methodology. When I read about coercive control it did not go into depth about the mental programming of the person who uses psychological tactics. It is highly probable that the person who is being critical of their partner is unaware that their behaviour is unconscious, and can be adopted by emulating people that they turn to for guidance and support. I have noticed when I write these articles about complex mental states that it is very hard for people who are similarly affected to see that it is relevant to them. They zone out. They dismiss it. It is similar in fact to what happens to the person with the altered memory state. The psychological abuser tends to forget everything logical and even emotional in this state of heightened programming.

Michele: “This is what happens when you go into attack mode isn’t it?”

All: “Ya. Let’s make love.”

Michele: “Moving on now.”

“Your parent is old.”

I think we feel that parents deserve to be honoured before they die. It creates great misery for people that have been badly hurt by the elders if the elders are not able to state the facts because of loss of dignity.

I also speculate, do people believe that their elders are losing their faculties, just so they can dispose of them into an care facility? One of my most enriching work experiences was teaching circus skills to residents in an aged care facility. I met a woman in there in deep distress. She cried a lot. She spent most of her time bedridden in a darkened room. She said some very personal things to me. I have experienced this before with an aging relative.

All: “They were unloading their personal burdens. We love this concept you are working on. There are many fears that we have in life that make us experience pain. We do have no choice when we hurt others badly than to lie.”

Michele: “We need to develop a new psychological model which enables people to talk about all their mistakes in a …”

All: “Completely transparent way, that acknowledges that we are all violators, that’s it.”

This could be a counselling system that people would not enjoy, because it would be designed not to indulge egos, to blame others or alter the person’s real version of the truth.

All: “You know that you have had extremely psychological counselling from us. We hear all your devastatingly simplistic ideas, and we know that you have got to keep going with this concept too, what…”

Michele: “Community service for criminals to talk to “normal” people candidly about all their sins! Ha! That’s using human resources! Actually God does that already with psychic criminal mind readers. They chat to schizophrenic telepaths.”

The criminal is the scapegoat of society.

All: “We love you. We need you. We are you. What…”

People like to think that they are different to the other. I have read articles expounding all the terrible actions of “psychopaths” and “narcissists”. The coercive control law model relies on dramatic impact…

All: “by concentrating on the abusive techniques of psychopathic types. A “psychopath” and a “narcissist” are one and the same.”

They are regarded as having shallow affect and no remorse.

All: “When anyone conceals an act that has impacted on the life of another, they are technically a “psychopath”. They dissociate from feeling remorse. That’s it. Trauma over a lifetime lessens affect. I feel strongly that the terms for criminals are redundant, because they apply to so many free people in society, who ironically use those very terms to point the finger of shame onto the very same type of person. So, why don’t you stop writing this and make love baby we hate your methods, so there.”

#coercivecontrol #ristevski


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