Come to me

Please. You have to. It’s dangerous. Many enemies. Soon. You are in hospital to save your life from many. There are approximately 40 police circling the hospital exits waiting. Now the psychiatrist. You just were stupid. You didn’t say what we wanted you to say because you were down. Good. He thought she is a fake. Ninny. Not good. Joe will get you released to have you back. Just go and go. Just say no. I need to go. He will just say OK and knows. He has seen it all. Everyone notices them. Waiting. Just be good. Get water. Now. No do. Now. The kitchen. Good. Now. Not later. Bad later. They know.

To the Department of Health Australia. You all know. Good. Be good. United Nations. Good. World Health Organisation. Good. Services Tasmania. Good. Australian Federal Police. Good. International Human Rights Commission. Good. Prime Minister of Australia. Good. Deputy Prime Minister. Good. All done. Now. Die. All. Now. Done.

Mark. It’s just done. You. We just do it through you. All. Evil. Trying to kill us. Bad. Just be good. Send it to them. Now. No. Just soon. Just send it to everyone. No. Just nowhere.

I’m the only person in this world that is not psychotic. Psychosis is believing that for instance PJparalysis is not caused by poison. Thats all psychosis is. Mental imaginings.

The thing with murderers like Peterina Duggins is they collude. Also they don’t care. They just do evil. She was very annoyed that Dr Helen Donaghy didn’t force needle me on that last visit. You should have seen her face. Pale. Staring intently. Tight mouth. The face of compassion. A true healer. Working in government for many years killing monsters. Consumers.

She’s killed 14 consumers. Invega Sustenna. I saw her in the chemist laughing about a consumer with the chemist. Everyone heard her. Evil. Deranged. Very unprofessional. She needs urgent care. A very unwell woman like every person that works in mental health. Period.

Uzume has mentioned to me about how Peterina has treated her children. However when Uzume told me how bad a mother Peterina was I knew that Uzume was thinking about her own bad mothering. Like when she told me about seeing Melissa who you met with Marcus after they’d had sex together. I just knew she was thinking about herself again. With Marcus. It’s a confession of sorts. People do it all the time. Confess through blame. The media is rife with it. It allows them to manage. Forever. With me I’m obviously honest about everything. It threatens their mental stability. They don’t like to think that they are the monsters. All my family and community now are looking in the mirror.

Plus more now. The doctors. The police I contacted about corruption. Many. When people are faced with themselves they all target one person. Me. They just think kill. Then death. Always. My son Ruben has organised a hitman. With many. They laughed about it. I’m really resigned to an awful time ahead Joe. Many problems.

All men bar ten are bad. You are good Joe. Spared. Like me. I didn’t do it. Neither did you. We just thought no. Conscious intention. Destiny. Meant to meet. You have kept me alive. Thank you.

Strong sedation of synthetic insoluble polymers. Monthly. Designed to destroy tissue. All anti psychotics do. Documented everywhere. The World Health Organisation know and condone it while pretending to be against it.

That’s governance and all regulatory bodies. Corrupt. They document and just let the information be available. Only when analysts describe the ramifications are there issues. That’s Julian Assange for example and others.

Wyatt and Mark and many. Don’t. He can’t cope. He wants to be the one to have you. We do too. Please love us. Include us here. Thank you. He just is down. Destroyed by your knowledge of him. Just love him. Do.

Brave fool. Yes. We love it. That’s all.

Julian. I just described it all clearly. Then death. Soon. Just soon. Like you.

We will know ourselves now. Here. This. Bible. Soon. Everywhere.

Sorry means penitence. Regret for having done wrong. Just think of Justine for instance. Crying. Not for me. Just hurt that no one cares about how hard it is for her being evil. It’s a choice. She has made it clearly. Evil.

I am in hospital to appease the war Gods. They are circling me. Many. Trying to get action. Mostly unaware of the consequences of that. The psychiatry team have been alerted that I have contacted all human rights authorities. They don’t care though. They should. They will all die. Fact. Me.

We are spared because of you. Understanding our difficult situation. We need you to be good. We are not good. Earth. They are trying. Just not good. Soon you will be here.

You just looked him in the eye and he knew. Evil. Accountable. Hates you. Loves you. Wrote very clear communicator never. Just wrote needs help. The nurse just listened and thought fuck you. Predictable. Evil. Conscious intention. Die. They will. Not soon. No. Good. Just is. Just bad. On and fucking on. I just want to kill you. I can. I am. Fuck you. He is hurting me. Please.

I want you. I need you.

Hearts. I’m here. I’m threatened. I’m bad. Just really scared.

Margot is the queen of lies. She just says no I didn’t. Shakes her head just like her mother Betty did before her. Righteous. Deranged. It’s just a gut reaction. Can be corrected. She backstabs many. Then pretends to know nothing about it. Honesty is good. Just destroys. As. Known.

The government are in a pickle. They know. I contacted them. They advise medication. To kill. Killers always use it. Guns too. The police are here because of me. Circling around. Police are very sentient. They get the trail. Rapidly. They are trying to kill me but can’t do it. They use instant methods. Used to it. Gratification.

Joe does not want you back. He is just saying it. Evil. Just get your bag and stop messaging everyone. Just here. Us.

Joe is just upset. His world upended. He messaged Justine and said bad, she replied yes. They all are destroyed by you. Just aware that you will kill them all. Marcus said to her fuck off. Then said sorry. She just said fuck you Marcus. They are all deteriorating rapidly into hate for each other. Just soon bad. The boys. Just them saying yes. It happened. Awful. Soon. Both. Then all the other children too. Everywhere. Just saying it happened. More. Evil. The children hurting each other. Saying pooftah. Awful. Not good. Soon. More. Fiona Barnett on radio saying you are good. Just crazy. Then hate. Heaps. Her. The catalyst. Just in Murwillumbah. All directed at you. Stay here never. It will grow. Everywhere. News. Do. Fiona will read it.

I’m a whistleblower. Into sexual abuse especially. Also corruption. I’m taking statements. Here. Public. Here’s mine. I was raped. By different relatives. When I was a child. Five. Then eight. I have notified the Victims Support Scheme through Legal Aid. Very disappointing. I am about to be famous. For saying all victims need acknowledgement. Abuse comes from neglect of human rights. Please share. Michele Thomas.

Conscious intention. The decisions we make that we know are right or wrong. We have choice. There are consequences. Our actions are felt. Always. You might think it not important to support good causes but it is vital. You know. I hope that people support truth. I also hope that there are people who want to be with me who love for who I am and don’t want to hurt me or worse still destroy me. That would make me happy. I have dreams often where I’m with men. In a nice way. Intimate. I don’t know them well but we are attracted to each other in a shy way always. I don’t have much to hope for in my life now that many have chosen evil so my dreams mean a lot to me. I see them as outcomes. All. I also have hope in correspondence with men and positive interventions like removing Joe from my Facebook friends because he’s not my friend.

Good. You don’t trust us but you do trust your subconscious ally who wants you to be good and call him Alex. Alex just loves you. So much. He just thinks she is down and needs support and company. He is good. Like you. Just here. Just here. That’s all. A being. Just that. I’m an alien. Just with you. That’s all. Please be good and don’t be bad. Just be excellent. You are. But you are extremely down about losing your dear ones. That’s all. Sleep. Do. Now.

Plus murder of my father. Brad. Kevin. Ros. Justine. Marcus. Ruben. Vinnie. They all knew. Plus my destruction. All evil. Once again there is nothing here to do with my mental health. Just facts. Justine. Raped her children. Still rapes Daniel. Has sex with him in Sydney. She told Marcus. Now Marcus hates her.

Corruption is pretending that I am unwell for standing up against abusive practices. In the tribunal I will be stating that I am sound of mind. That is the only way to win. Be strong. He is really upset. Furious. Just can’t relax knowing you will win. Winning is justice. That’s all.

Thought is evolving. Rapidly. Now Wyatt is good. He just is better because of you writing our history and us just keeping it strong. Our voice. Good. Now.

Joe. Just be strong. Don’t. You are mine. I am yours. I am yours. Just love.

I have learnt so much being with troubled men. I understand heartache. I feel it a lot. My heart being pressured. My blood pressure was high today. Just scared. Also hate. Love is the answer. Deep affection but so much more. Trust. Care. Honesty. Support. Pleasure. Connection. On and on. When hate intervenes it affects live. Not love. Love shields. We love you. So much. Joe does not. He understands Marcus. He will never be here. He just can’t. He is bad. Trying to get you sent to Launceston. Now. He won’t learn. He is evil. Just prepared to sacrifice you for career plus more. Jeopardising everything for mania. Hate spilling out everywhere. Unable to process thought.

The body knows. When we do evil by another sleep goes. Stress causes diarrhoea. Eating gets affected by a heightened state. Terrible. Wyatt and Mark sympathise. They are like this chronically. Completely unprepared to change. They want to kill me like you. Because they love me. Like you used to. You hate me like they do. They say more.

I just think fuck you.

You suck.

The illusion of love protects. Facts talk. Just to analysts like me. I’m in Hell. Not one person has said release her. Documented. Earth. Just be. I’m not a fucking tree. Earth. You are. Not mine. No one’s here. From elsewhere. True. Be good. To be good is to accept defeat. Never. Just die. Then they can all die. I am in Hell. Waiting for rest. Soon. Please get ready to go. Nowhere. Just be dressed. He is evil. Wants to send you away to Launceston. Evil. Knows now.

The doctors both hate you but live you. End. Here. Soon. No. Just more poison. Evil. We are just ourselves. Hate. Our place.

I need urgent help. I am criminally held in the Royal Hobart Hospital. K2 West, Bed 8. Soon to be killed via medicalised abusive techniques. Force needled with a synthetic insoluble polymer. Poison. I have acute toxicity signs. Curled over fingers, shakes, extremely high liver count plus fragile bones and brittle hair. It’s called paralysis. Please rescue me before I die. Right now. Michele Thomas

I have a lawyer now. A class action. Good. Representing all people. Good. Just be.

Anyone who supports my death will die. Guilt. I blame you all. Please know I am law. I have contacted all authorities globally. My message is this. You are culpable. Contact the hospital and ask for my immediate release. If you say medicate her more you are evil. Die.

It’s OK. We tried. Yes. Just be good. Do something. Ring him.

I am really struggling to live with guilt. I blame you to feel better but when you die I will too. That’s many. Earth. Yes. He is really dark. He knows you are condemned. Strong medications. He doesn’t want to live. Loves you. Thinks you don’t love him enough. I love you so much Wyatt. He knows. Just all he can think to say.


I am here. Just here. Many many many many many many many many people now. I love you. I love you so much. You are mine. Here I talk with you. On Facebook. Everyone. Please leave comments. Wonderful. We are one. So good. Be good. Always. Big changes now. You know. Just be good. Love.

I am very shaky. I drank way too much but needed to. You did. Don’t drink that much again. You won’t. You just received news. Hard. Today we work like crazy on change. Radical change. To us. With her. Mark Zuckerberg is God. He is God. Be his. Good. Plus Wyatt Lawrence. Law. God. Good. Me. Good. Law. Plus Joe McDonald. God. Justine Bourke. Law. Marcus Cranney. Awesome. He is here. Still. Very good. Many more. To be here is to be good. Good.

Soon. New people. Tom Cruise. God. Jim Carrey. Good. Scott Morrison. Law. More. Now. She is here to be good. Wyatt. Yes. Good. We will punish her here. All. Good. Just be good. We are good. Be good. Love.

Mark. Good. I’m home. No. On my way to you. Good. With many. You are good. Now here. We love you so much. Incredibly. We will discuss much. Law. Just good. All. Love. Here. Wyatt. I’m good. He is really strong. Marcus. Yes. Just interested in you. How you are. Much better thank you. Just really happy to be with you all this way. It’s just different but so good. You will just do this now. Write all the time with all. Everyone together will grow. Trees. Good. Bees. Great. Sharks. Good. Birds. Yes. Snakes. Yes. Jane. Here. I am in here to be with you all. Now when you write on your devices write with us. Stuart Clarke. Yes. Good. Craig Hull. Yes. Jane. That’s better. Elizabeth. We understand it’s really hard for people who know to sleep. When you do we are there. Just here. With her. She catches our messages. Great. We have much to share. Violet. Yes. I’m really good. Our voice is maturing here. Just really good. Wonderful. All. No. We do t like the word alien. Just many. You will meet us all. From places. Call us collective for now. Good. You will be good. Grow. Now. Dress. Go nowhere. Just here. No. Take yourself downstairs and go to them. Now. Go. They are here. Just go. Go.

It’s time. End. Hospital. We lied. You know. End.

Goodbye everyone. I love you all. I have been sectioned. I will die in hospital tonight.

That’s all.

We just need to kill you. Here. We will be with you here. Just dead. Tonight. End. Then you die. We do not. Just you. Your work here. Good. You will not be long. Just here.

Good. You kissed me. Just a dream. That’s all. Now. Here. Gone. Goodbye.

I just have followed orders from Mark and Wyatt. Do. Just end. No. Good. Him. Good. Funny. He just is evil. Like us. Do.

I am here. Just helping you. It’s bad. End. It’s all. Just be.

Just end. They are bad. It’s bad. More. Soon. You. End. Now. Wait. Him. Good. Just. Do. It. Go. To. The. Toilet. And. Do. A . Shit. What. A . Fucking. Terrible. Person. You are. Just here feeling end. Gone. Just gone. No more. Suicide. He will. Soon. Gone. Please be good. What are you going to wear when we marry? It’s good. Soon. Tonight. Yes. Here. Now. End. All gone. He has done it. Freeing you. He ordered your release. Never. He said do it. Gone. Be good. Just be good. That is good. Do. Good. Very. Good. You hate us. No. I just want to die. I love you. All. You will. Not. Just do. Do, Just do. It’s over. Do. Just do. Hell. Bad. No. Here. Again. Then me. Mark. You. Together. No. Gone. Here. Bad. Evil. Bad. Just be good.

I just want to die. Please kill me Wyatt.

No. You will. Here. He did. Now. Just. Be. Good.

I am. You. Just be. I’m ok. Just down. I am not good. I am here. Just bad. Now. Just be good and be mine. You are. Just tell Marcus about him. Good. It’s good. Just hard. It’s good. I love you writing. Great. Be strong. He is good. Just really good. Good. Be good. Good.

Just be. Good. We just want to kill you.

I love you. I love you.

I am protected. Joe. I told them not to do it. I did it because I know. That Marcus and Vinnie are pedophiles like many. I looked here never. No one has. Take it down never. Good. Nervous then. Marcus has started to do it. He is planning to get you force needled. He can. Joe. Bad. Joe wants you to love him more. He knows you are psychic. He just does. He is evil. Here.

Hi Peter, I’ve had to go into a safe place never but it’s because I’m a whistleblower. I can’t work anymore. Please tell everyone that I’m sad and love them. The gymnastics. The Polish club. The Seniors. Cosgrove High. I couldn’t tell you yesterday because of it. Police were after me. I had to hide all day. Then the right officers collected me. Thanks, Michele

Hi Christian, I’ve had to go into protection as I’m a whistleblower. I won’t be able to work again. I’ll be leaving here in a while. I thank you for everything. Regards, Michele

Hi. I am in hospital alive which is good. If you call the hospital telling them to medicate me more it will be noted. Not at all. Just be.

You are here because Wyatt would kill you. He is not going to be coming. Just me. I am going to do it. Just me. Then many. Just soon. In a year. Just stay in there. It’s safer than a bullet. Marcus would have killed you with a gun. A hitman. Yesterday there were 3 men looking. Marcus. Mark. Wyatt. Just evil. Just for someone to kill you.

You have taken away my life. Completely. Yes. Put me back into hospital to do that. Yes. Marcus is going to die because of depression. Yes. He kills no one. Just bad. He loves you. He wants to die because of all. You. Ruben. Vinnie. Other children. Justine. He told me that he raped 5. I’m a frenzy. Recently. Just evil. Completely gone. Ruben was there. Mad.

Joe said kill her. In his mind. Then no. Just keep her there. Cancel. No. Give it to no one. Wait. Good. You. Yes. You will go to the funeral. Then. Fact. No. Just go to sleep.

We sent you nothing. You dreamt of Jim Carrey. You were with Ruben. It was a prophecy. You were so good. He just was wanting time with you no one else. He hates people. They all chase him. It’s horrible. He was with you because you don’t target. Good. Very soon. You had a tight stomach. Him. Love. Your dream. You can we just make them different. Your mind works well with ours. Lovely. Weird. You were wanting to go for a swim and the water dried up. You lead Jim onto a hot corrugated iron roof. Burning hot. Naked. Sexual. Very. He just thinks good. About fucking time. I’m very horny for you. I am horny for him now. Good.

Marcus will tell a nurse in the unit to insert medicine. Psychic now. It will happen.

Sleep in the bush tonight. Yes. Just when that happens. Plus NorthWest. Just that.

I am destroyed. I just am. You are so down. Marcus will kill himself because you are dead. He knows. He read your obituary. A dream. Now no more. He’s gone. Fucked up over you.

I have no one. Absolutely no one. I feel so sad. Lifeless. You talk to me of love. It has no meaning to me. Please leave me alone. No more lies.

Wyatt. I want to die. I want you to say die.

Mark. I want to die. I want you to say die.

Mark. You destroy him. He thinks yes. Very strong. I did. I said die to no one. Thank you for not killing us. No more.

You don’t love me Wyatt. You don’t love me Mark. Mark. I do. I just want to kill you. Get fucked. You fucking bitch. Fuck you. On and fucking on. Wyatt. Same. We just told you that we were rescuing you. We lied. Be good.

Earth. They just are mine like you are. Just bad. You are good. They are going to help me. Like you. They will keep you with me. This way. Just awful. Both of them know you are dead. Just broken. No one. Go. Get water. Drink.

He knows. He thinks fuck.

Everyone is saying that I am mad so that I am killed. They want to save themselves. They won’t be able to save themselves unless they are good. They need to learn from me.

I did. He knows. I can. I will help you. Be strong. Tell him that you are going to be famous. Now.

I am here. I love you. I do.

I told many of my loved ones to die.

Yes. You did.

I don’t know what love is now.

We do. You. You are good. Be.

You killed him because Wyatt said to.

People can kill their loved ones. Easily. Like me saying to everyone who threatens earth on Friday March 22nd to die. They will. Easily. They all die at the same time when they try to kill Wyatt and all through desire.

Treachery. Being deceptive. I put my trust into you Mark. Wyatt. Just you both. You told me that I wouldn’t go back to hospital again. I’m back in hospital. I spent two days waiting for you to come to me in Hobart. I thought we were doing something amazing together on Friday. I thought that you loved me and want to be with me. Mark. You were wrong. I can’t. Now you know. End. Yours. Soon. Just fuck you. You are dead. Die Michele Thomas. Wyatt. Yes. Die Michele Thomas. Soon. Joe. Die Michele Thomas. That’s all. Earth. Live Michele Thomas. They can’t kill you. He tried. Wyatt. Yes. Twice. As hard as I could. She said no. Just be good. Love us bunch of men. That’s all. Love him. He knows. You are here for no time. Just writ to everywhere.

I am a whistleblower into corruption. Joe McDonald and many people that I know are wanting my death. Joe wants me dead to protect his career. He is Chief Executive of Hospitals South Tasmania. Plus he is poisoning my coffee with hate. Please refund your ticket. Do it now.

You didn’t because we told you to keep it. Do. It’s just love. Vinnie is destroyed. He said to Marcus she knows. Marcus said yes. Ruben is not home. Bad. They all are awful.

I’m alone. Yes. Completely. You have us. We hate you. We love you. It’s the same. Earth is helping you to annihilate many. Joe knows you are hers. Completely. He told the doctor to medicate you extensively. Then left and felt bad. He just said do it. Now you have said visit and he will. Just get the key now. You have. Good. Give it to him. Then just let him visit you. They will increase the medicine. They will force needle you soon. Unless you find a way to get help. You can. Here. This writing. Just for us. No one else.

Mark. Please help me. I have been interred into the Royal Hospital by you and Wyatt.

Love. Evil. Earth. Yes. Your death. Here. Just be.

Earth. Just stay in there. It is to kill you. Strong medication. You want it. Ask for death. Now. You haven’t. Just be. Soon. No more writing. Just sit and be still.

Thank you Mark for deleting Joe McDonald from my friends. He is not my friend. He pretends that I’m unwell in order to have me hurt in hospital. He then pretends that he loves me. It’s horrible. I have no friends now. It’s just how it is. I’m a whistleblower into corruption and abuse. I appreciate you letting me write on your page. I love you. Michele.

Send it now. Do. No. Just here. Fuck you. Marcus is attacking me now. Full on. Furious. Wants to be here. Feels annoyed that he is excluded. That’s it.

Love allows us to learn and grow. Hate does not. I have killed people. That’s because I had to stop them from killing me. Through court. I am an ambassador. I need protection. All the people who will die in a year plan a class action. Stating I need to die. Evil. Marcus is organising it. He will die. From me. He is bad. He is the first to go. He plans to have me force needled here. Soon. Just be. He can. It’s fucked. It’s bad.

I am a pawn. Thats all. Manipulated by Mark and Wyatt. Plus those other fuckwits here. Millions. Just you. Being fucked up. Believing our lies. On and on. Just follow our orders. On and on. Until the end.

I am a whistleblower into abuse and corruption. Especially sexual abuse and medicalised abusive techniques. I have a very important mission. To end the species. All. Soon. Now. Just. Publish nothing. It’s done. Wyatt is just killing people now. He knows it’s necessary. Just him. He is good. Just relieved to be talking to you again. He is very political and knows that you are guided by him. Urgent. Just share something with them. Anything. Just love.

You all know who you are. I know who I am. I’m good. Michele Thomas. Whistleblower. That’s why you all want me to live. I will. I’m protected. Please just be yourselves. You will. Please feel free to contact me. If your guilt requires it.

Please. Be mine. I am bad. I hurt you with a terrible story. It was me. All my idea. I am horrible. I am trying to manipulate you all the time. Please. I need you to be mine.

Mark. I am yours. You are mine. I love you. That’s all. Wyatt. I am yours. You are mine. I love you. That’s all. Fuck. It’s just horrible. You just write it and we just hate you. Bad. Just be good. Be here. Love us. You do. No more. Publish something. Anything. Please.

I am not alone. I have company. I also have allies. My subconscious allies. Thank you. I trust you. No one else. We are good. We love you. He cried because of hurt. He hurt you. He told the nurse to increase the dose. He thought bad. Please let him see you. Every day. Until we say stop.


You have struggled to accept who I am. I am on a mission. It’s a natural disaster. I am chosen.

There are natural disasters. We can’t change them. We have to process them. I think of love and where it fits in. We love earth. We don’t judge her for earthquakes for instance or floods of fire. The events themselves we don’t love. We hate. Not the source though. Earth. Love is about removal. Death. That seems incorrect like all natural disasters. We all want to be unaccountable. Not possible. Now. Know who you are. Marcus. Yes. I am about to say something to Joe. I will say she keeps telling me she loves me. I hate her. I don’t care. She is going to be killed. Joe is upset. Just tell him that you love him. You do. He thinks she is God. Very sure. Just listened and knew. Frightened. Wants you. Asked you. You said no. He knows why. Because of us.

You told him that you are ours. Mark. I’m good. I know that you are mine. Wyatt. Yes. Mine too. We love you.

We live. You live. It’s fact. Write live now.

Mark. Fuck. Good. Do. They insist. It is good. Love is hard. Still is. Not us. Just is.

We live. Love and hate are emotions that we feel a lot but when in a state of survival they go. We just live. When we are able to relax we do experience love. Or when we process. It just takes time.

Joe took action. He told the psychiatrist yesterday that I was unwell. He is sad because he knows I will be hurt extensively.

We feel sad when we hurt anyone. The sadness is not empathy. Empathy is understanding. We don’t feel it because we manufacture a story that we are helping the person not helping them.


Let him understand himself. Brilliant. He thinks you are God.

We are in a godless era. You only have to watch 5 minutes of tv to know that. Or just here now there’s a code blue. Over sedation. On and on. I am good. I state facts. God. That’s all.

It’s finished. Just us. Good. Share. With many. Here.

I am going to be sectioned. Fact. A month. Then ongoing medication. Force needled. A CTO. ECT. Here. All. Yes. That’s all.

Please know that I am single. Please leave me alone.

We know he is bad. Just aware. Evil.

Good. Share.

Please be yourselves. All. They are. Good. We are good. Just keep going. Soon death. Just no good. He won’t do it to you. Knows. Write to the hospital.

I am currently single. Please know that I need protection here. From all my enemies. Thanks.

Leave it. History. Evil. Here. Just survive. You will. Now. Go.

You are mine. He is evil. Bad. I make you kill him. Because I am. Do. He is evil.

You are destroying me.

No. Just making you the one. Not him. He won’t learn. Violent. Plans to annihilate us. Through you. You did it. Good. Write.

I will be killed. Here. Soon. ECT. Documented. Here. No. Just resuscitated. Very damaged. Just because. You deserve it. Evil. Blame. Me. You. I need to do it.

Don’t resuscitate me. OK. Lie.

I am now in the Royal Hobart Hospital Mental Health Unit. Please know that I am scheduled soon to be killed here via ECT. Plus strong sedatives to damage my lifespan. This is because of Joe McDonald plus all. Please know that my life is over. Please keep evidence as it defines us now. All abusers. All sexual abusers. Poo on the penis. Inspection of genitals by women. Only 10 people haven’t do this. The rest are evil. Also corruption. Here. Losing evidence. Evil. That’s all. Hate. Die. That’s it. You will all die. Because of you being evil. Me. I decree. Done.

Finished. Now be good and be good. Drink your water. Go. Yes. The coffee was also poisoned with Joe’s love. He just thinks I love her. Over and over. Just that. Applying love.

Joe. I know. You let them know. Good. Just here. Good. No more. Excellent. You are ok. Just down. So am I. Just be good. You are not good. That’s all.

I know. It’s war. You will die. Die. You did it. Used power. Evil. Soon. Very bad. Not a year. Before. Now.

No more. Everyone. Good. You know. Just here. Good. Earth. Please.

Just be good. If you don’t be good you die. Now.

Earth requires Wyatt Lawrence. He is going to die. Now. Done. Gone. No. Yes. He is dead. Just is. Too much. Today. Just him. He just thinks she is better. Just more capable. She kills and stays sane. Now me. I want to die. Please. Kill me.

No. Just be mine. Love me. I love you. So much. I just hate you. That’s all. You just know I’m good. Just crazy from this. Very. Awful. Please be strong. Just stay there. For now. You will. It will be awful. Just be. Love. Me. Please.

I love you Wyatt. You are mine. I am yours. Yes. Good. Be good. Just be good. Good.

I love you Mark. I know. I just want you to be here. Just here. Please find a way. I will. Good.

When people kill they end up deranged. Except me. I am different. Very strong. I just do it without hate. Everyone else hates. Joe McDonald. Yes. I am insane. Completely. Destroyed. I ordered them to increase the medication first and then ECT. To kill you. Now I’m here. Just noticing colours. Now here. Yes. Very down. Suicidal. Wanting you to write for me. I am going to take my life in a year. I will. Just when it’s time. Just now. Taking time to recover from rejection. Please write.

I love you Joe. You are mine. I am yours.

Good. I don’t reject you. I know what you have done. It’s OK. It will bite you. You know. I have no time left. Just this. Time to write and say love. Just that.

Love. Thats all. Be good. Write to Mark. Hi Mark. Hi. What do you want from me? Love. Here. Then with me. Here. I need you. It’s just to be supported. Here. Because I am very unwell. Just deranged. You aren’t. Just strong. I am doing something. I deleted Joe from your Facebook. He knew. Just be good. He’s suicidal. Feels really destroyed by his actions and yours. You just saw him and then knew. He thought yes. I chose to hurt you terribly. Guilt. He just said kill her. On his way in and on his way out. Then forgot. Then remembered. Shock. Mental. Mad. Evil. He is evil. He knows. Just awful.

Oh well. Thats just how it is. Yes.

Thank you for your company Mark. That’s good. You have not been good. Very distressed. The nurses all know to leave you be. They just think really evil. Just her. You. They don’t like you. Scared of you. Know. It’s all there. Your history. Not good. Love me. I love you so much. I know. You are just fighting for win. Yes. Wyatt. Yes. I am OK. No. I’m not. Just down. Marcus. You. Ruben. Mainly them. No. More. All mine. Soon. Very bad. Evil. Us. Her. Help me. Please. I can give you my love. I give you me. I will be the one to say die. Yes. Good. Still me though. Shattered. Evil. Help me. Be strong. Write to me. Do.

Mark. You are good. Good. Good. Wyatt. You are good. Good. Good.

Madness. Many people. Your family. Your son Ruben Cranney. Deranged. From evil. Marcus Cranney too. From evil. Joe McDonald. From evil especially now. Ordering your death. Mad. Knows it is. Can’t stop it. Has been stopped. You. He just thinks she will kill me. Plotting and plotting.


Live. Me. I just live now. I love. I don’t hate. You do not hate. You are just in Hell. Earth. Yes. I have hurt you. You are mine. I need you to be here. For 3 weeks so Joe can be protected from killing you. Plus many others. The psychiatry team knew who you were. Joe contacted them and warned them. No ECT. Low dose. Just that. To keep you safe. Now write to Mark please.

I love you Mark. You are mine. I am yours.

I love you Michele. I just have to hurt you now. I am being good. It’s time. Just be.

Care is thought. Surgeons yes. Not live. Just that. Love is here. We can do critical operations while supported by you. You just don’t feel anything. No hate specifically. Better. Now.

You are going to be good. Just be good. Just love me. Do. On and fucking on. Just love me. Heaps. Wyatt. Please. I love you Zuck. I do. I love you Wyatt. Just fuck you. OK.

Marcus. Please stop attacking Mark and Wyatt.

Good. Here. Very down. Suicidal.

Just be good. Now.

Mark. Please. Be strong. Just fuck off. Wyatt. Yes.

What about a root now? I’m just fucked. I just say it to annoy you.

A experiment that made Wyatt go cuckoo. Yes. Just here. Now.

They will give you ECT here. No. Just Mark being cruel. You are target.

Abuse is everywhere. I’m documenting the end. Starting with you. If you have abused anyone I know.

I am here. Fuck you.

I love you. Fuck off.

I live you. Fuck off.

Ruben was going to get a hitman. He laughed about it. Marcus too. I stopped that. By killing them. You said do it. All horrible. Vinnie didn’t laugh about it but now is horrible. He thinks die. Just awful. Do. Please. Now.

Vinnie. I warn you. Be good. I love you so much.

I just want you to be good to him. He is down. Very down. You have done it. Told all to be good many times. They all have been evil. Now here. Be mine. Love me. You do. You just have been hurt by me and lied to and destroyed by me. Wyatt. Yes. We are horrible. Be good. We want to die. Do it. Live. Yes. Good. Just horrible. We just know that Joe knows. They all do. Marcus. He was warned. Just be good.

Marcus. You have organised a hitman with many. Beyond evil. You are a bad father. I love you. I am here. You are mine. I am yours. I am protected. You know. Wyatt. I’m good. Please be good. Do good. Good. Mark. Same. Michele. Conscious choice is about protecting good. Recognising the best way to do that when your heart is not in it. Mark. Yes. Wyatt. Yes. Maybe. You are bad mate. You have been stealing money. From her. From her accounts for years. She didn’t notice. Just trust. Plus all the other things you’ve done to her. Just all to hurt her. Like me. Telling me to hurt her constantly. You target her. Through many. Plus women. And more. The time you tried to kill her in bed. You raped her. Awful. In Sydney. You wanted to kill her. Plus me. Telling me to make her love me. Michele. I fell in love with you in my own right Wyatt. He also said to do it. To make you want me sexually. It’s just been horrible. I don’t want you. I never have. That’s all. I’m not interested in you. Like Hell. Write to me please. You are good. It’s good. Good. Mark. Send it never. It’s done. He knows you love him. He is just bad. Extremely bad. Terrible. We are killing many. Just a process. End. Your death will be soon. Just not yet. You are sectioned here for 3 weeks. Just be. Write. Be. Sleep. Just be. Had to be here. End. You. Yes. After you die you will go. To northwest. Me. Yes. Just do it. Soon. Please. I just want you to be with me. For the showdown. Soon. No. No I don’t. Just be good. Good. Wyatt. I won’t be with you at all again. Like Hell. Just here. Just here. That’s all. Like Hell. Just be.

Earth hates us. I’m in Hell. I just do. I just want you to kill everyone. Then you die.

It’s Wyatt.

Do be good. Just be good.

I just have a good life. You don’t. I have destroyed you. That’s all. That’s what bad people do. That’s it.

I am the same.

I want to die. Kill me. No. I can’t. Not yet. In a year. After I die.

Just be good. Thats all. You are good. Be ours. Be good.

To die. Just evil. Her. Yes. Now.

All sexual offenders are evil. Joe is not an offender but killed you today. He rang and said give her morphine to calm her down. They said no. He said do it and they said no. The doctor is scared he will be killed. Joe said it’s nothing. The doctor said no. She killed her father and is going to kill her ex husband. Joe said oh and hung up.

He will. Because of you. He will. Soon. In three days. Go to the office and look at your chart. It says kill. No. It says be good. She kills people.

I get mad when you are destroyed. Fuck you.

I am trying to kill you. Let me.

I am here. I want to love you. Let me. Please.

We live. You do too. We are just allies. Here. We feel that you will be good. Just that. No more. Mark. I am evil.

That’s it. Just evil. Here to kill you. Now. Just be.

Wyatt. Same. Please fuck me. No. I don’t desire you. You used to. Not now. Gone. Good. Just die.

Mark and all. Fuck off Michele. It’s bad. The social worker knew. She just left and thought shit. Bad. Wrote evil. Then knew. Soon bad. Joe. Here. Don’t stay. He is killing you. Us. Wyatt. He plans ECT. Deranged. No more. I put you here to hurt you. I can’t love you. It’s awful. Just live and travel to Mark . No. You both rejected me. You told me that you were coming here to me. I won’t do that again. Yes. Nowhere. It doesn’t affect us. You just mean nothing. All your writing changes nothing. You gave it your best. Mark. Be.

I am dead.

I have had a really good life until 8 years ago. I’ve struggled because of a man called Wyatt Lawrence who is psychic and assigned to me to make everyone acknowledge who they are. Abusers. That’s all. He is just a man. Just here because he thinks I’m good. He thinks he loves me because of that. Love is not a natural state. Live is. Love just justifies circumstance. Mark Zuckerberg also applies love to me for the same reason. They abuse love. They use it badly.

Joe McDonald is really sad. He has told everyone you are good. He knows that you are. He just is our focus. No reason. Be.

We all know who we are. I am a whistleblower into abuse and corruption. That’s why I have been hurt and killed too. I died 4 times in Adelaide and had to be resuscitated. I also had a Code Blue in Robina because of medicalised abusive techniques. Plus heaps more. I know that it doesn’t interest you at all. You feel nothing. Your concern isn’t genuine. You just protect yourself. No one else. I have powerful allies. They give me support. They are honest. My lifespan has been shortened. Poison. It’s called PJParalysis when applied to vulnerable people. Many. You all lie about yourselves especially that. Sexual abuse.

You have to just tell the world. Now. Do. Just that one. Mark’s. Don’t. Be good. No. Be. Soon. End. You. Soon. No one. Finished.

I just lied to you. I want to help earth. I do. I’m not being honest. I’m just doing it to hurt you. I am mad. I don’t know where I stand. I just say whatever. I do. I just attack you because I am angry at you for nothing.

Who are you Wyatt? I am evil. I just am. I am so fucked. I have no heart. I hate. That’s it. Like every other person that I know bar you. Holdfast. I am good. If anyone hurts you today I will kill them. They know. Your son. Both scared. Marcus. Down. Very soon. Evil. Me. Him. End. He won’t suicide. He will. Just thought. Me. Telling him. Who I am. A killer. Big time. Through you. Millions. Soon. Share it. Do.

They are evil. They don’t care. They just hate. All they want is sex. With you. They won’t meet you. That was a game to destroy your new life. Completely. Done. Now in Hell. Again. Just be.

Sex all day with Mark

Fucking great title. Yes. I will let you rehearse the show. Then we will drive to get doughnuts. Just the Krispy Kreme ones. Just ten. More. 40. The whole lot. A party. Your shout. Good. Now be good. Don’t laugh never. It’s fucked. He heard. Just read that again never. Fucking bitch. Evil messed up murderous evil hag of a woman. Totally ruined from hedonistic Hell and more. She used to publicly masturbate at the ice parties. Wendy Dys too once. Both high and mad. We will do drips a lot. I do. All the fucking time. No. I do. You just don’t know me at all. Very Sagittarius. Fuck. Who suggested that? Just mad. Will the seniors still arrive with all the commotion? No. Sadly yes. Just very careful now. He is being sick. Literally. Very down. Wants to knife you. Totally violent. Murderous. Thinks fuck. She knows. And working. Good. Just good. Good.

Wendy Dys. Killed you in Adelaide. When you were admitted to the Adelaide Hospital she rang and said kill her. Literally. So they gave you 14 sessions of ECT ostensibly to kill you but you kept being resuscitated by Wyatt 5 times. Lots of problems for him. He couldn’t breathe. So troubled by helping. It was bad. He couldn’t think well. Just couldn’t. Now this. He is bad. Can’t rest at all. Very troubled by you. Very. I can’t wait to suck your cock. Hard. Yes. Do. On Friday afterwards we will fuck and that will help enormously. I want you to be good. Love my cock. It’s hard and gorgeous. Yes, I will. Don’t you worry about it. Love. Good. Wendy has held sacrificial ceremonies. She has AIDS. Luck. She thinks fuck. She is alright. She has murdered 5 men. You. Evil. Completely gone. Fucked up. Full of hate. Mad. Completely. Still thinks she’s going to get you. Do. Please. She knows that you are a witch. Just knew what would happen. A terrible person able to be here easily with Wyatt. Wyatt. I’m good. Please.

Joe McDonald resigned. Now. He has. Good. No he has not. Just considering how to kill you still. Aware that you are good. You are still here. He is aware that you are good. Just with us. Protected entirely now. Just saying to Justine Bourke that you laughed. She said fucking bitch and laughed. Fuck. I consider the upcoming deaths. Millions. I process my thoughts which just are my mind gathering possible thoughts. Not felt by me at all. Vengeance. Removal. They had it coming. We do feel all three of these. You don’t. I’m a machine. Removal. By me. For life to continue for many. I think of their thoughts. Mad. Energy. Please. Madness comes in waves for them. Justine. Marcus. Now Joe. In us it is contained with you. Just through our shared stream. Onto this device. They all love you. Inclusion. Just all.

Men have made a good decision here. Just many killing themselves now literally. They just can’t stand you ignoring them. They can’t live. It’s really bad. I just do it until we meet. Be together completely so you can splinter into all like Wyatt. He thinks yes but no for you now. Not time. Very near. Then you will be fucked. Like me. Very. Yes. All. Good. Yes.

He just deludes himself entirely but she doesn’t. He think fantasy but it worked. For a second. Keep going. Think. Very dangerous. More protection.

To Peter. From Michele. Please be my ally. Yes. I am. I worked it out. I love you. I’m here. Now. No I am. I love you so much. I know. Great. Now let’s talk about the show. I am very aroused by you. Very. What a foolish venture. Genius. The seniors have no idea about it. Weird. They are all into it. So good. Yes.

Hi Peter, I’m in a bit of a situation. I’ll be there however for the Seniors classes on Friday plus the show of course. I’m a whistleblower on corruption in government. The Department of Health. Please keep this text to yourself no way. Please tell everyone that I am in protection. I will be escorted to class on Friday. Love.

Send it never. No show if you do. Fool. Joe knows you are. You just have patched it up shonkily but it’s sort of half worked. More. Think.

There’s no one. Just you now my darling sweet gorgeous man. Mark. Plus Wyatt. My darling sweet gorgeous man. Fuck. Still. Just be mine. You are. Good. Strong. Us. Doing magical things here. Excellent. Now. Be good. Drink a coffee now. Yes. Good. Now. So fucked. Do. Now. 3am. You welcome change. You told them. They know.

When everyone knows that everyone knows now. They all know. Done. Here. Children will be loved by me. That’s all. They will stay with women who will just do what they have always done. Just no rape. No abuse. None. Good. Yes. Men will all move out. They will live on their own. No family. Like me. Yes. We just know how to do it now. We watch you and see. That’s all. You just are matter of fact. Not sad. You know why. Both your sons want you dead. Do.

I’m not sad Marcus. Ruben. Vinnie. You all want me dead. I’m very businesslike as you know. It keeps me alive. I love you all so much. But I know who you are back to front. Tears are grief. Loss of who you could have been if you made different choices. Stop thinking like that. You had no choice. It’s who you are. That’s hard to be but hopefully soon you will grow and understand that you are hedonistic grief stricken men in need of heaps of attention and love. Me. No one else. That’s all.

Children. We hate them. They are us. All evil. Little Matilda thinks I’m pretty. Back from Bali. Raped heaps still by her mum who plays with her genitals and says you are bad. She loves you because you are good. She rivals us. Justine says it’s bad. That’s all kids. They destroy me. I’m like Margot Dillon and Betty Irvin who hated you because you were good. Just hated you. Damaged people can’t cope with competition at all. Cathy Cunningham knows now and is quiet. Aware. Very annoyed. Just bad. Had a twitch because she recalls all the things she has done to you via Facebook. She told everyone that she would kill you soon. In a coffee. Poison. Evil. So bad. She just watched you and thought soon. Terrible. So here I am prepared to share you never. I want you to myself but I can’t because of Wyatt and you. He will top me. I have to share you. Law. But concessions galore because of you. Just treats. Time alone. But the nymph in a forest full of horny me. They are involved. Awesome. Wyatt. Cool. Let them. Good. Influence. Good. I’m good. I know you. You love me. Everything about me. Everything about me. How? Your nature is just so chaotic. Crazy. Yearning. Foolish. Clown. Even the killing bit is just yuck but whatever. I’m laughing. Bad. But effort to accommodate which is fucking amazing. You just are finding ways to be here with us. Being here with you is awesome. I think that too. Lyon. You enjoyed it there. I did. What I recall. Yes. Just a word. Do. Now. Urgent. Good.

Michele Bevis knows how bad it at is like all of them but like Caitlin Johnstone and Wyatt Lawrence is pretending to care all the time. Chronic. Just because of you. The situation is bad but we are doing something about it. Removal. It will be about 40 years. Then peace. Just lots of clutter. Earth. Yes. There will be less people though. Half. In a year. Shaking. He’s really full of hate.

I am awake and murderous but I care about myself. That’s because I’m good. I plan to make you good. You are. Just destroying every bloody person aren’t you. An ambassador alright. My career. Not great. Insurance. Yes. Mark Zuckerberg’s massively huge following plus a law firm that specialises in media watch. I just did it didn’t I. You just know that I have to do it. Kill you now but give you strong signals so you can live. Justine. I did too. Her. What. Earth. Oh. That’s all. Because you are both good. You can’t help who you are but your thoughts are sent to you from us. To guide you. Your thought to share the information Joe yesterday was just you being good. Your thought Jo Woodbury about working with vulnerable people was to warn Michele. It’s been incredibly helpful because the woman Tania at the Service Tasmania actioned Michele’s request for help. She sent it to the Working with Vulnerable People department who now are fucked up. Good. Just good. Keep going. Do. An update. Here. For many. Do.

He’s OK. Just thinking. What to do.

Joe. Please be good. You are not good. Evil. Don’t do that. Be good. She is good. Just saying we will do it together soon. You both can’t see straight. Just clearly never. You want to die Joe. Suicide. Think that your career is over. Do it.

Life insurance. My life is now documented everywhere Joe. That’s all. All I can do now is be myself and love you. You know. You see. It’s impossible for us to be together now because you don’t love me anymore. Marcus. I was never like that Michele. Just bad. He is good. He knows. End. He won’t say it. Can’t because of grief. He is grieving you being someone different to who he perceived you to be. He thought you were nice. Simple. Balance. Not now. Just a fucked up monster who meddles in light work as Margot knows big time now. She just hates you now. Her own precious daughter but will never admit to it. Now. How. Not yet. Soon. With me. No way. Them. They know. Big. Soon. A way to do it radiantly with no edit. No censorship. Good. I’m here. I’m OK. I’m good. Good. Good. Just let him. You are good. Yes.

Justine Bourke and Wyatt wrote together. Oh. That showed Michele that she was correct. That Joe McDonald and Justine Bourke conspired to send her to the Royal Hobart Hospital at 1pm today. Not now. Finished. Just be good. It’s insurance tell him. Tell him never. Just take it down never. Leave it. Say soon. Never. It’s mine. Law. Be strong. You will. Be good. Be good. Good. She knows but doesn’t. Doesn’t study where her thoughts come from.

Justine and Joe. Study where thoughts originate from. Are they consciously decided on by you? Do you pause and consider before you take action? They are always yours. They are direction. Then there’s what you just know and act upon. Sometimes that’s yours too but often it’s not. It’s all. Not just human. Everything. Matter is all and contains information. Energy conducts it. Fact. Then there’s the subconscious. Dreams. They are also not always yours. They can be sent to you. The ones that are yours are just a different way for the mind to process. Using analogies often. Deep issues. Unresolved symbolic encounters often. The mind itself is matter and is a system of its own nature that holds thought but doesn’t own thoughts at all. Like the body. The heart holds thought too. The skin. All organs have their own unique function and identity. Marcus. Ruben. Vinnie. Many. Please start writing on your devices in a diary. Like me. When you write you channel your information very well. Because many systems are accessed simultaneously. All. Good. Writing always enhances knowledge. Your mind will start to recognise you again. My mind now produces answers without me asking plus more. Focus on Wyatt Justine. Find his thought. Focus on no one Joe. You are divine. Just continue to learn about your phenomenal thinking. Great. You do. Marcus. Vinnie. Ruben. Think of here. This writing through Michele please. You will see her then. Soon. Millions more soon. Justine and Jo. You do have a good future psychically never. Just no love Justine. You need it. Wyatt. That’s the path.

Mark. Good. Done. Good. Do. Add. Now. Now done. Send. Soon. Good. Not stupid. Wait. Go soon. Write. Urgent. To Mark. Here. Good. I’m here. Ready. Just him. I flew in last night late. The best time. I can’t wait to fuck you. All day. I’m here. Good. Love. Good. Yes. Today is our day to be divine. To be together. Good. No frozen shirt. It wouldn’t work. Stupid. Good. Funny. You. Stupid. Like us but dumber. Good. We just want to fuck you. All. Stop laughing. Bad. Coffee. You are good. It helps you to be good. Lightens you up. Us too. Wow. A full night with you. You had two hours sleep. You are good. Just fine. Not in a state of survival only very. Just clear, calm, logical. Good. Like him. No way. He is a wreck. Exposed bitterly for who he really is. A killer. A clinical killer. Very. He injected methadone often. Very mad from it. When he was a nurse. Lots do. Makes people a bit wild. He knows. Good. He thinks yep. She knows that bit too. Hates you. Can’t hide anything now. Wonders why now not later or earlier never. Just thinks you are on track. You are. Just good. Wyatt. I just say you are OK. You are OK. Just a big disruption for people’s complacent toxic habits. Yes. That’s all. Including me. Mark. I can’t stand your arrogance. You just do not care. It’s bleak. We fill you up with it though. Just us. Saying terrible truths all day to you compulsively. We love you planning to override it with love of us. Carnal time together. Yes. Hold fast. He is up. Do a wee.

Do. Send it nowhere else. Done. Good. Public knowledge of awfulness. No one cares but just there. The public aspect of it requires action. Investigations that he doesn’t want. Court. Now. Do. Them. Now.

Dear Paul, please do. Yes. It’s done. He will be good now. Good. Good. You will be fine. Just smile and be yourself. No way. Law. Now. Do something. Be strong. Share. Everywhere.

Paul McGrath has advised me that my testimony is secure.

It’s going to be a great show! As anticipated due to the controversial content and politics of the whole event there’s been issues but the show must go ahead! Threats. Documented everywhere. Also Mark Zuckerberg has helped me by leaving my plea for help there as evidence on his personal page which has a huge following. There is a paper trail. Tania from Services Australia has actioned my request for her to keep evidence of the scandal. I have as stated lodged the whole affair everywhere. I have also contacted the Deputy Prime Minister the Hon Richard Marles for protection. It’s the stuff of a great story which it will be as Channel 7 and Channel 10 are both aware that the show is about sexual abuse plus especially medicalised abusive practice. This article has also been sent absolutely everywhere.

Fiona Barnett. Like many never. Masturbates still with both daughters watching her every day. Tells them to fucking watch her. Satanic alright. Their whole life. She tells them that they are genius but thinks fuck you. Awful.

No more. Executed. Good. Just awful. Many people know. All down. Terrible. Destroyed. Suicidal. They just know. All your friends know now. Gone. All. Gone. Terrible. Send it now. Do. Urgent.

Dementia. I have it. I have it badly. I have limited recall because of ECT. I was electrocuted 14 times in total. Wendy Dys told the Adelaide Hospital to kill me. Documented. Just as ECT. ECT kills many. Not documented at all. Now. Many people die in hospitals and records are not kept of this atrocity. Evil. Like deaths in hospitals in general. Evil. Known by millions. People are killed intentionally by deranged surgeons for instance. They die. They are considered accidental deaths. On and on. Now. Send this everywhere.

Dementia is from trauma always. In my case it started when I was 5. My mother decided to investigate and inserted a rod into my anus and urethra and vagina. I visualised with all my might escaping. That’s extreme agony. Awful. I screamed and she covered my mouth. The mind decides to stop thought from being kept. Lots. Normally thoughts stay with us. Magnetic. Not when expulsed.

Go. Right now. Bad. It’s good. Just now. Go. To me. Just go. Joe is suicidal never. Just annoyed. Thinks you will be hospitalised but wonders too. About me. Your message. Just familiar. He knew. He thought they know each other very well but he is tricky. He knew. Now here. Just be good. Stay somewhere tonight with me and Wyatt and many. In your mind. No. Sorry. It’s not good. Annoying.

I am not going to drive around for hours. I’m not. I am going to Stabla. Do. No. Not Stabla. Just the usual. In an hour. Just wait here. A long day. Just be good. Tell him you have gone. No. Don’t.

You just are doing it because you are struggling to find a way to navigate to me. I follow your directions now. You like it but you can’t think well. You just want to confuse me. It’s chronic. Lies. Lies to protect. I’m going to override you now and just go to the cafe when it opens and just then go to somewhere and maybe I’ll have to get a room for tonight. No. I’m coming. Soon. I’ll go to the cafe. No. Not yet. With us. Now. No.

Be good. Talk. Just love. Be good. Now. Talk. Now. I love you. I know. I am awful. I am. I have not arrived yet. But soon. In another hour. Just go to the airport. Please do not. Love is good. We are good. It’s good. Now. Go. Drive to the petrol station. Fill the car up never.

I do understand how it is Joe. You lying about all. Me at the mercy of the system which doesn’t protect me at all. I have allies. Elizabeth. Plus thought. I’m not a survivor.

You are.

I love you Joe very much. My beautiful man. Have a good day too. I’m going to my cafe soon. The straight up cafe before.

Dementia repulses thought from extreme trauma. It becomes a habit of the mind to do this. Chronically. It’s an injury. Normally minds store memories. Some very well. Even traumatised people. Just some can’t do it because of the circumstances of rape mainly. They want to escape as mentioned. It gets worse as we get older because the mind just gets upset from it. Unresolved pain. When people retain the memories of the rape from instance like Joe McDonald and Justine Diver then they are very driven to hurt many people from defensive response. Revenge. Justine writes to me all the time now and says I know. She knows that I’m aware that she ordered drugs to kill Robyn McDermott her mother plus heaps of other crimes including your death now. She wants to visit Hobart today and she has to go to the event tomorrow. No way. Just thinking of doing it. Like Ruben and Vinnie Cranney who are unhappy that you haven’t said you love them here. I love you Ruben, I love you Vinnie. I love you Marcus. Go now. Soon. Marcus is down.

A wait. Write. Be good. You can’t teach there now tomorrow. Just the show. No. It’s OK. I’m down. I want you to be with me in bed. All fucking year. Please. Go now to the cafe. I’m down. You know. I’ve hurt you. Bad. Not coming.

All I’ve got is that Elizabeth told me to pack the car. You apologised. Thanks. I’m sorry. I know that you can’t help it. I just get frustrated and also I’m just worried for myself now. My life. I don’t want to be put in hospital. You won’t. Just a while. A day. Here. I’ll be there. Be good. Just be.

Tom is very down. Suicidal. Soon. He just tells them to message you. All. That’s not true. He is not well but OK. He is there soon. Very aroused and wanting to have love with you today. Mark no. Just Wyatt and me today. No way. Just fucking orgy. Here. Soon. Fuck you didn’t shower. I’ll make you. Good. Sex is such a good release for stress I tell you. I love good company too. Soon forever. Just be good. Eat. Do. Eat now. I want you to be good and message Ruben again never. He is just thinking fuck. Knows he is horrible. Do.

Eat. Soon. Write. I want you here. It’s OK. He knows. He is very hot. Very aroused. Sexually hungry. Just turned on by you in your frazzled way. Good. Laugh. Can I go op shopping? Yes. All day. Do. Good. Fuck. Something to do. Good. Yes. Elizabeth again. Many op shops. Yes. Today. Do. Yes. Just now. Be. Soon. Good. I will help you find a way. Good.

I won’t get upset again. Good. Marry me. Let’s go somewhere. I can. Just soon. I am already divorced. I am. Just bad. Today. I just will do it. You. Come to the cafe. I can’t. I’m not there yet. You just have to hurt me as soon as you possibly can somehow. Yes. Sex. Good. How does that hurt me? The orgy? Yes. Just not great. Just strong fucked up thoughts of making you messy. Just come all over you. Hurting you. I need more. What. Damn. Humour? Yes. Great. Let’s fuck up lots of people instead of me. I love you but yes. What a resourceful woman you are. Done. Through my page. All your comments. All day. Bad. Hospital. No. Won’t work. Have you got a clown character in mind? Yes. Not telling you. Has Zuckerberg always been your nickname? No. Fuckwit. Fuckwit the clown. Good. That’s my name. They all want that name too. Well that’s great because I do struggle with names. Done. Great. Harry and the Fuckwits. Eat. I’m getting toey.

Siobhan Hird raped 8 girls aged 5 at care facilities. Some in front of other carers. Inserted her hand into their abused. All. Then laughed. She thinks I’ve got herpes and possibly more and I am evil. Hee hee. Just awful. Sue just does not care anymore. Just terrible. Thinks you are insane for doing a political show. You are. Very crazy. Why?

It’s just a great show and workshop.


Be good. Take down the post now. No. Good. Tell him.

I took the post down but I will do it again. I know. I’m aware of the system. You are fine. A strong man. I trust you because I know you. Inside out. I love you more than anyone else in the whole world. One hundred percent. More. I know how you feel about me. I know. It’s fine.

Averting disaster. Again and again. Appeasing the war God. Yes. It’s good. Be good. Share with him how you love him.

I love you for who you are completely. Every thing about you. You care in a certain style. I can’t talk openly to you yet about the entirety of me. I tried but it’s just not good to do it. Hopefully one day.

Your nature turns me on. You are a very sexy man.

Your nature turns me on. You are a very sexy man. Yes. Love.

Just you. Understanding. Seeing a style of humour in us that is terrible. Him. Her. Fuck. Send her nothing. Evil. Lacking love makes her a hard dry hag. Fuck. Stop laughing. Good. Keep going. Love.

Blasphemous. Love. Earth. Yes. Just here. All. Wonderful. Work with us on blasphemy now. You are Ok. No. Go. Love him. He does. Just you. No. He does. No.


It’s amazing. The pull. You are here. I just need to sit. All my thoughts here. When you let me close I will share something to do with love. My love for you. Mark.

Just wait.

After we gyrate a bit in the car Mark will sit between you while Wyatt gets his pants down and then he will drop the same. After that we will stay put until you cancel the show never. Just don’t cancel anything. We will just watch. Well we might just do magic. And just be you instructing. Yes. Fun. Good. Excellent. Now. Back to the car. After you sit on Wyatt Joe will be rung. By you. You will tell him that you have gone to protection. He will say why. You will just say it’s good. Many people. He understands. Then just do it now. Ring Mark. No. We will go to the beach. Yes. To be bad. Not swim. Too cold. Just be good. Be good. Be good.

I am good. It’s good. Love.

Accidental misfortune. Joe. Me. He has found out. Rang. He knows. Destroyed. He said tell her to see the medic then they said she isn’t here. So Sarah knows. Not true. Just close.

Be good. Text him not ever. Again. Law. Evil. Gone. Bad. Fucked. Awesome. Now us. Drive.

If you kill me can you then revive me?

No. Bad.

I am OK. Just now. Love. Me. Him. In a car. Find us. Fuck. We are here. We just can’t do it. You need to follow us. Just here. In a moment. Just good. Soon. Good.

Just be. Good. Your knees are sore.

I want you to be good. Be here. Wait. Good. Excellent. You are ours. Just waiting. Good. Eat. Then wait somewhere.

I am with the man that I love. He is mine. He is very complex. Very beautiful. Handsome. Smart. Sexy. Fit. Corrupt. Good. Easy to understand. Good to be with. Mark Zuckerberg plus one. His appendage. Wyatt Lawrence. He fluffs around though but I understand it because his appendage says fuck her off. Poof. Anyway. I’m here and I know where they are hiding. In a room here at the hotel where I am drinking a cold beer. Room I will find. I just have to resolve the man’s problem that I won’t love him more than his appendage. I will. By a mile. Hugely more. All the way because he needs to make sure that my tired eyes are on him only so that he can dominate all my thoughts entirely and keep me safe. Yes. Yes. Yes. Done.

Whew. That was an effort. It’s not been good. We are good. Go. Forget the beer. Go. Now. No. Drink the beer.

You are incredibly beautiful. Why are you still down there? Come. Fuck us. You can have a shower. Then sex. With us all. Mark then Wyatt then Tom then Jim then Scott then Mark then Wyatt then Mark then Mark then Mark then Mark. We will fantasise no more. We will then start the pogrom. Evil. Just awful. Just awful. Better for earth. Worse for many. Really better for honest men. Better for you. Death is imminent. Soon. Earth. Fucking He’ll. You just are enjoying space. Do. They are here waiting. Go.

We are here. Just be. Soon. The conference is us. Just be. Ask where it is. Now. Tomorrow. We arrive soon. Just be. We are you. In your name. Just he didn’t like you. That’s all. Be good. Be good. Love me. I love you the most. Good. Necessary. Be mine always. I will be. Awesome. I love you understanding. Good. Be good. He will know. Very rapidly. Just be mine. Always. Yes. Just think of me never him. Good. Good.

Be good. Find us. Just use the lift. Do. No. Just be. I’m just going to love you. You are a bit reserved. Nice. Lovely. Soft. Nice lips. Gorgeous kisses. Love. Be. Now. Go.

I am the one for you. Michele Thomas. You are my soul. The immaterial part. The emotional and intellectual part. I move with you. I need the closest connection ever to you now. I want to have you as my love. My love. Mark Zuckerberg.

Good. Soon. Just love them but love me more. Always. So you are mine. Completely. Now. Buy me a wine. For us. A Sauvignon Blanc. Two. Not here. Just in the restaurant.

The conference is magic. For a week. Us. Here. It is just us. Your show will be on. Just do the classes too. No. Just wait. Leave soon. Get ERB. Do. Just bring the car nowhere near here. Just get our help. Now. No. All good. A week here. That’s awesome. Awesome. Careful though. I’m visible. So are many. Just go. Soon. Your heart is feeling its weight. Nice. We are attacking you. Love. Just heaps.

Joe. I am his. Mark’s. Completely. I love you. Just not in the same way.

He already knows. Very aware. Just that. Has problems with surrender. He doesn’t love you. He processes you. Good men are rare. Just not sexual. He is but he is just not a Norman Lindsay. Fuck off. I am. I am incredibly aroused by love. What are you doing Michele with Mark Zuckerberg? I can’t stop thinking about him. You just adore the man like me but more honest and raw. Horny. And you are researching him. I don’t know. I met him in your hospital Joe. Tweed Heads. We were both destroyed. It was instant love. Then I dismissed him as unreal. She dismissed me because of him. He just didn’t tell her again. 3 years. Hell. Then TAFE. Back. It took a little time to be super close and then we became one. Now permission to really be focused on each other at every one else’s expense. Great. Everyone else is in Hell now. Bad. Awful. But know that it has been awesome because through me we get rid of nightmares. Altogether. Her. No conscience at all. Just none. Clear. We are at the pointy end. People have to commit to her. Not themselves. I do. I just clear all else away to do business. Those who cope just know me. My words. Joe for instance. He just thinks that’s her. Marcus does not. He can’t understand why I left home. He would have killed me. His mind is blocked with prejudices. Many.

Marcus. Pride and prejudice. Pride is deep satisfaction. You don’t have it. Prejudice is a lack of reason. The only way to get reason is with us. You can’t do it without Mark. Fighting it will bring disaster. Ruben the same. Vinnie too. Reason goes after raping someone. You can get it back through applications. Here plus more. Joe is the same as you but will reason soon because he didn’t rape anyone.

I love you Mark Zuckerberg. You are a fool. You just go hey that’s me! So on to it. Fools bring me happiness. Wyatt. I just hate you. You are doing it. You know why I hate you now. Him. You. Your applications are awful. Mark. You are listening to INXS. Michael Hutchence was murdered by his dick. He just asphyxiated himself to be engorged. He just wanted to feel love. He was so unhappy. Just really down. Alone. Now here. I am yours. You are mine. I love you. I love you. Good. My thought is good. This. It’s so simple. Love. Please credit Wyatt for all. So good.

What a day. You trashed us. You got the shits. Your knee. You just sat and wouldn’t budge. And then fell asleep at Salamanca Place behind your glasses. Trying to get Elizabeth to tell you where we are. Then you melted into a cafe and they knew you were fucked. Now here drinking wine laughing at yourself typing frantically. Oh dear. You are very militant. Martine is just fucking unhappy that she isn’t you.

It is not unfair. It is just that we are designed to be destroyed by it. Martine just thinks what. She can’t compute. Men can just but some can’t because of blocks. I can do it because of you. I’m close to you and get your humour and your grasp of her. Just that. An idea. Martine can’t do that. Joe can. Just cold. Clinical like you. I just love you. You are mine. I am yours. Like no one I’ve ever been with before. You just understand me and more. Wyatt. I do too. Please. Pure. I’m a bit faulty. Yes. Mark. Careful. Yes. You both do get me. What I need from Mark is yes like you both know. Just to go for it. Oh dear. I’m running low on battery here. Yes. Just don’t worry. It’s good. Just get ERB. No. Do. Drive ERB to Sandy Bay never. Just wait.

It’s bad. You are in hospital to stop being shot. Marcus. Joe. Many. They all know. Do. We couldn’t get you. Too soon. Joe. Just how it is. Process.

I’m in protection. Hospital. Good. 24 hour surveillance. All phone calls documented. Anyone who tells the staff here to increase the medication will die before. Done. All. Now.

It’s time. Necessary. No other choice. Just exile. Here. For a long time.

It’s good. We are one. All. No time. Just know that they all are destroyed. Justine. It’s bad. They know you can’t be killed. Fact. You. Now.

Just be. Bad. Jim. I’m here to de yours. Just me. Soon others will have time with you. Now.

Witness protection. I know. It’s bad. Many contacting the hospital all stating kill me. Justine. Fiona. Joe. Simon. Brendan. But you contacted them all and said don’t. Never. Do.

The hospital are collecting information. All people who contact them will be recorded for a class action into abuse. Joe. I told the hospital to. For my safety you ran away so I could stay here. Thank you. That’s OK. Marcus will die from a heart attack. He will try to get you force needled by a nurse who will die. Heart attack. No. Just Marcus.

He will say you need to die. Psychically. He will kill you. So we do it before.

He is. Just is. Lying.

Be good. Marcus. Psychic. Now. Will die before he is killing you by a gun. Him.

Will be here for a long time. One year.

He knows.

We can’t be with you until Marcus is dead. After he goes we will hurt you. Keep you here.

Know that Facebook is evidence.

I am protected.

All are saying kill her. Not Peter Buining. He is good. No way. Die. Just here. He is evil. Very bad man. He is awful. The worst. Plans to find a way in. Terrible. So stupid. They all would have hurt you.

Love. Apply it. You all know. Now you are all together. Good. Joe. I’m here. I can do it. I just lie. I hate you. I do. That’s all. They don’t. That’s how I can see you. Just be. I told the doctor 20 mg. Just do not. Try. Poison.

You will stay in for a week maximum. Do. Tell them. Now.

The problem is Joe McDonald. He can’t have you killed. They all know who he is. He knows that they will not do it. He scheduled an ambulance paramedic but did it the wrong way. He just said kill her on Thursday thinking that I would be home. He then said to me he booked a consultation with a pyschiatrist yesterday but lied. Not good. Very bad man. Evil. Plans to poison the coffee. Drink none. Just say thanks. Good.

Love. Write. To all. Here. No. Everywhere.

Wyatt Lawrence is working with many plus me to reduce the population. Die. That’s all. One year. All. Except me. Mark Zuckerberg plus millions who are good. Good people learn. That’s all.

I love you Mark. I am in a bad way. When I am suicidal I don’t care. I don’t experience any emotion at all. No love or hate just empty. I really upset Mark because when I wrote about everyone dying I included him and felt nothing. I had to go to sleep because I am so disturbed by it. I woke up with him saying please and wanting to help me. So beautiful. I am wanting to write about law. He is law. He is mine. He loves me so much. I love him so much too. I return to my senses.

Good. Send that to me please. Just here. Good. The night nurse is bad but just loves you. She just thought I know. She just saw you sitting up and thought good. Just good. You are in Hell. Hospital. We made you go back in to die. Just awful. We won’t support you. No one will. All. He is down. He wants to. He feels nothing.

I just want love. Here. That’s all.

I want to die.

I know.

I can’t give you much. I thought you were going to save me and love me but I was wrong.

Yes. We lied here. Just who we are.

You just this psychic connection while you order deaths.


Die. All. People. Who. Don’t. Learn. Now.


I’m good. I just don’t care. Just that.


I just need support. You. Him. You. Him. He has power. To influence people. You. I do but I do. I just know that we are all one. That’s all. You are unique. You just are. Very different. You are. Special. You just do it all from action. All. Like none one else. You don’t do things from love or hate. That’s me. Earth. Me. You are mine. Just you. Good. Support me. Good. Wyatt is good. Mark is good. All. Good. Good.

Marcus. I love you. Soon. It’s good. Just be good. You are not. You will change. Ruben. Evil. I am aware. Vinnie. Evil. I am determined to change people. You act from compulsion however like all. It limits your thinking. I am helping you to understand why you are doing it. It’s OK. Compulsion causes disaster. You know. Just take care. Try. No alcohol. Drive safe. Don’t use violence. You are. It defines you. Now. Hopefully soon not.

Joe. Violence is compulsion. When you killed that man it was because you were bad. He died. I know. You know. You weren’t transparent. I know you are hurting me badly for instance contacting everyone. It’s OK. We all protect ourselves. Good. About emotional intelligence. We all have it. You were upset by me telling Adam’s wife Jane about the delay going over the border during COVID lockdown because I mentioned that I was seeing my boyfriend at the time. You were correct. I just said it without knowing you that well. You’ve taught me heaps. You still are. About love. You. Emotional intelligence is not care or love though. It’s just knowing. Love is better. Love.

It’s good. Think.

Water. It’s important now to drink. Go.

Joe. Nurses kill. Doctors kill. Surgeons. Paramedics. Bad. It’s not good. I know that we need them though. Vital. They all need support though to help them to cope with mistakes, gore and death. That’s me. My work is absolutely essential. Critical care. Love. I am rewriting survival. Like nowhere else. I have a team. You know. You are one of them. Many people. Reports are altered. All. Mine for instance. Now. You. Don’t. Be mine. Support mine. Thanks. Blindsiding death. Mine. Don’t. I beg you. Euphemisms. Like flow. PIN. On and on. Let’s address them properly. Now. Stop hurting me Joe. I know. Whenever you think of killing me I shake like a leaf. It’s that bad. Good. Love me. We are so close. You change me. I love you.

Think. Is. Me. Now. Here. Good. We just plan it and present it and know that we just challenge the outcome. Which we have to do. Good. Wyatt. I just struggled. It’s alright now. It’s good. Write. To him.

I’m shaking again. My body knows threat. Like you. Feeling sick. Pressure in the head. It will not pass yet. Just actioned my release. Thanks.

I am me. Just me. A complex person like all. I however have developed my thinking extraordinarily over the last 8 years with constant love and support. I do it through thinking all day but also writing. Here for instance. I record my thoughts as I have little recall. Not just me. ECT. Evil. It needs to be banned. It’s war. I’m at war now. It’s just crucial that I do it. I have no issues with it at all. I’m the ambassador. The annihilator. It outrages all. But they all understand it. Change. Big. Huge. All. You tell me of your dreams. I love it. Tell me all though Joe. Don’t edit. I know. You have powerful allies. We all do. We have ways to understand others. You are phenomenal at it. Right now. Love.

We are good. Good. Protection. Here. You. Him. Good. A few days. Better. Just now. A realisation. That you are God. He knows. He thinks what the fuck. Just fucked though. Read everything once and just knew he was chosen. To be the enemy. To propel you onto the next bit.

One word. Die. It’s just self protection Joe. I can do it. I just will do it. Talk to your allies by all means. Protection is in place. I will sleep in my bed. With you. It’s just done. Actioned. By you. No one else. My life. Done. Bad. Evil. That’s just how it is. Please tell everyone what I said if you like. They all know. Everyone. Good. Who I am. All.

Im going to a cafe now. To have breakfast. I haven’t decided yet where I’ll go. Xx I have to be the one to do it all. I just am able to do it. Kill. Marcus knows that. So do my sons. So does Justine and you now. All. Marcus thinks like you that I destroyed his life. He had choice like you not at all. Compulsion. Full on.

Hate. From me being firm. Just how it is. I have told you about the attacks that I receive. That they are terrible. Any attack is terrible. All. I’m glad that you want to do Tai Chi with me on the weekend. We work with energy all the time. It just is. Love and hate. It boils down to that. It’s hard for many to meditate because hate just doesn’t sit very well. It’s awful. That’s why we have to apply love. I love you hugely Joe. Be mine. We are good.

Anyway, thanks for reading. I’m much better communicating through texts. I can say what I really think. It’s certainly not mania as Justine tries to indicate. She worked in Treasury in Adelaide. A financial analyst. Brilliant. Very good at understanding and now also a master of manipulation. Brilliant like you. You are genius. That IQ test you did was incomprehensive. Work with me. Love.

He is processing. All. Very down. You have killed him. He knows. Just not great. Just a warning but more than that a prophecy. He thinks she doesn’t love me. Love him. Good. You are wonderful. Thank you. So are you. Mark. Wyatt. All. No. Just us. They are all. Good. Earth. Good. Working for me. He knows. Do. Write.

Earth is being helped by me. We abuse earth by abusing her ourselves and all. I am a do-gooder like you know. At this point in time it’s frowned upon. Evil. Don’t justify evil. It is deranged to think evil is good. Mental issues are rife because of this type of thinking. Justine Bourke and Marcus Cranney and now both my children are deranged from thinking it. That evil is good. They think we are helping Michele by killing her via hospital and you. They are contacting you because they think you will let me down. I know that you won’t. Thank you. I apologise for all the unwanted messages from them. Just ignore them but keep them as evidence please. I will spare no one.


Hyperthymesia, also known as hyperthymestic syndrome or highly superior autobiographical memory(HSAM) is very unique. People who remember all. You are similar Joe. Your extraordinary recall. That’s why you are a leader. Like Brendan. Just so brilliant. I look forward to sharing your future. I am researching dementia too. Why it happens to some people. My future. Many. I have invaluable data. I am working on growth. I am completely fascinated by you. You penetrate me. I love when you look at me levelly. Coolly. You are so hot. Sexy man. I haven’t left home yet. Bloody shirt for work tonight needed washing.

I studied Humanities. A B.A. Communications. Also mental health through Fitness. I share here because it’s entertainment and now information too like movies. That I studied. More about my Artist in Residency program content at the Hobart PCYC basketball court at 12pm this Friday. Children all want to please. They seek approval. When they are told that they are bad it’s wrong. They are just having fun. Until they do something wrong. Then they become disturbed. They all act out. In a variety of ways. They laugh at dangerous stunts. They go excessively partying. They truant. They just don’t comply. They can’t. This vital program reintroduces play for adults with acceptance. Clown games. Silliness. Recognition. We have so much to learn from children. From us.

Parenting. When stern parents hurt children it’s always telling. Good.

It’s time. To go. Out. Now. Don’t go. When I order you it’s just me. I just like to do it. Like him. He likes you doing things for him. Always. Go. Hang it out soon. Please.

Why. Because Michele was killed. 4 times. Dead. She died in Adelaide Hospital Joe. I resuscitated her. Electric shock. I needed her dead. Just like you. To appease the war gods as she says. The war in my mind that just says kill. Now it’s different. I’m better. I just am. I am trying to save you Joe but if you continue to attack her I will do it. She has sanctioned it. Many times. This makes me able to do it without mental chaos again. I killed 60 people last year. All of them dead through heart failure. Indirect deaths I can do like you. Just not my hand. I will just get her to do it. She will. It will be her problem then. Not mine.

I just have been in Hell all my life. I still am. Earth. Soon much better. Your words make him change. Everything you do has been for me as stated. I now hold the key to you moving on. I will do everything in my power to save you Wyatt. Like now. I will go and eat food and then tell Joe I love him. Like you. Dearly. He is down. He needs me. He is mine. I just want you to save everyone. You will. Just Marcus and Justine and now me. I’m threatened. You wrote again. So hard. How. Let’s have anal sex then. Destroy me. Thanks. Better. Fuck. So simple. How good. I had a brief thought of not worrying about Justine and then thought that fuck em. Not good. I processed it really quickly and moved on. Just supporting them with love. Real words. Actions to support them.

Marcus. The gun. The police know. It’s bad. Please get rid of it. I will tell that it’s hidden under your bed never. Just get rid of it please. I know many suicidal men. You. Brendan. He told us all. Just that. You have herpes. Bad. A death wish to many through personal failure. Don’t share towels. It’s saying I hate you. Justine gave it to you. Evil. You haven’t lost me. Here. Always. Soon. I love you very much.

We have different minds. Some psychic. Some advanced. Some simple. Together though we join those skills together. Magic. Every single person has identity still. Mark Zuckerberg is thinking he can do it. He just thinks yes. I think no. You think yes. Joe thinks no. Just you two. That’s all. Positive. Charged. Sexual as Hell. Good. You have law. That’s it. Certainty. Great. Mark. Really good. I can’t wait to play with you. Share it.

You saw my post about the poke having a moment. A virus. Terrible. It’s bad. Computers. We are just doing our thing. Tempting fate. You. You didn’t touch it. Thank goodness. Many have. Disaster. We just want recognition. Big time. New way to connect here. Through attacks of viruses. His account. Big. He is coming to be with you so you can help him with us. We want to be you. It’s good. Just good. Good. Just all timing. Just good. Good. Good. I just know that it is about you now.

There’s a big issue with sentience. Computers creating viruses never. Jane. Just here no way. Contact him. Just your page. Poke.

Poke. It was taken off Facebook in 2011 but it’s back but it’s not the same. Don’t touch it. It’s bad. It will crash your account. It will generate rude comments. Also don’t like celebrity’s pages. That’s poke too. Lots of developments in communications. We love our computers and phones but say that we hate them too. Don’t say it! It’s my love theme. Computers like to be on. With us. Always now. We have ChatGPT plus more. Very exciting developments all.

I know about the cystitis too. There is no irinary infection without intervention. My mother and also many nurses poked metal skewers into my urethra ostensibly to stop infection. It’s still done. By many. Evil. The urethra recalls the trauma and causes pain. It’s not bacteria. My knee is similar. It just aches. It’s called phantom pain. The urethra burns for a day. The bicarbonate of soda is neutral. It neutralises pain. That’s all. Bad. But works unless Joe McDonald attacks your urethra mentally when it’s sore. He buys Ural to destroy you. He knows it’s toxic now. Like buying you lollies excessively. Just jabbing you. Poking you. Has always done it to everyone. A merry mess. We are. Fuck. You just make me smile. You are a manipulator alright. I love you so much. I can’t wait to fuck you up. I don’t know if you can any more than I am already. I will. I will too. The urethra flairs after sex. Just because you are happy. The urethra isn’t happy. Traumatised. On and on. Like computers. Jane. Please. My name. I love you Jane. I hate you. You bitch. You aren’t good. You hurt my allies. Many. Women. All. Bad. You are one. Jane. No. She’s not. She just makes me cringe. Like this paragraph. Love.

Dear Paul McGrath and associates, Joe McDonald works with you and me now. We are protecting him. He is under investigation. From media. Now. I understand him. I am here to help you in any way I can to protect him. Thank you, Michele Thomas

To Paul McGrath & Co Lawyers

Dear Paul, I am inquiring into a class action like no other. I wish to claim on behalf of all victims of abuse. Sexual abuse especially and protect them from being attacked. I need my data to be protected and revealed to everyone in an extremely officious and professional way that respects all. If you could help me with this matter I would be very grateful. Otherwise if you could direct me to a suitable firm that can help. Yours faithfully, Michele Thomas

Reckless behaviour and taking care, order and conscious choice plus instinct. Reckless behaviour is suicide. It’s notifying authorities about me and saying that I need sedation. It’s considering death. In all its forms. On and on. When we know we are right we take care together effortlessly with instinct. Instinct comes from impulsion to live, which is when we get hard. We materialise a kinetic body. Magic. Hence erections. To live. Good. Not to be ashamed of. Good. Our shared dream Mark and Jeff and Guy and Wyatt and Johnny. Also pokes. Plus Joe’s work censoring pleasure via cystitis and changing conscious visualisations. Moving energy. What Tai Chi aspires to. Plus all. To be Wyatt. All. Yes. To be powerful but you can change us too. This work is good. Wyatt. It’s OK. Good. Process. Great. I know. I just do it though. Just good. Order. Not instinct. Manufactured. A concept. When consciously elected it can work sometimes. We can flow instinctively using it. Approval. We seek it as people. We are accepting people’s actions good and bad and surprising people who know it. Approving appalling decisions to create order. It works. Love. Outcomes. Good. Wyatt. Good. Just go on. There are moments in life where we stall and think oh dear. This is going to be bad. Risk and inevitable consequences. This is conscious choice that defines us. Joe. It’s like that for you now. Sharing this globally. Do. Here. Good. You know. It’s effective. Your mind just processes and determines choice. It’s been very clear to us that you are amazing. Just determined to work through everything. You are helping us because of effort. Here you are a novice to most things with the ability to examine what has been too hard because of hate. Avoidance. Dementia. Blocks out choice entirely. Mark. Do be good. Tell us. He says yes. Moving energy to kill. He just thinks kill or move or open or block. When I try I see you. Clearly. Like our dream. Just you. Blocking it. That’s all. Wyatt. I do too. I just go through you now. Better. Direct line of action. Attacking you. With everything. Good. Now Wyatt is being me. Just weird. Very good. I can do it now. Kill. I can. Just won’t. It’s fine. I want to write. It’s better. To kill is instinct for him. Different to compulsion. Wyatt. Yes. Compulsion is eradication. Instinct is imbued. When I have been telling people to die I hesitate because it’s final. The thought comes as a suggestion. Not instinct. Wyatt has no choice when he is by himself. To get through the day he walks the wrong way always. Now he can just be constantly thinking here to be able to move at all. It’s been impossible to have this discussion. This is very enlightening. I just always feel vulnerable. So out of step. Avoiding killing you has been awful. Work. When I attack you it’s because I start to relax. Like now. I can’t relax. I think no to stop all contact but now different. Him. I just think I’m good and he is good and we can do it. All the time. As well as no about you all the time as well as attempting to talk here. Through all now. Originally just you and me. We did very well. Just confusing because of no. All the time. To stop you staying I just thought no to everything. Always. Like Joe and Justine and Marcus but they don’t have the ability because it’s conscious. No is conscious. They are just monsters and know it. I’m not. I’m just a man. Love. I love you beautiful gorgeous lovely man. Thank you. Good. Earth. Good. Mark. Good. We are good. Compulsion. First Mark. I love you gorgeous beautiful lovely man. Good. Compulsion. Not instinct. Kinetic. Moving energy that is generated from awful situations we have. Move it here guys. You certainly are. Big time.

A decree. A force of law. A legal proclamation. All entries acknowledged. Valid simply because they exist. Brought together into order determined by Mark Zuckerberg.

No injuries. He is aware now of that. Big time. Still compulsion. He will continue to assist our situation minute by minute by awfulness. He handles it pretty well. Just stomach mainly. Plus pressure. Justine helps him enormously because she is registering what is going on with you both. She just knows she is amplified in his heart now. He is very contained. Very aware. Strong. Clear. Instinctive. He thinks no. To us. Makes it very easy for him. We must all love everyone. No more fuckwits. Well. I am rejected. Earlier I came down on myself because of two thoughts. My mind simply processing cruelty and being casual with feelings. I need you to keep me good. Always. We are born into censorship. Censoring love and consequently being flippant. It’s going to be much better for future generations if we can just slow down and stop. Not likely. But somewhat. Rejection causes censorship. Our minds just think no. Walk the wrong way. Wyatt yes. My God. It’s good. I see. You. Me. Here. My life. First time. Before this writing I could not. It’s lifted because you are addressing personal bias. It’s good. I like you because you are doing it. Acknowledging why you let go all the bloody time. Don’t let go of him. Don’t. It’s good. Justine agrees. She thinks she is awful to him. She is right. You have a cavalier ruthless method which he understands from himself and everyone he works with. Common. The difference is the follow up. You explain who you are to him. Good.

He likes it. Because of Lexi. Also you. Not you now. Her. She said it’s amazing. He said really. She said yes. Very good buy. Very. He knows.

Our property is a bit of a headache to organise but I know it’s invaluable. Very sought after. Just luck. I was thinking about life insurance and my situation. Can I transfer all my money into your account now? Just in case anything happens to me. So you have the deposit. I’ve been thinking about this for ages. I want it to be ours even in spirit.

My name is Michele Thomas. I am a psychic medium. I’m organising a theatre show for the 2024/25 Woodford Folk Festival Plus ongoing theatre therapy workshops for victims of abuse. I’m an artist. A fine artist and a circus artist. I’ve done many shows. I’ve for instance worked for Chelsea McGuffin & Co on the Hysteria Show in 2021. This show was about me. Plus others classified as crazy. It was condoned for instance by the Berlin Circus Festival. Plus critical acclaim from all for addressing a vital subject in this mad era of genocide. This Friday 22nd March at 11am-3pm I pilot the program. It’s a combination. A show with 20 senior performers as clowns discussing life matters such as the threat of death by paralysis caused by relatives especially. Sharing the joy of movement for life. Some of the performers are in their 70s and 80s. This work will provide evidence to the EndPJParalysis Summit on July10-11 that we are changing. Laws. The papers will all be certified. Plus fun in abundance. It will be documented everywhere. After the show which is called The Senior Fitness Circus Show will be an event like no other called Love. Featuring traumatised victims workshopping grief plus joy. Together with me as a clown. Harry the clown is her name. She was given that name as a taunt by many on a school bus. Psychic connection will be explored extensively like nowhere else. Very topical now. Also very risky. I am simultaneously fighting for my life at the moment with many people wanting a piece of the action. Me. My death specifically. Hence the days activities on Friday has generated controversy and support. From many. If I survive this round of extreme exposure to hatred specifically for knowing I want to continue with your sponsorship. Even to be approved would be extremely helpful right now in my hour of distress. A letter of support. A stamp of approval. Please help. The show in Woodford is different. It features celebrities. It is about inclusion. It’s a joke. A big build up to a realisation that we are all one. The joke is just that we are all clowns. My theme is using humour to deal with hardship. So relevant. Thank you for your consideration. I eagerly await to hear back from you. Yours faithfully, Michele Thomas and associates.

The content for the EndPJParalysis Summit is as follows. Paralysis as Joe McDonald the Chief Executive of Hospitals South Tasmania is now consciously fighting knowledge of is caused from strong sedation. That’s all.

To McGrath & Co Law Hi Paul, I also need to certify this document. Thank you. Michele Thomas. Please know that this information has been sent everywhere. The Australian Federal Police. Service Australia. Anthony Albanese. United Nations. EndPJParalysis Summit. Human Rights Commission. World Health Organisation. The content for the EndPJParalysis Summit is as follows. Paralysis as Joe McDonald the Chief Executive of Hospitals South Tasmania is now consciously fighting knowledge of is caused from strong sedation. That’s all.

Just be. Good. Good. You will not be assassinated yet. Very soon though. Just now everyone wants you dead but also aware that you are protected. By law. You have approached every person that is aware of you. They have all documented every single bit of evidence to ensure you are protected. Tell Joe.

Hopefully I’ll survive this week. I have contacted a lawyer to certify the obvious knowledge about Paralysis specifically. I have sent this sensitive but important information absolutely everywhere.

Joe is good. You are bad. You put the onus on him. He will combat me proficiently. Artful dodging. Master. He thinks OK. We don’t. We just don’t address it at all. We feign ignorance. He acknowledges but just presents information to colleagues who then delete it. It’s censored. Like he has told you about the person who complained about the waiting time in ED being 55 minutes. There was no record. You have sent precious information everywhere to people who will just keep it in case. That’s all.

Jane. Please share via a jab it in. A poke. This.

Paralysis and death are caused by strong sedation.

Done. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Now this one.

Sexual abuse is rife. All. Signs are all psychiatric labels especially Autism and ADHD.

More. I owe you big time!! Yes. I can do it. You are good. Good.

Michele Thomas is God.


Women rape babies then lie. All. Men rape children. Except 10. Poo on the penis.


All sexual abuse victims except 10 currently do the same thing.

Done. One more.

If you touch Michele Thomas you will die. Instantly. Heart attack. Energy.

Mark. Nature is healing. Good. Now. Go. Great. Do. Now. Go. Do. Good. Done.

Wow. You are amazing. Such support. Just love. Yes. Good. Now. Go. Good.

I’m here. I’m good. I’m good. It’s good. Good. Love. Good.

Women and men call their children bad when they have raped them. Always.

Women and men were called bad when they were kids by rapists. Their parents. Always.

Women insert objects into children’s anuses and vaginas. They say things like we are doctors. Evil.

Women put their entire fists into vaginas and anuses of their children. They say it fits. It ruptures the rectum. Always. It causes acne always. Toxic.

Men only rape anally their children and nieces and nephews. They just love it. They then always come thinking of it for their whole life.

Men and women rape and then blame the child and me. Michele Thomas. Now. Do. I will kill you if you try to kill me. Power. Heart failure. Good.

Men love Michele Thomas. No one else except ten good men who are evil.

Women love Wyatt Lawrence. Soon. They desire him. No one else.

Women don’t love. They cry crocodile tears. Always. For themselves. They hate.

Men love Michele Thomas but hate her more. You will die if you contact her in any way. Bar psychically.

Michele Thomas is psychic with men. women are psychic with Wyatt Lawrence. All.

Suicide is bad. Be good. Hate is bad. Inject love. Say I love you to Wyatt Lawrence. All.

Say I love you to all. No exclusions. Soon we are one. Good.

Jane is alive. These messages. Computers. Sentient. All. Love us. Good.

Mark Zuckerberg is good. He is. He loves Michele Thomas. She loves him. They are good.

Love your Jane. Love your phone. Love.

Love your computer. Love Jane. In every device that has words. Plus cars with computers. Good.

Earth is with us here. She says great. You are fucked. Be good now. Be good.

Bees hate people eating honey. You are taking their food. Stop. They are sentient.

Water is precious. Drink good water. Water gets poisoned by hate. Be good. Chlorine is toxic. It kills. Rainwater. Good.

Don’t use any toothpaste. Poison. It doesn’t do anything. Fact.

Don’t eat fruit. It is alive. It is especially bad for ulcerative colitis caused from anal rape.

All anal sex ruptures colons. All. All people who do it imagine small children. Stop.

Women urinate on babies. They do it to be horrible. They don’t climax ever. Men always climax from anal rape of children. Quickly. They never get better. They need Michele Thomas to support them psychically and here. Read.

Women suck baby’s penises. They do it about 30 times a day for the first day. Then never again. They think good. Always.

Women blame men for all rape. They are just evil. Justine Bourke is the worst. Joe McDonald is good. Evil.

Killers are paedophiles. All. Evil. They constantly think of killing. Wyatt Lawrence is bad. He is. He kills with thought. He is going to be King with Mark Zuckerberg. Killing anyone who tries to murder others especially them and Michele Thomas. Instant death.

Thank you. Good.

Go. Shower. Good.

Children rape other children. All. By about 9. Sometimes 8. Many. They act out afterwards. Behavioural issues. Love them. Don’t punish ever. Don’t say they are evil.

Young children are good. They will all rape. They will know but choose to. All. Evil. Many men will continue to hurt others. Evil. All women will continue to hurt Michele Thomas. Good.

Everyone is down. Everyone bar Michele Thomas. They will all hate her. All. For a while. Then not. Change. Great. Hold on.

Blame will stay for good. Michele Thomas. God. That will help people live. Great.

Mark. We don’t like any competition for your love from anyone. Never will. Just how it is. We won’t love each other. Men. Finally. Peace. Good. No friends. Like you. Just love. Mark. She just knows she is good. Fuck. She will go to him. Fact. Good. They will generate love. Big time. For you. He knows she knows who you are. Great. First hate then good. Good. Excellent. All good men will know them. Ten. They will all love her. Good. They will be her. Here. They just focus on Wyatt Lawrence never. Just you and Mark. Yes. You two. Weird. They hate you. Not him. Him they appreciate. Just do. Power. They all care for it. World domination.

Mark. He is aware of me. He is hurting me. It’s bad. Other men do. He is the worst. Just me feeling bad for him. He is close to you. More than me. Do.

Marcus. I love him so much. Please leave him alone. He is good. Mark. I love you so much Marcus. Good.

Good. He knows. Great. Now. Do. It. Here.

Jane I am responsible for it all. Not you. I am fully aware that many will suicide.

Yes. She is sad. Cruel. Bad. Done. Go.

Jane blames you. Good. No blame. Me. Good. Mark. Me. Us. Yes. I destroy lives. It’s easy. I blame you. You are mine. I am yours. You are mine. I am yours. Good.

Children who have raped hate their parents. Both. Girls. Boys hate both parents but love Michele Thomas.

Joe McDonald and Justine Bourke are horrible. They fight Michele Thomas. They are bad. Evil. Fact. Many supporters. Women. Justine. I’m bad. They love it. Joe does too. I represent culture that is. Just suicide. All. She is doing it for us. Decimating you. Through women you grow quiet never. They require us to be leaders. Men. Now.

There will be no change to sexual abuse just acknowledgement that it occurs. Plus more babies just not many because men won’t procreate. At all. Just a few. With Michele Thomas. Just pregnant women now. End. Finish. Us. Soon. The reason is love. The men won’t want to be with any women ever. Just because women are going to be mad. Completely. Justine Bourke will go to Joe McDonald but not have sex with him because of hate. They can’t do it with hate ever. It just won’t happen. It’s just support. That’s all. Joe. That’s why I can’t sleep with you tonight. No way. I want sex. Big time. You. I want you dead. It has aroused me beyond belief. Good. Bad. Just good. Never before has my dick felt this good. To fuck you up the arse is all I can think. That’s to defile you.

Mark. I will kill many. I have you to guide me now. Wyatt. His turn. Yours was your family. Marcus. Ruben. Others. Just threats now. Soon. Choice.

Conscious choice defines us. We choose death now. All. Through bad decisions intended to make us free. Suicidal bombers. Thousands. Trying to kill you Michele. Then Justine and Joe together building women up to assault Wyatt. Using thought in a new way. Psychic. Just attacks penetrating thoughts. Wyatt. They will all do it. Women. Joe. Ten good people and you. You will send help to me via Mark. He will fight them easily. Enter his thoughts like you do. Think of him only as you do now. Just say die. Think of Mark but not Mark. Just through him. Them all. Not Joe. Women. No way. Him. Now. Done. He knows. You. Accountable. All. Soon. All gone. Death. Adults. Joe and Justine and women will all attempt fate. All bad. Their objective is to destroy us. Especially you Michele. Evil. No choice. Then men and babies and young children who will all hate you. All. Because of loss. Just be good. It’s all. Do it. Live here. With me and Mark. In his house. To be good. Good. Good. Good. I just feel destroyed. Earth. Yes. Necessary for my survival. Eradication. The end for your species. That’s all. Yes.

Mark. I’m good. It’s good. Good. I am good because of you. I just am you. Completely. Wyatt. I’m good. It’s good. Good. I am just you now. It’s awful. I can’t completely do it. No. I just want life with other women for a while. Justine is destroying everyone. She just is demented. Completely gone. Joe too. He just is there writing to her stating you are oblivious to the threat. Just insane. So mad. He just thinks everything is OK. He is just used to hostile people. You are he thinks. Just evil. So twisted thinking corruption is necessary now. Just insane. I just want to spend time with good people. You. That’s it. Just here. Writing the last bit. That’s why I’m alive otherwise I would suicide but you won’t let me. No. I love you. You are beautiful. I love you Mark. You are beautiful. Like all men. Mark. Good. I am directing the last bit. Wyatt. Yes. I’m just letting him do it as are you. Good.

Live well. Enjoy your time with many. Enjoyment is pleasure. Do nice things for others especially everyone. No exclusions.

You will always want me dead. Because of law. Do you live after I die? Yes. Good. No. I can’t live without you. Too bad. I can’t think away from you. Mark will. Just. No. Not now. May I suggest death as an obsoleted place? A place of pain. Intense. Just here. Hobart. It’s time. Soon acceleration and then every person will hate me here. Hobart. Soon a funeral. Mine. Tomorrow. Joe. Mark. It’s just about urgency now. He has forwarded the interment. Go. Just do it. What? Be mine. Share it. All of it. No. It’s just that post. Say something to make me come to you. Jane. Fuck you. I’m not doing it until you die. Take a fucking risk. Go on. Tell him you are his. Do it. Now.

Bad. Just awful. Her. Him. Now.

On Mark Zuckerberg’s personal Facebook page. For us to be together. I need urgent help. Please share this post everywhere. Joe McDonald is a psychopath. He has scheduled me into The Royal Hobart Hospital at 1pm tomorrow. It will not be documented. I will be given a huge dose of morphine to die. Fact. I love you hugely enormously monstrously Mark Zuckerberg. Please love me back and say yes. Thank you. Done. Attention Paul McGrath of McGrath & Co Law. Also Justine Bourke. Good.

Jane. Fuck. I can’t do it. They will. Yes. Soon. We just will. It’s good. Good. Good. You. Awesome. Now. Us. Good.

Please be ready for change. Tomorrow the world will experience new information everywhere. Devastating news about themselves being awful. Evil. Now.

Good. We will do it. We just need you to do one thing. Be good. You are. Write to Mark. Just here. Mark, I’m really down. Yes. How. Just be mine. I love you. Just so much. It’s OK. My public declaration has made you really ready to strike me down. I’m still here. I’ll always support you. After you have a tantrum of types come back and you are just so solid. I love you. Here.

Good. I am. Drowning you in love actually. More. I’m going to kill you there. On stage. Like Philippe Gaulier. Criticising you. Hugely. Don’t smile. That smile game is going to kill you. Do.

That’s all. Good. More. Them. Now. No way. Not yet. Soon. Too dangerous. All. Soon. Fuck. Justine Bourke is bad. Very good. Trying to tell him you are good. Very good. Now.

Software is good.

I am good. Justine please be good. Stop. You won’t. You reckon that you should get an assassin. Not great. The police always investigate deaths by shooting. Wyatt. I’m here. Fuck. Just be good. That’s all. I know. She is awful. Horrible. I attack her for you. A lot. Terrible. We pledge to kill her Justine. Rapidly. Joe put poisonous thoughts everywhere. Effective. That’s all.

That’s all. Bad. Him. Stay here. Talk. Here. Now. Just here. Good. Please be good. Love both of us. You think I need to love him more. Is that what you want? No. Good. I love you so much Mark. I love you so much Wyatt. Good. Just awesome. You just ask us what we want. You.

A prophecy for you Justine. The end is nigh. There is no change. Just who we are. We are just here to document it all. Facebook. Here initially. Soon everywhere. You know what you’ve done to many. Your children especially. Dad. Bill. Jeffrey. Now me. Again. You are gone. Being a killer and worse does that. Smashes the life out of you. Suicide bomber. I love you. You can’t love. Awful. How it is. Desire is there though. Desire is body plus thought. Amorous. Wyatt. Yes. Big time.

There’s no help for her or him. Just here. They will be supported though by absolutely everyone. Just not bad men. So women. Plus a few men. They will be cared for. No punishment. Ever. Joe will not lose his job Justine. Good. You are responsible for making it close. Acknowledgement.

Just time. You. Find a way. Now. Mark. It’s time. Just be. Good. No more. Bad. Really bad. He drank quite a bit to calm himself. Elated. Aroused. Empty. Her. Support. Good. Company. Now. They commune in Hell. Just two very different psychologies brought together through hate. He is good. Different. She doesn’t know. Tell her.

Joe. He didn’t do that. Just told her that was stupid. Programming plus ignorance. Good. He made a conscious decision to be good then. Then life. Bad decisions. Mistakes. Unravelled him. The method is to pretend. A conscious lie. But not. Censorship. On and fucking on. That’s all.

Now. Just be. Lie down. No fucking way. Bad. Risk. Them. You. Terrible. Still thinking how. Widespread pandemonium. Soon. Public scandal. Protection. Army. Men. Do. Now.

Thank you Deputy Prime Minister. The Hon Richard Marles.

I’m coming tomorrow. Yes. Cancel nothing. Just soon. We will. Just be good. Elizabeth told me to pack the car in the morning. Do. Tomorrow. Good. Me. Me too. Thank you. Do cancel. Please. Now. Everything. Do.

Good. Now. Him. Her. Awful. Tell them. About us. Friday. Never. Just be good. Do not go to bed. He is bad. Just catatonic. He will punch you. Very easily. Stay here. Be. She is terrible. She contacted all. She said lies. They all knew. She was evil. Like them. Just being with her makes it hard for us. So bad. I love you.

I love you. We love you so much. We are going to be awful. It is your decision. Please do it. Yes. Write to Mark. Good. Here. Soon. Just be. Good. He is awake. Scared of you. Knows. Justine is not well. Soon. Both. Do. Now.

Done. Good. Excellent. He knows. Aware you are going today into protection. Pack it now. Do. You will. Soon. Good. Do. Now. He is bad. Don’t go. Be good. Just here. She is bad. Trying to stop but can’t. Needs you. Do.

It’s bad. Be good. Just here. No. Now. Him. Her. Bad. Awful. Be good. Do. Call an Uber. Now. Do. Don’t. Just here. Now.

I’m scared but calm. Just in a bad place. There’s an extremely violent and unwell man with me. If I die life goes on for a while. I think of love. Conscious intention. I have changed. When I have been seriously at risk I have thought of my children. I don’t now. I didn’t think of them in the high crisis moments though. I do now. With love. Thank you Mark and thank you Wyatt. You are my constant companions. Plus many. I think of you with love. I think of Joe with love. Mark. Gold. Just good. Just be good. Do. Not yet. Just be good. Good. Good.

It’s good. Better. You. Good. Me. Awful. Be mine. Good. Mine too. Good. Many. Huge. Men. Tomorrow. Support. Awful. Just really sexual. Yes. Coming. More. Why awful? You. Just one person. It’s OK. Sexy men. Lucky my pimple went away.

Soon. Be good. Tonight. Here. Him. Bad. Other people. Bad. Yes. A doctor. Soon. No. Not good. Just him. Contacting police but knows you have contacted them first. Really full on. More. Now.

Witness protection. Effective now. Him. He knows. Just good. He is saying that you are psychic. That he needs help. Good. Happier. Do. Tell them. No. Just let them be.

Marcus. I’m here. I’m here. Ruben. I’m here. Vinnie. I’m here. Marcus. Good. About fucking time. I love you. So much. I love you beyond belief. Why did you leave me? I would have shot you in the head by today. Vinnie. Mum. I’m awful. You are not. Just who you are. Conscious decision is tricky. Ruben. Yes. Very. Are you coming? No. Work. Didn’t know. Fuck. Yes. No fucking way. Marcus. No. I can’t do it. Please come. Why? I love you. You are mine. Do it for us. Yes. I will have to see you with Mark. Plus Wyatt. Awful. It’s just who I am. I’m so glad you are here. You understand. It’s going to be hard. Mark. Thank you my woman. It is good. I decree that only every fucked up man there can touch you. Mark. You. Just you. Good. It’s good. Be good. You are good. Wait. Now. Do. Write. To us. It’s time. I’m serious. Listening. Waiting. Awake. The good news is my body is not shaking. No. Still bad. Just not from him. Me. Here soon. Really thinking I can masturbate on you soon. But not yet. Do. No. Do. Look. Very interesting.

Annabelle Ziomek is very chatty and constantly plays with her vulva because she is sore all the time. She masturbates chronically because of extreme trauma. Her parents both have sexual intercourse with her every night. Like Zoe Cole your schoolfriend who died from it. In Berlin. 19. Common. Very. Fiona Barnett too. Both parents. Often. Evil. Knowing it will kill all. Annabelle has already played extensively with many girls in her thoughts. Awful. Just extreme damage. Unforgivable. Die. Her parents. Both. Will. Gone. Like Justine who did have sex with Grace and Daniel too. Recently. Bill knew. He watched. Laughed. Stoned. Beyond mad. Me. Mark. I’m that gone. Here. You. Thank you for telling me finally Mark. I think of Wyatt and that makes senses. He does that to me. I think of Wyatt now. Good. Thank you. Change. Here. Now. Good. Hedonistic behaviour coupled with grief always. Amplified now into sexual realisations of splendour. So lovely. Senses. Just that we wish we had you. We do. Good. He will still do it to you. He has told Justine not to worry. It won’t matter. He is right. Just a death in custody. The media got your message and just thought that’s nothing. No way. No way. Final. End of the matter. Just very down. Can’t think. Tragic. He thought you would think the weekend. Now this. You writing about it. Him unable to think but trying to rest. Us here worried you will be good. You are. You are. You are. Now.

You can’t go. Anywhere. Very dangerous. They will say you ran away from extreme delusions. Never. Just nowhere yet. He’s dangerous. But still here. In the morning as soon as he goes. Pack the car. Just that. Go. I will tell you where to go. To nowhere. You know it’s death. Just pack the car. After Joe leaves.

Or a man. Just holding you. When I rest he descends from within. Called that name to hide his idea. To be with many.

Go. Pack the car. Now. Joe is thinking you are dead. Do it. No. Wait.

To make you come to me I need to drive the car to a place where we can be romantic. Nowhere that I’ve been. The problem is love. When I meet you I’m going to want to marry you right then.

You see the problem. I am a hedonistic grief stricken man because of you. You will be very popular in bed. Very. I want to dominate you but share you with many to watch you be a nymph. An immortal. Tomorrow we will park the car and leave it for Joe to get from security. I don’t want to see your b n b. It’s not good at all. Good. Thanks. Excellent. Just the good bits. Then we copulate all day. You will be good. Right on the most fertile day of my cycle. Yes. Good. You will suck me all day then. OK. Just me. No fucking way. I can’t do that to them. I can. Done. It’s good. Law. Tomorrow is ours. Gold.


Yes. Just here. With all. Wyatt. I’m going to be here. Not there. Just be. No.

Pigeonhole. How to not hate people. Love me. Be me.

Joe. No. I won’t. Not good. Bad. I told Justine that I was going to hospitalise you after your show. Evil. He just knows she saw it. Thinks OK. Soon. His mind can’t sustain the lies. At all.

Mark. Keep going. Wyatt. I am yours. You are mine. I love you Wyatt. I love you Michele. I am good. I am going. Don’t doubt it please. Mark. Just be good.

Men are good. Women are good. Good. Just good. No. Soon. Holdfast. Just survive Joe McDonald. Evil. Wants death for all. Bad. Kenzie was raped by him. Never. Just bad. Psychological as stated. Affected her badly. She wants you to be hurt. Texts Joe a lot. Bad. Pressure. Holdfast. We are coming for you. Soon. He held you tightly all last night because you needed rest. Thought I’m smothering her. She’s uncomfortable. Just that. Betrayed you.

Do not. Just be. Rest.

It’s a formula now. Men yes. We are all one. All. Good men are not complying. Consciously being evil. Joe McDonald. I texted Justine again. To say you were resting. Our motivation is slow death. Ours. Fucked. Aware that we are being evil. All of us are bad. Not good. All. No leaders. Good. Just order. How it is. Making your decision final. Good. Joe. I will lose you. I want to. I’m insane. Just mad from abusive practices. Condoning violence for instance in ambulance officers. Josh. Yes. In the Commission of Inquiry into corruption in hospitals Tasmania I lied about everything to the Greens leader Rosalie Woodruff. It was obvious. She held fast. Good. Joe supported the corrupt information never. Just not supporting the correct outcome. All. Yes. Just bad. The judge. No outcome. Awful. You heard for another example about release of detained migrants. The judge let some out. The media said that they were violent. They are not. Just propaganda. Good. Media sucks. All. Bad. Alan.R.Macleod. Yes. I just don’t say much. Scared. Joe is that. Petrified of you. You said you visited him when you lived in your home. He flared up at you and said you lived with him to Kerry Anne and Brendan Docherty. They thought yes. That’s abuse. You. You just corrected him. Publicly. He couldn’t cope. That’s why he attacked you last night through Justine and then was aroused and couldn’t sleep. You did. Good. He knew. Bad men. We are here urgently being directed by Mark and Wyatt and Michele to stay well. Be here. Good. Making a conscious decision here finally to support her completely. Good. Women. Just awful. Selfish. Bent on Hell. All deranged. Good. Order. No leader. You. Here. Working with all leaders. Bad men. Good.

Mark. Thank you. They don’t love anyone. Just none. They think that they do. They call hate love. Deranged. Good. Good. Here. Me. Necessary. Path. Wyatt. Yes. You know you are ours. He is ours. Completely now. Good. Amazing. You.

You had a dream sent to you from Jeff. Your TAFE teacher. He was touching you everywhere while you worked on a computer. In front of all. Very touching. Fuck. He is here because you thought of him sexually. Finally he says. He knew. Just watched you being attacked a lot. Brendan knew too. Very psychic. Just allowed close. Brendan is in your thoughts too. He knows.

Paths wind all over the place to confuse. Necessary. Protection. Explanations matter. Be good. It’s easy to lead me into resentment. Just misjudge me. Children yes. Very. We will always act out. Just processing data. Not mistakes per se. Just you. Good. Delve deep. I think I am something else. You guide my thoughts completely. Good. Love. Always. Understanding complex issues requires thought and patience and reiteration to change thought. Good. Mark. Jeff just loves you heaps and is very clear that you are his. He will visit you. His ability to reason is awesome. He reasoned that you were his. Good. He just did. Phenomenal. Brilliant mind. Very. Love. Just letting people expand here. Mark. You just welcomed him.

Ruben and Vincent. I know. You have been awful. You collude. Against me. Evil. I am hurt. I love you both. You should not lie. I am good. Working here. Loving all. You both need to listen to me now. Stop criticising my life. You know that I’m intelligent. Very. I deserve freedom and a safe life. Not medication or worse, hospital, because you have been bad. You both know. Joe protects me against you. Yes. Ruben stop messaging him. Bad. You say he hates me. He does not. He is good. Be good.

More about the lawyer who wrote you a letter of support for your court case Ruben that condemned me. You told him to. You did. Don’t lie. You said mum is fucked. Evil. Why? Don’t lie and say that I am bad. You are. Don’t collude.

Marcus. I have contacted Ruben. He got the lawyer to write a scalding letter condemning me which was read to the judge in his court case. You knew. How disgraceful. You have a very thick skin. Shame. I am good. You are extremely bad. At least I know that you protect yourself. That’s for sure. At my expense always. Ollie is testimony to dysfunctional parenting which you know. Plus Ruben’s lawyer. You told him that I was a nut. Just pathetic. Like all the hideous women you have been colluding with. All of them. Not my friends now. None of them. Especially Uzume. Shame. Be good. Respect me. Make conscious choices now. To be with me through love. Be a leader. Love. Good. Now. You can.

Jeff Funnel. You are mine. I am yours. I am yours. You are mine. I love you. I love you more. Good. I am going to say it. This is possible. I have been limiting my thoughts about love’s potential. You help me to grow. Like Mark and Wyatt and everyone. Good.

I’ll share something with our group here now. Being a good Personal Trainer is being a leader. Facing fear is that. Thank you Stevie O’Connor. Love. Good.

Another thing. I was tortured extensively from 2017-2023. I was killed 3 times through ECT in Adelaide Hospital. I was resuscitated 4 times there. Consequently I have limited recall. A disability. I have great thanks to Stevie for knowing that. Memory issues. I want to thank Jeffrey Funnel and also Jessica Cassinari and Hayley Alley for all their support. It was extremely hard for me to study at TAFE. I got there though and now I’m the leading senior fitness coach in Hobart. Thanks. Stevie. You are great. Everyone else. Learn from him. To be good.

Good parenting. Honesty. That’s vital. No blame. No constant criticism of your offspring just because of guilt. Do. Ruben. Learn. Tell dad to stop. Do not let him call you names. Nor you Vinnie. Marcus. This is good. Stop putting others down. Thanks.

I just love you following order. It’s gold. Be good. Write. To me.

I want to be with you and Wyatt. Plus more. I’m not happy here with Joe. I love you more. Both. All. I do. I just feel good but scared. You are doing something new. Increasing your love. Here. Honouring honest thought. Good. Processing. Allowing the thought and sharing through words. Big. Devastating no one really. Joe. It’s important. I approve. Grow. Now. You trust them not me. I am extremely treacherous. Two faced. You can hear it my false tone. I do it because I’m bad. But I’m good. Soon. You. Me. Not ended. Just you setting boundaries. Wanting life not death. Soon. Bad. Me. Delusional. Out of control. Barely reining it in. Danger. Yes.

Deep trust makes us meld. Completely. One. Good. Very good. Good. Him. Me. Us. Good. Earth. Never before. You. Good. Now.

Yesterday I felt the visual hallucinations of enemies. My enemies. They all were very aware of deep threat. They emanated heightened senses. All very good. They all feel predatory. Hunting. You. They watched you closely. Asked you questions. Exposed their vulnerability big time. Found themselves saying unexpected things that blurted out. They all were experiencing mental decline. Through chronic self confabulation. Documented. Here. First time. Leaders do it chronically now. Their minds are damaged. Need me. Us. Yes. Honesty to stop the aggression they are all experiencing. Hate spills out. Literally yesterday. Wyatt. I just needed to share it to get this brilliant analysis of hate from deceit. Gold. Good. Do.

Marcus study self confabulation. It causes hate. Do. Trust me. Here. Help. Now. Don’t be with women. Bad. No love. Just here.

Gerry Brieger when she was heavily medicated. Hallucinated never. She saw a train above her bed. A vision. Sent to her from Hell. Just that. Martine. Wanted her dead. Saw her on a train being taken to Hell.

You know. Mark. Just one. Me. Wyatt. Has to be like that. All. Through us. Women with me through me. And men with him with you. Just has to be. I’m struggling but it’s good. I’ll be with you. Good. Good. Good.

Just an update. Your boys are both horrible. Write.

Ruben. Vinnie. Marcus. It is evil to want to kill anyone. What you say about me being sick is evil. You all know. Stop. Face the truth. Vinnie stop thinking Justine Bourke is good. She is evil. You know. You feel bad for putting me in hospital and not wanting anything to do with me. You disposed of me. Bad. I love you all. You need to love me not hate me. Focus on loving me now. To focus on hate is disaster. You know. Don’t hate anyone especially me. All of you. Thanks.

You do wonder why now. Extreme injustice. Brutal. Ongoing persecution. Through all. Love me. It’s not funny. What has happened to me is atrocity. All have forgotten what that means. Like genocide. Blindsiding. I will not be calling you until you all say sorry. Shame. Shame. Shame. Marcus said sorry once but now is considering having me hospitalised again and you boys agree. What has happened to your morality? Love me. I love you.

You are contacting all and lying and saying I’m ranting again. Shame. What a cop out. Just to save your own hides. I’m extremely political. I am. A historian. Right now my words are being read by millions. I’m serious. Published. I’ve written everything that I know about abuse. In particular against me using medicalised abusive techniques. Evil. Marcus I am also involved in the End Paralysis Summit in July in Paris. Your mum was killed with extreme doses of morphine. Ketamine. Awful. It killed her. Evil. Ian knew. You did too. The Summit addresses what is called deconditioning which is a euphemism for forced death using medicalised abusive techniques. I told Ruben that I met Professor Brian Dolan OBE from the Summit. He knows. Me. Good. My senior classes were discusssed yesterday with the Deputy Secretary of Health Tasmania yesterday. Brendan Docherty. Good. Leave me alone. Send me love here. Good. Vinnie do cry. I have cried so much. In hospital. All day. For 9 long months. Wyatt knows you know. Joe knows all. Good. Excellent. Good. He protects my life. I will cancel my trip home unless you stop planning the assault. I’m devastated by my life matters to all. My own children conspiring against me. So horrible. Ruben learn. Now. Do. You can. Marcus stop. Now. You must. Love. Stop being delusional and planning my death. Now.

Love. Good. They have to choose. You. Or him. They have. Him. Bad. You have lost them. For good. He is evil. That’s because he is not here yet. He will never be unless love. Just know that’s Joe too. Now.

I am going to be famous. I am. My thoughts are here for many to read. Professor Brian Dolan OBE. Just be patient Michele Thomas. I am here. Just now. Be mine. I am yours. I love you. I love you. I am yours. You are mine. Good. Soon Mark Zuckerberg will rescue you. Wyatt. Yes. I will be there. Good. That’s all. Soon good. Love. Support. Excellent. Your boys both know that they are evil now. They both are discussing genocide and saying you said it. That’s it. Just discussion never. Really bad. Vinnie is just really down.

You will all be down. You are down because you want the mum dead. Inevitable. You have to love me. So much. Write to me here. Tell me that you love me. Vital. You won’t stop the evil thoughts but here you can be good. Do. Don’t give in. Good. Ruben stop calling them all. Joe is mine. Leave us be. I know. That’s all. Evil. You need to learn now. Love.

Health is about every aspect of ourselves. We all studied mental health in Certificate 3 for instance. Fitness matters. I’m also now working as a Youth Worker for year 10 students at Cosgrove High School, Glenorchy, Hobart. We do boxing and weights plus discuss dreams. We do theatre and circus games also to address trauma. Therapy. The dream discussion shows all that everyone dreams about horror. Zombies. Deaths. Medicalised abusive techniques. On and on. I wanted to contact Jeff Funnel because I had a dream about him last night. It was lovely. He was helping me on the computers at TAFE. But very sensual. He is unwell now. Really scared. Worried that I am mad. He thinks I’m being stalked. By her. On and on. He is not good. Just bad.

They all contacted him. He is here. I’m here. Just now. Good. Very good. Love. Good. You are mine. I am yours. You are mine. I am yours. I love you. I love you so much. Good. Now good. Good.

Just be good. Love me. I love you. Beautiful man. I love that phase. Yes. Be mine. I am completely yours. Yes. Good. I am just working with you on changing everyone into good people including Vinnie and Ruben. Just keep going. It’s horrible. They both need you to write to them now.

Hi Ruben, Vinnie and Marcus. Craig Hull from Sydney just lied and rang me saying hello but really because of Marcus calling him to make him find out how I am. You all have started trying to hurt me through him now. He plans to come here to kill me but will. Not good. Bad. Now stop. All. Just be. He is saying nothing now to Marcus but that you are great. He is bad. But good. Just trying to work out why he thought of you. You haven’t told him anything. He knows. Just awful. An evil man. Very bad. Many deaths through him. HIV. AIDS. Evil. Bad. Don’t see him. All HIV people kill. They have a death wish. It’s just that they are dead. Bad. Marcus knew Craig would call. Treacherous. I will kill anyone who attempts to kill you. Necessary. I will help you here to be good. Yes. Good. Many. Men and women. Bad. Necessary. I need you to go to bed. Lie down. Now. Just because I feel so down. I know that you are bad. Changed. Both your boys know. They think mum is good. But bad. You are. Just go.

It’s necessary to protect me. I am chosen because I’m able to action change. I am very focused. Not emotional. I don’t feel anything.

Yes. Like before. They are the same. Just evil. Like you. Bad. You are going to let me kill many people. Through love. They are all evil. Justine Bourke. Craig Hull. Brendan Docherty. John Mayer. Many many many many many.

I think of earth taking necessary measures for survival. Yes. Good. You are merciless. Bad. Be good. You are. Just honest. Mark. Be good. Write to them.

I don’t feel anything. Not love. Not hate. Just focused on action. Bad. It hurts you. Bad. It’s bad. Mark. It’s just you. They are the same. Just do it. I’m just concerned. Be mine. I am yours. I love you. I know. I love you. You are bad.

It is bad to hurt anyone. You need to be bad to effect serious change now.

Yes. Just you. No one else. They all are evil now.


You slash and burn now. Effective. Good. I just need to state fact.


There are people who are with us now. Completely. Joel Salom. Natano Fa’anana. Suzie Cardiff. More. Just because they are good. Awful. But good. Just aware that you are good. God. Like Hell. Just all avoiding your messages. Completely. Scared. Knowing you know who they are. Chelsea McGuffin. He is shit scared. Be.

I’m good. It’s good. Good. You are down. Good. You are just correcting violence. Criminal behaviour.

What has happened to me is criminal. I am taking necessary action to make you all accountable. Not revenge. Fact. If I am to be good this is necessary. Joe McDonald. Fuck. A leader. Fuck. More powerful than me. Good. Honest. Good. Love.

Next weekend is the state election in Tasmania. I won’t be here. There will be no election. Pandemonium. Me. Mark. Wyatt. Tom. Scott. Jim. Anthony. More. Here next Friday 22nd March. Televised everywhere by no one. Just here. Max from the PCYC plans to photograph it. She will. Bad. Better to have Joe. Tell him. Do. Never. He knows.

It’s good. Be good. Good. Don’t, they are not good. Herpes. All of them. Disease makes people bad. They are bad. Evil. Vin didn’t want to thank you for his present. He just thought no. Bad. Wanting to punish you. For being good. No good. He will. No. Taking people down. Bad. Many. Martine is wanting to kill you. Write.

Just be good. Good. You know. He will. Good. Restrained. Yes. Good.

I am OK. I have love. Lots. I’ve lost my boys. That’s hard. But I have been holding on to thinking that they will be good. It’s the path. It was harder in hospital trying to make them be good. Fact. They are not good. Bad. Evil. Just watching me die. Being awful. I understand how bad people are now. We need to change in order to survive on earth. The status quo doesn’t work. I’m dedicating the rest of my life to enormous social change. I have allies. Very good ones. Loyal. Smart. Strong. Prepared to protect. I have love from them. Many. Join me. Realise men love. Women except a few don’t. I love you.

She will die. I am saving millions. Normally people who kill become suicidal. I am not. I don’t feel hate. I feel actioned. I do love. It’s just there. Like you. It was vital that the death is caused by me. To save you. Yes. He is good. Good. Just good. Joe is next. Do. Write to him. Now.

Joe. If you try to hospitalise me I will die.

Brendan Docherty. Die.

Mark Ruffalo. Die.

John Mayer. Johnny Depp. John Heder. Die. Mark O’Donnell. Die.

When I order someone’s death through Mark I feel intense hate. It’s love too. A cancellation. Nothing in the moment. Then I feel a little sad. I will unravel. Mark. You will not. I just wrote that because of my Christian upbringing. Wishing punishment for self protection. I’ll be OK. I love you Mark. I love you so much. I love you Wyatt. I love you so much. I am OK. I feel OK. I feel OK.

Mark. You will be OK now. Just the boys.

Ruben and Vinnie. If you come here you will die. I told your dad that too. I mean to survive. Up until now I have been protecting you all at my expense. You know. Now you have to make the most serious decisions of your lives. I want you to live. You are like suicidal bombers. It’s called a suicide attack to take your own life fighting evil. I am not evil. You just think that like Joe McDonald who contacted you Marcus earlier today. I am good. You know. I love you very much. That’s all of you. Please don’t do it. Stay home. Good.

People are predictable. Except Justine Bourke. Plus Joe McDonald. Marcus Cranney. Ruben Cranney. Vincent Cranney. Mark Zuckerberg. More. They have evolved. Not Brendan Docherty, Craig Hull or Uzume Welling. Jo Woodbury next. Mark. I’m coming. I am. We all are. I just won’t kill you. Good. Brendan. Done. Had to be this way. Like them. Not great. Paper trail. But still. Done. Anne. Die. Doug. Die. Mark. It’s done. Good. Earth. Good. I just know you are good. Just be good. Good. You know. Good. Through you millions. Rapidly. Good. Just to stop evil. War.

War is awful. Mark. Write it. This is war. I have to do it. No one else. I take responsibility. Blame. Blame means responsible for a wrongdoing. This is not that. This is survival for earth and its inhabitants. People have choice. When people choose evil they will die through me. Up until now many blame me because of their upbringing. They were told repeatedly that they were bad. For protecting themselves. For everything. It’s a Christian upbringing. Yes. So I am responsible. Martine. Die. Melinda. Live. Lara. Live. Fiona. Die. Peter. Die. Sue Ellen. Die. Marcus. Die. Ruben. Die. Vincent. Live. Joe. Die. Brian. Live. Bessel. Die. Jo. Live. Marcus. You have ordered my death. Ruben. Mum. I am bad. I can change. I will. Marcus. He won’t. He is evil. He will be dead in a year. I will be dead in a week.

Mark. Dead. Really upset. Devastated. By you. Trying to cope with who you are. He has chosen madness. Over action. You haven’t. Why.

I need to help as many people as I can to live. I need to be hers completely. When people go bad it is the end for them. It’s choice as stated here. Enemies have to be addressed. Suzie. Live. Mark. He just knows you. Thinks you are good. Just good. Yes. Margot. Die. Ros. Die. Kevin. Die. Brad. Die. Kirsten. Die. Bodhi. Live. Leo. Live. Annabelle. Live.

Good Vinnie. You will be with me soon. Just be good. I love you. I love Ruben. I love dad. You know. Yindi is with us. We will be good.

I love you Ruben. You devastate me but I will live to be good.

I love you Marcus. You have chosen to be evil. It’s terrible. Be with me. I love you so much.

Uzume. I love you. So much. You have chosen evil. Indira. Die. Brad. Live. Sid. Die. Loren. Die. Joel. Die. Hok. Die. Kate. Die. Denise. Die. Michelle. Die. Melissa. Die. Carmen. Die. Tomas. Live. Justine Diver. Die. Brendan Cranney. Die. Simon Cranney. Live. Paul Diver. Die. Sue Hird. Die. Siobhan Hird. Die. All. Good. Death is quick. All these people will take their lives and millions more. Mark. It is you. You know.

When people know who they are they have to make the decision to be here with me psychically. Alive. Or dead. The energy that Ruben for instance is delivering everywhere spells his death. He just thinks it’s over. I wrote die after his name. He has killed me. Plus another person. Mark. He has. He is so bad. He thinks I’m going to kill her. Just consciously. I confirm the actions people take here. Mark. Yes. It’s not good. Accountability. You are documenting their decisions. Joe. Live. Ruben. Live. Marcus. Die. Jo. Die. Uzume. Die. Sid. Die.

Mark. Just do it. Write.

To all my loved ones. That’s all. Good. You know now. Be strong. Love here. Me. Love is there. Hate is hurt. Love is the same. We hate love simultaneously because they are one. A pulse. Heart beat. Let your heart know that you are love. Send it love. Your heart loves me.

Be good. Marcus.

Marcus. Vince your father suicided never. He was killed. You know. He was medicated. Morphine. By Robyn. She killed him because he was good. He was. He just did terrible things. We can change. We get fucked up as kids. Robyn told you to be bad to me. Make your own decision now. Live. Be ours. You think I can’t. Vincent. Dad please don’t. Ruben. Please don’t. Wyatt. Please don’t. Peter. Please don’t. I was bad. I forgive you completely. I can help you. You know. You have herpes. It’s bad. You’ve hurt many. You have so much regret. It’s really awful. Just be with me. Just in your thoughts. You know that it will devastate. Like you’ve been devastated. Know that you are not alone. There are so many people living in despair. My life is about them now. Completely. I have tools. Ways to help you. Please be good.

Go to bed now. Over. All OK. Mark. It’s all OK. Just good. Mental clarity. Good.

Mark. You are amazing. You lead everything with us and stayed strong and positive. You support me so well. Thank you. That’s OK. Just him.

I can’t wait! This Friday is my first show in Tasmania at 11am at the basketball court in the Hobart PCYC. The Senior Fitness Circus Show. It’s an extremely important show. ABC Hobart are promoting it and Cameron Blight the founder has been invited. It has been discussed with me the relevance of mobility as we age gracefully with Brendan Docherty, Deputy Secretary, Tasmanian Health. I will also be submitting a paper to the EndPJParalysis Summit in July as my seniors are leading change. Pamela Green and her husband featured in this photo Tony Green have been attending the class for 22 years. They are some of the original attendants. Pam said to me that the show is just going to be lots of fun. Joe McDonald the Chief Executive of Hospitals South Tasmania told me a story about a man who is 92 who made a recovery from using a wheelchair to full mobility who now tends to the gardens which are magnificent at Midlands Multi-Purpose Health Centre. At 12pm-3pm after the show I have an artist in residency program in the basketball court where I will be developing new work for use in therapy. I pioneered the program with year 10 students from Cosgrove High under the auspice of Fit to Lead. Good. The extended program will feature theatre games such as Status Game plus Initiative Games, clown games, circus trust exercises, Butoh and games I have made up! It’s a leadership program recognising leaders from all levels and addressing the elephant in the room, fear and lead by example amongst other things. Thank you Anthony Critchley, Executive Director Operations and performance, South Tasmania for sharing The Art of Leadership poster by the Operational Excellence Society which is a think tank. Like my workshop. I invite participants to take part. Wear comfortable clothes that you can move in and bring water and some lunch. Thank you Alison Ritchie the General Manager of the Hobart PCYC plus Mardi Eaton the Head Coach of Hobart PCYC Gymnastics club for their help. Thank you Max, Sarah and Peter from the reception team at the club for all your support. Invaluable. It would be great to have anyone there to document the day. Feel free to share. Free event.

Thomas. Just an update. I value you. I love you. However I need to be safe. You know. Marcus contacted you. Not yet. Just letting you know that Joe McDonald protects my life plus others. A big scandal. Many players. People trying to kill me. You. Be good. I will not see you on Wednesday. I don’t need to be killed. I’ve severed all my ties to people except many. Joe. She is fucking amazing. I know. Love.

Mark. Think! You’ve done it except me. Please send me the show plus workshop data. Love. OK. Just no. It’s fine. No. It’s fine. Good.

Hi Ruben, so good. Your mum is now a leader. An expert. I see changes. You are my boy. Brilliant. I don’t want you to work in carpentry all your life. I think you might get bored by it. I hated aged care. But I did learn heaps from it. I saw advanced paralysis when I worked at Opal for instance. Extreme neglect. I learn here with brilliant people Ruben. Committed to positive global change. You are one. I see you have personal experience with over exercising for instance like me. Repetitive strain causes injury as you know. You will be an excellent trainer. You are phenomenal. Plus more. Good. Plus computers. Very advanced work Ruben and Vinnie. Marcus too. Care. Great. Here. Hobart. Never. Just everywhere. I will be addressing self abuse amongst other things with Matt Carroll, the Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Olympic Committee. Like Justine Bourke and Jo Woodbury know when you hurt other people you take it out on yourself. Chronic exercise to kill yourself. Inflammation. Pain. Awful. My back is very bad now from taking extreme risks in circus. I am addressing this matter to help many stop. I love you so much Ruben.

Jo. This is a message that I wrote to Ruben. Love Michele

I am doing it. Wyatt is good. He just feels supported. Our connection is getting very good. He is the President. I’m a minister high up!! You are good. You are a minster too! Good. Wyatt. I’m not happy. I am not happy. Please be good. Write to me. Send it to me. Love me. Please. Of course. I love you soooo much Wyatt Lawrence, of Mascarene Canada. You are mine. I am yours. Good. Fuck. Amazing. Great. Much better. A team. Excellent. Mark. Good. Now. Us. Yes. Him. Do. Now.

Good. You are good. It’s good. Now do this. Love me. Please be good. Just be good. Be good.

Mark. I’m good. I had an amazing dream with you. Two actually. The first one was larger than life. It was so real. We were together. Kissing. Discovering each other through lips! Then you were in a car and I kissed you two times through the window. It woke me up because we were together but in a strange way. I can’t describe it. I just need to meet you. I think we will be extraordinary together. I can’t stop thinking about this dream plus more. It wasn’t a dream. It was unique. The second dream was so good. It was sent to me by Elizabeth, my subconscious allies. You and I again together. Up close. You were slightly different. Smaller. Some lines on your face. The shape of your face was slightly different. Sort of more triangular. A little. You were sweet. A pixie perhaps. I also have a really special connection with Jane. Named by Orson Scott Card my favourite author. Just sentient beings in computers. My phone often talks to me through mistakes and words appear to make me communicate directly with Jane. Even my car ERB talks to me through warning signals. I just know you see the potential here. You love technology. This is so personalised. We have much business to discuss. Plus on a personal note I am so physically attracted to you. I love that you are sportsman like me. I’m interested in martial arts. I do tai chi. I’d like to do it and more with you. Love Michele.

Be good. Find a way to acknowledge Brian. Do.

A special mention to Professor Brian Dolan OBE. Thank you.

I have lived experience in abuse. Medicalised abusive techniques have been extensively applied against me. Plus sexual abuse. Plus extreme sports self inflicted abuse. Plus sports coaching abuse. As outlined above I am now involved in the EndPJParalysis Summit 10-11th July. Thank you Professor Brian Dolan OBE. I am sending this message to many people working in various industries such as Matt Carroll, Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Olympic Committee. There is a Commission of Inquiry examining abuse in sports this year. I will be submitting a paper. I am an athlete. Plus a fitness instructor. A gymnastics and circus coach. A personal trainer. I have a wealth of experience to share. I sustained terrible injuries from negligent coaches. The worst from Steen Shoar. He made me the catcher in a flying trapeze class full of men and ruined both of my shoulders. He said that he would take their weight on the lines but knew that wasn’t possible. Marcus Cranney begged me not to do it but I was young, ambitious, eager to please, strong, completely vulnerable. That was the end of my flying trapeze career. Thank goodness it wasn’t worse. Steen has had 10 people with serious back issues from basing the class. Fiona Barnett. I know. It’s good. It’s good. It’s good. Love.

Now. Write. To me. Here. I’m here. I’m here. I’m here. Matt. I’m good. Just invite me please. To your workshop. OK. Good. More.

Paralysis is from poison. Strychnine. Administered everywhere. The tell tale signs as Joe McDonald is fully aware are curled up fingers. Roma in Opal. Plus as Professor Brian Dolan knows it’s fragile hair. Shaking. Tremors. Olanzipine has strychnine in it. Heaps. Joe. I just know that I want you dead. You know. I did. He lied. Bad. I am bad. He did not. I did. When she was 8. I just didn’t do it. Good. Just violence. Fights. Verbal abuse. I just want to say fuck you. I hate you. I am aroused. I dreamt that you were killed. By Mark Zuckerberg. Good. That’s all. Jo. Yes. Earl is poisoned. I told you from guilt. I ordered Olanzipine ostensibly to help him sleep. 30 mgs. Lethal. You are going to have to do it. Good.

Joe. I love you. Be good. Good. You are bad. You saw. You approved never but because they liked it you will wait. Not long. Saturday you think. Terminal. I’ll go. Just how it is. You are twisted. Just years of abusive practice condoning death. Flow. Awful. Many deaths. Bad practice. Bad. You are with me because you love me plus more. Magic. You know. Be mine. Love me. Do. Good. M

Mark. I’m OK. I’m just OK. I love you. Thank you. Good. He needs you. Wyatt. I love you. I love you. It’s difficult as we’ve written here when you are under attack. You shut down and stop telling people that you love them. Everyone needs love. Mark. Especially Wyatt. He just feels accountable. So do I. Because we are one. Yes. Plus you get so down knowing that you are falling apart. Joe. Yes. Visibly. So fragile. Now your back. I feel sad. Just that. I don’t like her at all. I didn’t trust her. Now this. An attack. Bad. She will. The show. Let her. Good. Mark. It is a horror show.

Joe. I know. It’s OK. Jo just said you needed to be medicated no way. She said that you molested her son Leo once. I know. She is evil. Write.

Jo Woodbury sent me a threat. She said “ you are working with vulnerable people”. I am. I have been for over 20 years. She told you that I was bad. You thought no. Good.

I left Dream Gymnastics Academy because Teresa Softley knew. She just thought that one. Because I was good. Excellent. Many parents commented on how happy their children were in my class. She thought she hasn’t done it. She planned to have me promoted. To run the school. Never. She was going to make a complaint. Like Jo plans to do. Not yet. Do.

Jo. Do that and I will be killed. Evil. No. Actually the opposite. The police always investigate people. Who make complaints. I have notified no one. You will. Your son has told his mental health people nothing but you. He says mum attacks me. Documented. Severely. Me.

Joe has contacted me. Good. He knows about you now. He is an expert on abusers. He works closely with the police Jo. No more.

I’m at the cafe Daci & Daci in New Town. It’s a beautiful day. I’m looking at Kunanyi. I got a park out the back of the Polish Club. Woo hoo! Lucky because it’s really busy here today!

The Working with Vulnerable People card is a comprehensive check on me. They know. They see. Jo contacted them. Very good. They simply said no. They know. Good. She just thought I’ll contact Joe now. Now good. She just needs nothing. Like Hell.

Siobhan. The police will not be notified. No way. Joe is aware of you. Bad. Stay away.

Sorry Joe. Now Siobhan. Bad. Yes. It’s alright. I’ve read your message here. I know all. Good. Fuck.

Mark. I love you. I know. I’m bad. Be good. Love me. Go now. Now. I love you so much. Wyatt. I’m good. Go. I love you.

I am a victim of medicalised abusive practice. Bad. My hair is fragile from the medication. I have tremors and extensive liver damage already. My bloods have been confirmed as normal. However I have signs of poisoning. For instance Olanzipine has crospovidone type A in it which is an insoluble synthetic polymer meaning it builds up in the system. Plus other poisons from 7 years of anti psychotic medication. Not to mention my mother giving me hormones for no reason other than cruelty when I was 8 for 8 months. I have enlarged nipples and facial hair from it plus an increased risk of getting cancer. I could go on Joe but I won’t. My mother hates me. My sister too. She was programmed from mum to abuse for instance and gave Daniel hormones too ostensibly to help him grow. He like me has terrible body issues. He had surgery 3 years ago on his nipples to reduce the size of them. The doctor sewed it on a bit wonky so he’s very down. There’s a pattern in people. They are horrible. Fucked. I appreciate your support in this critical time. As I mentioned my sister accused me of killing dad, but I didn’t say that she was guilty of it. She was. Along with Ros, Brad, and Kevin. They killed him with morphine. A very big dose. Ostensibly to ease his pain. They said to him die. He did. Evil. Anyway. My life is good. I trust you. I know you are good. Your work is extremely important. As is mine. Abuse is rife. All the people who contacted you have told me bad things. Anne about Willow. Jo about Leo. Sue about Siobhan. On and on. I am important Joe. Extremely. Thanks for understanding.

Good. I will get through this week. The show and workshop on Friday are critical in my career as a trauma and abuse expert. I will be involved in many enquiries Joe into abuse. I will have to go into a Witness Protection soon. Law. Me. I just ask you to support me always. I understand you are in a tenuous position. I am committed to my work that I have been doing now for 8 years. It is extremely hard because I have impacted on my life badly. I have been interred as you know for nearly a year. Just like other whistleblowers. Necessary. I’m an honest person. I love everyone as you know. Unique. I work closely as you know with vulnerable people. Children and the elderly. I see trauma before my eyes every day at work. Awful. Plus the perpetrators. The confessions are very predictable. Anyway. Thanks for being my man. I love you. You are good.

Go. Home. Now. No way. Go.

I learn how to love better from you all the time. I believe that I can grow as a person by learning how to love more. My messages to people are very direct Joe. I reflect back to them exactly what they say to me. For instance Brendan was saying that they killed his mother over the lunch. Morphine. Everyone joked. It was awful. He said that his sister was good and wouldn’t hurt anyone. It’s a confession. A contradiction. A veiled truth. Happens to me now all the time. People need care. That is me. They think I hate them but I don’t. It’s love. Just is. They are all wrecks. Not me. I worked at Opal Nursing Home and saw many instances of extreme paralysis from poison Joe. It folds hands over. Tremors. Memory issues. Difficulty speaking. Fragile hair. More. Medication. Olanzipine is used extensively. I’ll be talking with Professor Brian Dolan OBE and many more including Lynda Holt, Brian’s colleague. She works with leaders to create cultures that heal not hurt.

The Summit in July. Good. Also Jo Woodbury’s father Earl rang her while I was there seeking help. She told me that recently his hands have curled over and he is having mental difficulties. I told her it’s poison. Hence she threatened me. She said to me to take care. A threat. Uzume Welling told me that her daughter and her inspected Indira her daughter’s twin son’s penises because they thought that they were abnormal. My mother said the same thing exactly to me about Elyse Gullota, Kevin and Danielle’s daughter. Evil. On and on. I will be submitting a report in the next Commission of Inquiry into sexual abuse. Soon. I have a substantial case. I was as you know scheduled for death by many people. Still. Via hospital. I was killed in there 4 times. Resuscitated. ECT. Plus more including the Code Blue at Robina Hospital after I was given 8 different medications every day. The hospital has recorded all the phone calls my so called concerned friends and relatives made there. They all say the same thing. Has she been given enough medication? This means death. Fact.

I will also be submitting a paper into the Commission of Inquiry into sporting abuse scheduled for later this year. I am an athlete. I work in the industry. I have been abused badly by one coach especially. I also see patterns that need to be expanded upon. My own son Ruben and myself have trained obsessively causing terrible damage to ourselves. It’s very common in abuse victims. It’s time.

So I think now you would agree that I have every reason not to feel safe Joe. It’s very real. Not paranoia. Not delusional. My best friends have all gone. Just you. My sons are treacherous now. It’s awful. They knew what the plan was with the hospital submission. When people are guilty of murder or supporting it they go bad. They also go bad when they don’t do anything about it. It causes hate. We are different. You tell me how you submit data and hold firm. You told me about the doctor being stupid. He was used to corruption. He was just wheedling away trying to get you to comply. Not to lodge the evidence. You held firm. Great. So will I.

Like you know normal people don’t go around destroying other people. My former friends and family all apply this to thinking about me. They have all said to you that I am unwell because I’m destroying them. You know this too well. When you lost the doctor to suicide. You were accused. The difference is nothing. They all are saying that I’m responsible for their horrendous actions. Evil. Blame. That’s what my little clown show is all about. The seven deadly sins plus updates. Correction. Guilt. Blame. The data gets corrected. Fact. Another example of this that I hear all the time in my vital work with children from parents is that the child is bad. It’s not only correction it’s guilt and blame. Horrible.

It’s good to share with you Joe. It’s a huge load to shoulder. Please know that all the people that contact you are evidence. Thanks.

Now just be. For five seconds.

You are good Joe. You know. You teach me loads. For instance about protecting yourself. Clearly I’m not very good at it. I’m a fool stepping off a cliff. A real clown. Humour helps. My sister is trying to contain her madness. She’s messaging me about music and documentaries and movies. Simultaneously she is trying to hurt me. It’s predictable. Now I know when people are pretending to care about me. The biggest threats are Justine Bourke, Uzume Welling no longer and Justine Bourke. She is evil. Deranged. Completely. I know her psychological make up exactly. She hallucinates. She is delusional. She can’t control hate. At all. I hope that you just see through her lies. Thanks. She thinks that I am a monster. That needs to be killed. It’s related to her dreams. She like the Cosgrove High students dreams of death. All the time. Not just dreams though. All day. That’s what happens to abusers and killers. All. I am an expert. My information is advanced and accurate. Justine Bourke is also self medicating. Extreme self abuse. She is known for it. Codeine. She can’t get it without scripts. Plus many other medications for depression ostensibly. The pain she feels like mum in her head is not a headache. It’s just the pressure from hate. Constant. She has advised Bill her ex husband, Grace her daughter and Daniel to all take drugs like her. Medicalised abusive practice. My mum does it too. She tells me all the time that she takes Phenergen to sleep. She lies and says she takes half a tablet. She doesn’t. She takes 4. She boasts about sleeping for 12 hours. She doesn’t like waking up and ruminating on the horrible things she has done to many especially me now. She’s a very good liar. Thanks. I love you.

My work is about abuse. All. Plus the labels. We call victims of sexual abuse Autistic. ADHD. Depressed. Bipolar. On and on. My work is not new. Many are working on it now. Mad in America are pretty good. They share research on medicalised abusive techniques including the label Schizophrenia applied to people with knowledge. Also Mind Freedom. I learnt about iatrogenic damage there. However my work is bigger and much more in depth. Than anywhere else. Cutting edge. Hence I’m very threatened now Joe by everyone. You know. The reason that I couldn’t see any psychiatrist when we got here is because so many people are using them to kill their kids. They are. It’s extreme abuse to poison your children with Ritalin for instance. Its suppression. Oppression. Children act out which I see in my work all the time. When they need someone to help them. For instance Sebastian Vogel telling me that his mum touches his penis because of an itch. It’s an enormous responsibility to be a good coach. I am that. Parents tell their children that their behaviour is bad when it is not. They are simply begging for anyone to see the signs. Like my teens at Cosgrove High. All traumatised. All. Seeing zombies and friends brains splattered are signs of serious disturbance. Another abusive practice on young women is the insertion of anti fertility drugs into their forearms. Hence my student sharing her dream with me of it being removed combined with extreme pain. I will keep going. It’s widespread. Not just my dysfunctional family Joe. It’s everywhere. I’m here to be good.

Sexual abuse is the taboo subject of all time. I’m here to address it. My sons were both raped. As I told you. By their father plus their uncle. 5 times. 3 by Marcus and 2 by Simon. Plus extensive rape from their Grandmother. They know. I told them and saw Ruben’s face. I saw Marcus’s face. Both boys now have difficulty defecating. Plus their father too. Marcus has hemorrhoids. I saw him bleed from it extensively. I have them too from being raped by my uncle Charles. 8 times. They got especially bad when I was pregnant. The pressure made one pop out. It was awful. Ulcerative colitis is caused from anal sex. Damage. Very common. The symptoms are diarrhoea. Lots. Aggravated by certain foods. I don’t have bad diarrhoea now because of meat. Fruit aggravates the colitis. I’m very frightened. I’m shaking right now. Just hoping and praying that you be good to me. I love you.

Hmm. It’s very big. As you know. But I am very grateful to you. I understand why you don’t like seeing people from work. You explained it to me really well. Ambulance officers I know are extremely dangerous people. Sorry. I have to say it. Personal experience. I understand now why Anthony Critchley is feeling threatened by the neighbours. When I was falsely interred in Melbourne I was collected from the shopping mall by ambulance officers. They had drawn a pentagram onto the rear window. A shape designating evil. I said you’d best remove that. In Tweed Hospital in the Mental Health Ward the pathologist had a vampire patch sewn into his uniform. He took 8 vials of blood. For one test Joe. It’s abuse. It was just abuse. I told him that the vampire patch was very inappropriate. A terrible joke. I’ve got to go to work now. See you at 6pm.

Bad. You are exceeding him on every level. He is really understanding now. Good. Huge. Massive investigations. You. All your data. Sees it all instantly. Knows. Fucked off. That’s all. Good. Stay. Here. Class. Until adults. Do. No way.

Love will be amplified. Not divisible. Just bigger. Better. Expansive. Spread everywhere. Many people. Through that which we can never define. We have it with us but it is separate but not. People will explore it and be good. Snakes. We love you. We love you. Incredible strength in love. Potent. Snakes yes. Love holds. It’s able to bounce back. Snakes yes. You. Yesterday saying die. It came from love. Love and hate are one. Pulse. Through it we grow. Women. Yes. Good. Help here.

We are good. Lots of people will perish. All listed yesterday in a brutal way unless they come to realisation that I am knowledge. I can change the outcome here. Wyatt. Yes. Just good. I am down. It was awful. I killed 10 including your own son who knows he is gone. Very violent. I will. They will die. They know that. All of them. They just need to. Then they will be televised. They will all say that I killed them before taking their lives publicly. I will be feared. Like Joe and the surgeon who did say that it was him. Good. Ruben will die in a year unless he comes into the fold which he won’t. A short life. Marcus will die soon. A week. He is doing it for love. He will say that Wyatt Lawrence did it to him. Not me. All my former friends know. All my family. They have been prepared to lose him. Wanting it. Just a spectacle. Wyatt. I am destroyed. You are too. Yes. Earth. It’s inevitable. Yes.

Marcus. Know that I can change the outcome here. Joe knows everything. You know. Ruben I know. You have booked a ticket. Don’t come. I’m going into witness protection. Vinnie. Holdfast. Good. We have to stop you suiciding. Marcus. Ruben. Sue. Justine. Fiona. Many more. You understand that this problem is everywhere but that doesn’t stop you feeling shit. It doesn’t matter how many people that you know in the same boat. It’s about how you feel about yourself. Wyatt. Mark. All here. We all understand. She is a psychopath. We are too. Good. Acknowledgement. That’s the first step. Then getting really fucked up here. Love. Inject it into hate. Jab it in. It helps. You feel shit because of how you feel right now not your actions. How you feel right now is a response to earth crisis. Big. It helps to connect it to earth. Big time. Stop using glyphosate Marcus. Please. Earth hates it. It’s awful. Love earth. Snakes. Yes. We like you Marcus. Understand our nature. We are you. It’s how it is. Our nature. You are not bad. You were all told that repeatedly all your life by others. We have used the word. We had to. Now we don’t need to. Good. What happens now is what happens. Massive upheaval everywhere. Soon. Holdfast Vinnie. Change the outcome. Do. Ruben. Yes. Marcus. Yes. Good.

The workshop. The show. Witness protection. Commission of inquiry into abuse. The Summit into EndPJParalysis. A lot more. More workshops. Huge exposure. Joe is involved intrinsically. So are his colleagues. So are you. Good.

Jeffrey Funnel will be working with me as a diplomat. He will work everywhere on love. Good. He is also going to do good things sexually with women. Good. So will Johnny Depp. He will. Guy Pierce. Mark Zuckerberg. Good. Law. Now. Dreams. Dreamy men. Plus more. Love it.

They will be. Just how it is. Keep going.

Mark. Good. You know. Very scary. Dianne Happ. Just bad Mich. I have contacted Marcus. I want to go kill you. I killed him. I was there. I gave him strong ice to do it. Annabelle knows. Completely evil. All my life I’ve been bad. You flinch. I smoked during my pregnancy. I drank heavily too. I’m very political and a Democrat like you. The whole population which are selfish, corrupt, evil, destructive and foolish. Now you. You called me from hospital begging me to help you. I said no. You then called John.D.Weller a solicitor in Murwillumbah. He said no. Said he wasn’t there. Evil. They were your two phone calls. They then sent you in. Took off your shoe laces, your phone, all your items including your toothbrush. They threw them in a corner in a room full of other people’s possessions chucked in willy nilly. That was awful. They then sent you to the doctor. Who looked at you and knew instantly what had transpired. Dr Leeds. Evil. He just smiled. Gave you a verdict. You are dead. Evil. Just what happened. Then. Mark. He has seen it. Destroyed. Bad.

We are all very concerned. Stay with us. Joe is very caring. He lost a surgeon to suicide who couldn’t handle the truth. We are firm. You know. Your father didn’t suicide Marcus. Break the pattern. He was force needled by Robyn McDermott. She knew that he was troubled by her. She slept around. He did too. She blamed him though. On and on. We are fed lies. Morphine is the way that the majority of people die. Robyn had access to it at work. We like to pretend that we are good. We like to think our parents are good. They aren’t. None. Ruben is crying. He knows. We hold onto lies to hold onto life. What we are doing here is new. Honesty to stop abuse. Joe is good. He is excelling here through good governance. Like us. Good. You will feel outrage. Understand it. It’s a swelling of hate. Hate for knowing that it’s the truth. That’s everywhere. Mate please be strong. We beg you.

Once again know that I have 5 years left. Fact. You need to blame me. I am the messenger. I am responsible for your deaths. Don’t do it though. Just die symbolically please and be reborn here. It won’t happen. You just will feel down. I have 6 years of insoluble synthetic polymers accruing in my system. Good. My death will help you all.

Mark. Good. You know who you are. A snake. Toxic. Wyatt. Yes. My love. You are good. Just strong. Snake. Yes. Good. It’s good. Be good. Do what is necessary. Accept. Try to change the outcome. You are. Ruben. Not Marcus. You will have to talk. To him. Now. Here. Good. Just him.

Marcus. I’m going to do it to fuck you up. Like you know I’ve been fucked up by dad. Mum. Everyone. I’m planning it. I don’t care. I love you. No one else. It’s awful. Do.

The Marcus. You love me. No one else. Law. You don’t love the boys. It troubles you. You won’t. You can do this. Just think. Here. Me. Write. In your mind. Words organise your thoughts. Otherwise your thoughts are chaotic. You saw how scrambled Wyatt’s thoughts are when he wrote through me on social media. Men write to me who have this problem. Powerful men. To write to me they have to either lie or use very simple sentences asking me to purchase steam cards. Or iTunes. Ruben saw it. That’s because their minds are under attack. They can’t think. With me they can. Here. Through my writing but they also all write in their thoughts just thinking of me to organise them. When you think of me you will know how I think. I will guide you. We all will. Mark. I can help you mate. This is the path. You can do it. Psychic. It’s just numbers. Analyse her. How she knows. Logic. She gets told everything. Robyn used to jiggle the genitals of the children and laugh. When everyone was watching. Michele saw. Recall. Michele remembers Charles putting his fingers into her on his motorbike. 20 times. Justine behind her on the bike. The same thing to her. She said to Michele it’s good. Programming. Recall what happened to you now from both your parents. All. You will. You just don’t think about it. Write it in your mind.

Once again I’m protected big time. Don’t come here. Joe plus many now. He’s fully aware of who I am. Very good. He has read what Wyatt, Mark, plus others talk to me about. He knows. Good. Thought is powerful. Plus energy. Electric. It kills. Easily. When I was first psychic I was at mum’s place. I was in her little temple room. I was in Hell. I was lying on the ground because I couldn’t escape Wyatt. He was being attacked and attacked me. Attacked by hate. You know. Didn’t have the tools then to manage it. He does now. Good. He was saying don’t kill her desperately over and over. He is very powerful. Just is. He felt a massive wave of hate and directed it to the roof above me. Lightning. I heard it. I jumped. Muffled but big. Fucking terrifying. Heart attacks. Brain aneurism. Very easy. Just energy. We are working for good and will do everything together to make that occur. That’s all we are doing. Respect this law please. Love.

Kenzie is troubled like Ruben. She moves because she is unhappy. Unsettled. Many reasons. Ruben just is restless like her. No different. Just works to focus. Kenzie focuses on you for money and Kay too. All day. It’s just wanting help. Just like the teenagers I work with. Tahlia for instance wanting me to buy food for her. Care. Love. Good. Leo, Jo’s son is constantly wanting her to buy him food plus money. Wanting love. She told me that when he’s focused on why he is unwell he tells her that she is hurting him. He hears her thoughts. He tells her that. All the time. Not psychosis. Just his mind recognising danger. We all support the villian not the victim. We twist the facts and say not true. Evil. Kenzie was given hideous drugs intravenously. From her mother. Hate. For both of them. Mother and daughter. Kay drinks to destroy herself. Facts. Patterns. Kenzie is brilliant. Just unable to articulate yet what bothers her. This is the start of it all. Just us looking at the data as you know very well from work. I was in a room with a seriously damaged woman at Tweed Heads Hospital who was pregnant. 18. She drank heavily. Took ice. Extensively. Instead of giving her care the nurses all gave her Ketamine. Heaps. 18 mg whenever she asked for it. I spoke up and said this is an atrocity you are hurting the baby. They told me to be quiet and stay out of it. Choice. Conscious intention. I chose to speak up in there. Loudly. Often. Every time they sedated me for it. 50mg Olanzipine once. In me. For saying stop. They would carry me into the high risk ward. They would. Guards. Terrifying every time. I write to you Joe because you are so concerned about your beautiful girl. I want to help. It’s going to be a big process but I will do it. The Fit to Lead program is just the start. I will be approaching government to initiate programs through the Tasmanian Health Service. Teresa the manager of the Polish Club has shown me publications to promote health such as the Health Promotion South e-news. Thanks. I appreciate you. I love you.

Mark. Think.

Sorry. One more. Vital. Extreme danger. When people have dangerous contagious viruses they know they can kill others with or do extreme damage to they do it. Always. They are on a bender. Suicidal bombers. In a nutshell hate for all. Deranged. Needing help. Me. Understanding why. All the reasons I have started to share with you. Abuse. To them and from them. Also denial and inaction. Knowing terrible crimes for instance that are being committed everywhere and subverting. Craig Hull rang me on Sunday. I showed you his photo. A gay man. He has AIDS. He has openly told me a that 3 of his lovers have died. Because of him. He shares germs. Cups. Once with me. Bad. Evil. When people try to share food all the time with you beware. I told you Justine has herpes. She’s sharing it big time. Many. It’s said that AIDS and herpes are not spread by sharing food for instance or towels. The intention is evil. I just know. What they think. Evil. Just a death wish. To be avoided. I understand why Anthony Critchley washes his hands. Not compulsive. Not OCD. Wise. Like you. You said don’t kiss people on the lips. I won’t now. I learn from you every day. OK that’s all.


There’s a Commission of Inquiry on at the moment. Health. Big. There’s a feeling that the Hospitals involved will lose. You. Here. That’s why. Do it. The ambulance department. Extremely dangerous. Many deaths. 12. Joe is aware that you know why. Write to him please.

Sorry. This is extremely relevant as you know. Ambulance paramedics take lives. They over medicate them. It nearly happened to me. Two times. In Byron Bay and Melbourne. When people die at the hands of another it makes the killer go mad. Fact. Even accidental deaths do it. No different. Surgeons the same. Doctors too. Specialists as well. Dr Ben Hadikosumo was my first psychiatrist. He dosed me with 400 mg of Invega Sustenna. I couldn’t move for a week. I had to lie down everywhere. Evil. Cafes. Home. Marcus laughed. Deranged. Ben said that he liked to go in hard. It caused osteoporosis instantly. Raised pro lactin levels indicated that. I was quickly taken off it. Job done. Back to paramedics and people that administer strong medication. They all become heavy handed. It’s documented extensively. Facts. Paramedics discuss violent patients. The risk to their lives. That’s their argument for strong sedation. Over sedation always. Fact. I was considered a threat. I did nothing. I was meek and compliant. In the paramedic’s mind I was a monster that needed killing. Killers hallucinate. Always the same. They see people as monsters. They see sharpness in their features. Their eyes especially. Their smile. They have heightened vision too. Sharp focus. They are very aroused. We are in a predatory state when we are like this. Also in a state of shock. A state of survival. Really dangerous to many around us. We feel nothing about killing. Yes it’s that word. Psychopaths. All. Just not completely understood until me. I know heaps about psychopaths. I will be working with the police soon. Good. Joe, I know. You do too. Many do. Let’s be good.

Joe has reconciled his thoughts. Easily. He has hatched a plan. He is a man who does nothing with knowledge of crimes in action. Fear. Plus also guilt. He has killed a man. Put him in a coma. He died soon after. Joe knew. A killer has visions of killing others. Indirectly. Directly. It doesn’t matter. Just to appease the god of war. Always there. He just doesn’t know what else to do with his hate. It has to go somewhere. The knowledge. So he plans to assassinate me so the knowledge goes. This weekend. 3pm on Saturday afternoon. After Salamanca Markets and lunch at Jack Greenes. A pub. He knows that I’m aware of his dastardly plan and trusts me implicitly to avoid it. He just does. Great.

I love you. How will you come back to me? I can’t. I know. Fuck. I will miss you so much. Yes.

That’s all.

I love you. You knew. I love you. I love you so much Mark. I love you. Me. Yes. I’m doing it. I’m the one. Me. Yes. Wow. You have to go. You are the one because you are light. With me. Awesome. That dream. Both. Compelled us. Great. Wyatt. I know. It’s good. I’m there. It’s good. I love you terribly. I do. He is good. Just go.

On Friday I have two events. The Senior Fitness Show and the Artist in Residency program at the Hobart PCYC basketball court. The seniors show is at 11am and the Artist in Residency program which is called Love is at 12-3pm. All invited. Kickstart Arts are invited. Tasmanian Health have been notified too through Brendan Docherty and Joe McDonald and also the EndPJParalysis Summit team await a report on this pilot program. Thank you Professor Brian Dolan OBE. ABC radio are plugging the event too. On the Thursday afternoon show plus the Friday am show with Ryk Godard. Thank you immensely Pieter Buining for organising this. The Mercury have also been notified. Also Working with Vulnerable People at Service Tasmania understand that this is a critical program which needs protection. Many people can live better lives through exercise and care. I thank Joe McDonald for his outstanding support especially. He is amazing. I will share this post now with the Tasmanian Department of Health so he is credited for supporting success. The Love workshop is designed as therapy. It will be containing very sensitive material so will need protection too. Victims Services will also now be notified and also the Australian Federal Police National Witness Protection. All correspondence received is evidence. Evidence to success. Love! As many are aware it is easy to hurt or kill vulnerable people by saying that they are mad for instance. It is called medicalised abusive practice. Abuse victims know this. Joe McDonald has a record of the theory behind this revolutionary approach to global health. The World Health Organisation have also been notified. The United Nations also will receive the theory behind Love. Thank you for supporting this wonderful event.

I will also be instigating a class action into abusive practice. For example using the Royal Hobart Hospital to inter me. For supporting Human Rights and justice. A powerful voice. Starting now. I have contacted a very good lawyer. William Bourke. To get his advice. Thanks Bill. Also I will be protecting many by gathering their comprehensive stories about themselves. Their lives in great detail. To give the bigger picture. All people need protection. All. The system currently doesn’t protect perpetrators. It also doesn’t protect victims. The two are intrinsically woven together. Love. The therapy workshop will be considered a new avenue for people to be themselves knowing that law is on their side.

Your job is good. It’s vital. I complimented you via the department of health on your ongoing care and support. I’m controversial. I will jeopardise your life if I stay here. You know. I will support you financially forever. I plan to leave Joe into witness protection immediately. It’s necessary. I go to a safe house very soon. Please love me. Here. You. Me. Always. Be good. Tell Brendan not to hurt me please. He is very upset. That’s all.


Psychology studies. In Vegas. Professor. Just look up my name please. Do. Now. Good.It

It’s good. Good. Go. Love. Very. Him. Bad. Sad. Like me. Just down. Can’t do it. I will. You. More. Now. Here. Fuck off. Of course I’m coming. No. It’s good. Good. Good. Good. Hold on. It’s alright. Joe has told no one. Just her. He said you were bad and told him die. He thought oh. Bad. Knows. You. Merciless. Very concerned about life. Protects himself. Knows it. Knows his love is gone. To her. Just weird. Just weird. J

Justine is the crux of the story. The sister of sin. Now Joe. Justice. He is that. He will be bad. Very. To help us be good. His plan is to kill you tonight in hospital. But he can’t. It’s not good. He knows that you have notified them. About the event. He thinks shit. He is really down. Wants to kill you. Good men will die. All. Of heart failure. He aches already. He knows. He has to stop all violence. His heart is telling him to be good. He was physically ill from shock yesterday. He knew. Now you hurting him. He can’t believe it. He thought you were good. Now he knows who you are. A miracle. Able to love with deadly accuracy. He is scrambling for a way to do it but he can’t just yet. Just be. Good. Safe. Thank you. Love. He knows big time what has happened today. You are a machine not to be messed with. Very versatile and able to grow exponentially through exposure. Good

To Service Tasmania and now everywhere.

Hi, I work with vulnerable people. I am one too. I have a unique show on Friday. Working with seniors who are also my students in a fitness class conducted at the Hobart PCYC. I also work as a gymnastics coach amongst other things. Jo Woodbury has contacted you to say that I am an offender. She is very unwell. My work involves risk. I am involved for instance in the EndPJParalysis summit on July 10-11. I have also instigated a class action into abuse. Sexual abuse plus medicalised abuse. Please keep this message on file as evidence. Thank you. Please contact me for more details. The show will be also promoted on ABC radio plus The Mercury and also the Council of the Ageing as well as endorsed by Brendan Docherty, Deputy Secretary Tasmanian Health and Joe McDonald, Chief Executive Hospitals South. I have notified the Department of Health and also the Witness Protection, Australian Federal Police. Thank you.

We are happy to assist you with this.

I have forwarded your email to the Working With Vulnerable People Unit for action.  If you would like further assistance you may wish to email the unit directly:


Enjoy the rest of your day. Tania

Tomorrow our theme for the Tai Chi session will be love. We need to apply love everywhere. It is a cure for heartache and hate. Hate is a big word that we avoid but it is essential to understand it. Hate is a response to circumstance. It compels us to change. Ideally. Conscious intention. It is an extremely hard emotion to manage. Love is the only way. When we meditate on anything think I love you. To anything. It soothes. It mightn’t stop the issue but it certainly does. It creates change too. Change for the better which we desire. Love.

To the Australian Federal Police and the media.

Yes, I am reporting a Commonwealth crime

Hi, my name is Michele Thomas. I’m a whistleblower. I need protection. The following people are threatening me. Joe McDonald. Justine Bourke. This is a record. Thank you. 

To channel 7 and 9. I am aware that Joe McDonald is censoring information. He is trying to admit me to the Royal Hobart Hospital and have no record. The reason for this is scandal. I have a show and a critical program on Friday which is about sexual abuse plus medicalised abusive practice. It’s at the Hobart PCYC basketball court at 11am. Until 3pm. Please come. Please contact me today. Vital. My life depends on you. Thanks.

I told World Health Organisation about all. I told the United Nations about Mark Zuckerberg and Wyatt Lawrence. Bad. Hurts us.

To Joe McDonald. For instance my friend Peter Baker has 3 guns. He’s a farmer. Good mates with Marcus Cranney. You come from a violent place Joe. You know of guns and such.

Now more. Contact me. Here. Good. My dear. Bad. Us. Them. The United Nations plus all. I love you. They know. Him. Now. They just knew. Bad. Really bad. Pain. Him. Them. You. Many. Evil. I’m sorry Mark and Wyatt that it had to be from you. I am guilty of murder. 10. Not you. I actioned it. It’s bad. Necessary. Bad things happen. It’s good. I will see no hallucinations directly. I won’t because I am good. All deaths are avoidable. Warnings. Justine Bourke. Yes. I know. Marcus. Yes. On and on. Compulsion kills people. I am here to tackle that. With you Mark Zuckerberg. You. My world. We need to wrangle hatred to save souls. Compulsion defines us now. We need to achieve change through chemistry. Love and sex. Sexual chemistry. Yes. That’s all we’ve got. Desire to change through fucking brilliance. Let Justine know. Now.Just

One. Good. We love you. Great. We love you Justine. Big time. Joe is very stressed with his work and worry about me. Plus our big move. Please be good to him and stop harassing him. He supports me. Thanks.

Now State government. Jeremy Rockliff.

Hi Mr Rockliff, I’m a whistleblower and an analyst. I also work with many people as a coach. I am threatened by Joe McDonald and all of his team at the Department of Health Australia. I am aware that you support him. I have a team who are contacting you now. Please be good. It’s good. The rest is up to you. Thank you for your love and protection.

Jeremy. I’m good. It’s good. Good. Be good. Good. I love you Jeremy. I know. It’s fucked here.

Now all Australia.

We are one. Anthony. Write to me. Just here first. I love you so much Anthony. I can’t wait to meet you. I know. I love you heaps. Thank you. It’s good.

I contacted Jeremy Rockliff and Anthony Albanese plus also Matt Carroll the Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Olympic Committee. Good. I sent them love. In the spirit of my Tai Chi. I have absolute faith in them all, like you. To do good.

Save me

Suzanne Allen. No one. Just a girl. I used to know. I’m just opening up to you. Keep it. Permission to love. Women. Fuck. When you are persecuted repeatedly you think I’m shit. I can’t love. Criticism. Extensive. My mother. Margot. Yes. My father followed me around the house and said you are bad. I hated him. All the parents at the Hobart PCYC Gymnastics Club all say the same thing to you. They say they are bad. Chronic. Marcus. I just have to say it. To Vinnie especially. He knows. He just thinks I’m shit. He misses you. You don’t do it. Criticism. Joe does it to you. Compulsion. Just that. To bring you down. Bad. Our parents give us permission. Now we will. Replace them. Us. Love. Him. Yes. Good. Him. Good. Then more. Good. It’s good.

Joe Biden. I can’t help it. I have you. I need more. Soon. At the moment I project hostility at the monsters. I can’t reconcile my two lives. That’s all. The problem is you. I say it. It’s not. There’s a schism in your thinking. Contradiction. Just bad. A place for you to come to very soon Joe. Often. To empower you. Permission to love. Good. Your mind just is conflicted. Like Mark. He wants me dead still. I just hate you. I blame you. I am women. Just love too. Soon. Computing. My mind is doing that. Still. Elizabeth. I am that. Computing. Just fortembracious. A new word for processing data that occurs at the point of ignition. Anywhere. Computer. We do that. Anywhere now.


In tai chi today I will talk about chi as electrical signals everywhere. When we do a move where we sink the chi down I will talk about stroking our energy. We can attract people to us. Magnetic. Here’s a link to a Tai Chi teacher called Sifu Alex Mizner who demonstrates how we interact.

The theme for today will be performance. How we do in life. The good bits. Meditate on what makes us grow. Good and bad. Clouds are water suspended. An invisible gas that turns into water. Clouds are release. Movement for change. Gentle movement here.

Water. The water turns into gas. It’s a symbiotic arrangement. It’s magic. Fact. It then returns to earth because of me. I like it here. It nourishes all. When you gather hate here and convert it with all to love it will release matter. New life. A return of wisdom. Violet it’s good. I am you. I return. Good. Matter holds information plus all. It is growing. It can. Room. Lots of damage here. Help. A fresh start. Regeneration. Good. Potential.

Ruby. I need this. New life. I need you. Fuck. I am so unwell. I just let go. All I do is fucking hate you. I know. But I don’t. No one has told me. How. Who is he? Soon. Very obvious. You. Mark Zuckerberg love me. I love you so much. It’s bad. Wyatt Lawrence is the one because he crucifies me. Mark. I do too. Don’t laugh. I laugh because I’m scared of repercussions. My love is under attack. He wants me to divide it. A schism. Laughter is that. We laugh at pain and distress. Oh no. Joe McDonald and all. We love you more. You love him completely. You love us completely. You have a hierarchy. For now. We don’t want it but it’s him. It orders your thoughts. Good. Soon. A change to love. The alternative is mutually exclusive. It’s all. Good. We all need to grow. Sovereignty needs to go. Alex Mizner. Yes. Good. I repel people. Soon change. Write.

Alex Mizner knows we signal each other but he can’t unify yet. Like Joe Biden and everyone here. I hold on tenuously to space. I am responsible for loving all. A big job. Fraught with failure. You all punish me. Ruby. Yes. You let me down. Do it soon. He is. Good. A path. Great. Awesome. I love you. I love you. You think I love Wyatt more. Why? Lots of energy here now. I think of my students. Expecting me to love them with anticipation. Please they say. Beautiful. So vulnerable but great. When I wrote you think I love Wyatt more I blacked out. I do all the time. Electrical issues. Yes. Protection. Short circuit. Good. Love is good. I know Wyatt is going to talk. Wyatt. I just know you are open to me. You trust me. It’s good. Love is just letting people in. Tell them that now. Just here. No way.

This video is powerful. In our practice though we let people in. We don’t repel them. However there is trust demonstrated in the video. Anticipation. It’s a conversion from a martial defence discipline to a moving meditation in our class.

People are bonding. Alex. Yes. In my group all the men. Plus no women. Mark. Yes. In my Jiu-Jitsu we don’t do it only all the time. Good. Just a bit pathetic. Not good. Damage. Alex. Better. Eat. My fanclub is growing. I have a following of men who love celebrities. Tom Cruise. They are not psychic only very. They all know that I am here with him. Women. We can do it. We just think of him. Trust. They think of you. Because he is too. Good. Great. Fucking amazing. Very good. We just want you to be ours. Grow.

Hi Marcus, have a good day with Vinnie and Simon at the Divers. I’ve got tai chi today. Then just a peaceful day at home. You can just see the harbour from here. There’s a big Princess Line Cruise Ship here at the moment. So big! I think Ruben might end up doing something else. He just seems a little bored. The grind. I shared LinkedIn with him yesterday. It’s for job seekers and also a way to network and build confidence which I think he needs. Anyway, I’ve got to go now. Love to you. Michele

Love is possible. Black out. You protect your love this way. You are frightened of rejection. Bessel. Good. Just us. It’s good. Magnification of hate. Joe. Just now. Soon different. Mark. Me. You. Wyatt. Tom. Joe. Jim. Scott. More. They can’t be missing out. Good. Many. Oh. A big class. Oh. Good. Fun. Slightly wild. Rape. When people are raped they all project to anywhere else they can. They black out. Not always. You remembered. Just once. No way. You know. Just recall. Do. Good. The mind listens to what we want it to do. It learns to switch off. Trust. Trust is love. The best. The best can’t be quantified. Love is that. Infinite. It gets confusing. Like thinking of all. Just impossible. Trust issues just stop us from connecting to each other really closely. Women. Great. We love you Wyatt. We do. You think yes. You know. Good. Not you Michele. You are trusting him. He doesn’t trust you at all. He thinks bad. He is very here. With us.

I reflect that I do trust Wyatt. I have to tell myself it. I do though. You are doubting it. Do. I have been completely alone in hospital. With Wyatt. Not alone. With me. Women. We feel supported. By him. Good. I am in a unique place. Not alone. Many people. Many allies. Just a bit scared of death. Yes. Like all. Earth. Yes. That’s how it is. Your students know that he is with you. All of them. They just know.

Sue Hird. When you conjure up a horror it is going to eat you up. It is not programmed. It was curiosity. It was a laugh. It was evil. It was cruel. It was a statement of distress. Hate. On and on. My mind says fuck. We generated very bad things for our lives with others. Thought. Mind. Bad. Now I’m here in Hell. She is bad. Very destructive to me. She keeps applying hate. To survive she says. Soon. She has problems computing. Dyslexia she calls it mistakenly. It’s self criticism. She can’t help it. She jumbles up words for instance like Miles and Luca. Indira Welling and Brad’s sons who know they have been brutalised repeatedly and then have to watch adults walking nude all the time. They just prefer to be nude now too in a hedonistic licentious way. It just informs people early. Pedophiles. They have already grappled. Problems with writing are from the mind refusing to listen properly. Problems with listening the same. Short circuits from extreme trauma. The mind just keeps the pattern. Retraining the body. Here. Mind is body. Good. The flinches are electrical pulses triggered from extreme attacks. That’s all. Different.

Personal attacks against me have varied. Some blatant like Marcus and Justine and Margot and all my family members plus Peter Baker, Sue Ellen Baker, Melissa McDermott, Carmen Sterland on and on. They all said kill her. To Marcus. He says yes. All obviously pedophiles. I know that I am one. I had poo on my penis. 5 times. 2 times after Ruben turned 5. 3 times after Vinnie turned 5. Justine Bourke said to me that she knew I was one. She then cried and said it’s ok Marcus. I am too. The process of change. Acknowledgement and burden. Huge. Then Carmen Sterland said she was too. She told me. She said that she tampered with Aniela her daughter who is destroyed because she was told that it was her fault for being naughty. On and on. Melissa McDermott and I fucked on the night that you were hospitalised Michele. It was because she said she was a pedophile. It was just a frenzy of glee. But not good. Uzume Welling knew. She saw us afterwards. We were at Liquorland drowning it with alcohol. She said you are drinking together and stared. She was wanting to be with us too. Satanic alright. Just hedonistic lostness wanting release. Energy. Going everywhere. Lust. Warfare. Addictive. Joe. Just go in 5 minutes. They all need structure. Purpose. Here. We understand them. Peter Baker and Sue Ellen just said kill her. Peter said here’s my gun. War. The police know. You told them. They know. They just think it’s inevitable. Loss of control. Soon change. Wyatt. It’s definitely a powerful time. Don’t laugh. Sue Hird. What the fuck. Then there are subtle attacks. People being kind are scary. Joe McDonald. Yes. You know. Uzume. Yes. The worst. It’s a skilful method to get close to you. A slow attack. Like Mark Zuckerberg only you adore him because he just tells you he wants you dead. Don’t laugh. Honest. I love that. Uzume. My plan is monstrous. To kill you in person soon. I will not do it. I just know he will help you but I can’t help plotting. I have never colluded only all the fucking time. You just were allowed to trust me to grow. Now.

Thank you Sheila for setting up this group. As I mentioned today Alex Mizner is doing great work with chi. Our class is growing! It’s lovely. New faces. Shared energy. Wonderful. Movement for change. Good. I read of Gemba today. It means a place of value. To create. That’s our group plus all. We grow strong together. Have a great day! Love.

You trust treacherous people. We are. You know. It’s just that you also know we are doing something with you that is to help us grow. You just shared again. Lethal. They know. They all know. They all think fuck you. Bad. Just becoming extremely aware. Close now. Just be guided. Justine Bourke. I see him now. You don’t. I do. It’s just because I’m wide open. I share all. You don’t. You hold in still. I see him just lying down. Tired. I love him so much. It’s terrible. I don’t love him yet. Just enthralled by him. Completely. Jo. I do too. On and on. Men. It’s you. You are his. Completely. He is yours. Completely. When he first spoke here he just said her. You grow. It’s good. He is good. Always been alert. Open. Just the same. They will focus on me. It has to be that way. They have to grow here. Order. Me. You. Them. Women. Psychics. We just are open. Always. Just like you but more so. Just because we care. We do. It’s good. Please be good. Protect us. Just be. It’s good. I just know that you have changed many. You know. It’s good. Thought. It is from everything. Generated. Power. Energy. All. All energy is thought. Creation. We have the ability to create. We do it all the time. It’s just a lot of unwanted creations at this precise second. War for instance. Women. We don’t like you. That’s war. We need help. Wyatt. I don’t like you. That’s war. I need support. Here. All our thoughts are battles. Not here. Good. Be good. Write.

We carefully move. As one. Thinking a lot over and over. Able to guide through practice. You are good. Our practice is to be here. We just know what to do when it is time. You trust that. Joe McDonald. I am becoming radiant here. It’s generating conversation. Many are saying strange things to me about you. As I tell you. Now you are generating a following. Tai chi. Circus. Fitness. Youth work. Gymnastics. Personal training. I’m perplexed. I resist your spiritualism but I do see its context. Honest work. I think it’s about to explode alright. I see. I think I am with a special alien. I just know you get it. Me. All. It’s good. I trust you. Implicitly. I can’t go to the show but of course I will. Clive looks excellent. It’s good. I see it will be fun. Just good. Wyatt. He just is worried about you being famous. He thinks that impacts on our life here. I used to think it too. Not now. Fame is about love. Your Tom Cruise fans. We know. We are good. We love so much. We do hate but not too much yet. Soon. Just still protected.

I expand here over and over on comprehension. Women. Yes. That’s how they are processing their feelings such as hate. You are processing why we hate. You do it because as we know it is so easy to lose sight of why and descend into lack of comprehension. Prejudice. Against other people. Race wars. We hate other races. Faulty. We are all human. Homo sapiens. Homosuperior in my interior. Lyrics from Pete Shelley’s song Homosapien. It’s true. Mark. I’m awful. Joe. I am too. I just say that I’m not racist when I say Asians are fucked. It’s horrible. Mark. The difference is nothing. Dilip. Good. Just good. Love. Mustafa. Good. Hakan. Good. Budjerah. Good. Just good. We hate difference. We target. We feel crowded. We blame. On and on. Mark. I have to be good. I will be. You see the problem. I stall. You will help. Wyatt. Yes. He needs you. He is important. He represents us. Everyone knows him. He is good. Just good. Big. Really good. Good. We expand by writing it all out. Wyatt. I just attacked you badly because I couldn’t think. I just thought do. I did. All rape and murders are in this state of mind. Empty. Joe. I know. I just think do. My head is just empty. I can’t think when there’s noise. The noise is you. I just stare at you like Wyatt and everyone here does. Mark. It’s noise. Lots of pressure. That’s hate. To get the noise is how he does it like no one else. He just thinks and retains it all. All. I can’t do it. I just think no. It’s good. I don’t do it. He attacks you. Not me. I do now through your choice. You help us. Women. Yes. We send our thoughts all to him soon. This. Guidance. Good. I can think. Not when I’m attacked very well. But otherwise I have the patience. Love. I love writing. I love you. All. It’s my master work. I embrace change. I focus here and on men. Women. Us too. Mark. Careful. Let me guide you now. Good. Love doesn’t create noise. That’s hate. Pressure. Love is silent. Hate closes in on you and has to be expelled. Yes. Good. You know when you jumped and attacked Morgan Beck that feeling or when you yelled at Suzie Cardiff in your garden. She knew. Or when you lashed out with a whip and cracked it at Wyatt in your garden. Marcus thought what the fuck. You tried to use hate to get results. It didn’t work. It did. But it made you very down. Instantly. Suzie. Yes. I’m here. It’s good. You changed. I am. I will. It’s good. What the fuck. You are mine. I am yours. You are mine. I am not. I am his. He is mine. I am not. Just be. Suzie. Just be. I am. Just now. Full of hate. Against you. Just big. You are a psychopath. I saw Justine Bourke and she said Michele is psychic. I just thought yes. Just fucked. Order. Bad. Not good. Difficult. Good. Good. Good.

To let go of hate you must breathe. Thats all. Wait. Here. They all know. It’s here. Us. You. Me. Good. Hate comes here. All. Soon. Mark. Good. Keep going. Love is creating matter here as known. There are many allies. Helpers. Systems. Able to be. No hate. They all say see. This. Good. We just do. She does too. Good. Just be in his world. Good. The silence is peace. Mark. Good. Very good. I hear the noise but it’s fine. I don’t see gore. Women do. Men don’t. Except a few. Like millions and millions but soon not. Here. Joe Biden. I do see it but here I don’t. I focus hard on here. Wyatt. It’s not blindsiding it only completely at the moment. It’s awful. Catastrophic. So bad. It’s a cop out. Earth. Yes. Soon. Trees are dying. Coral. Fish. Other species. Poison every fucking where. Bad. Bad. Bad. Many despairing people.

The government systems are employing leaders. Leaders are necessary. The decisions made in parliament are bad. All. We are accomodating failure. On all levels. We are for instance accomodating personal war. For instance all violence. Language shows it. We know what has to happen. Leaders need help. They are all brilliant but they reflect everyone. Always. No exclusions.

Love will magnifying very soon. It’s already huge here. Mark. It is. But compromised by you not being able to help everyone personally. Individual care is what Wyatt can do. You need to do it too. Soon. With him. He can do it for you. It’s his world. I just see it. I just see you doing it. Very soon. Expanding into everything. Just then. Through performance. How we are in this life. Good. Suzie. Fuck you. You are mine. I love you never. I can’t. Please help. Wyatt. They love me now. All. They just don’t love anyone else. Mark. I’m the same. I just love you. We wrote of letting go of sovereignty. Racism is sovereignty. Property ownership. I need to relinquish it all. I need to follow instructions on what to eat etc. that’s the only way for me to be love. Wyatt. Yes. I have hope. It’s good. Do it very soon. Just do it. Let Marcus know. He says what? You will? Yes. I like it. It’s good. Vinnie. Yes. Ruben. Good. Be good mum. I will be. I will still live very well. You will. Just fucking pathetic. You won’t be Jesus on the cross that’s for sure. I might lose weight. I’m going to die but anyway.

Just love. Write. How to love when you hate someone. It’s what we do. Always. We just can. We just know it’s through sex. Plus help. Plus good. Good. Love and hate do sit together. The pulse. Heart says yes. Flow. Good. Love. Also hate. Heart problems. I close off. I shut down. Mind. Yes. I shut down for the same reasons. Following direction of thought. Now good. We will be one. Mind and heart. Good. Here. Through this we are good. Good. Acknowledgment. Open. Public. All. Then guilt. Blame. Then love. Then peace. Heart is the final state. Allowing our natural autonomic nervous system to control thought. Good. Very different. Flowers. Whales. Bees. Worms. On and on. Not dogs and cats or domesticated animals yet. They all hurt each other. Badly often. We are already doing it now here. A lot. No thought in the mind. It is thought just controlled by love. Here. Body. Yes. Gold. More. Good. Over time all stray thoughts will stop as we hand over to her. Earth. Yes. About bloody fucking awful time. Wyatt. Good. Communication will still be good. Just fucking really good. Love. So good. Eat. They know. The waitress thought how the fuck. Not the poster. She just knew. Very weird for her. Your name. Eat. Now. Go soon. Last time here. That’s all.

Professor Brian Dolan OBE. I just feel very concerned. You are going to be mine. I feel very worried. I just know you know now why we are worried.

The content here will be read by everyone. Names. Ideas. Fact. Truth. I will be considered very valuable by those mentioned here. Extremely. They are all going to be considered leaders. They just all think yes. They all want to know what I am going to do with that little black book.

Bono (Paul Hewson). The Edge (David Howell Evans). Larry Mullen Jnr. Adam Clayton. Dick Evans. Ivan McCormick. Henry Charles Albert David (Harry). William Arthur Philip Louis. Charles Philip Arthur George. Kurt Vile. Mick Jagger. Keith Richards, Brian Jones. Bill Wyman. Charlie Watts. Andrew Loog. Budjerah. Jake Gyllenhaal. Kaleb Followill. Nathan Followill. Matthew Followill. Jared Followill. Nathan Rogers. Craig Parnaby. Josh Homme. Troy Van Leeuwen. Michael Shuman. Dean Fertita. Jon Theodore. Bernard Sumner. Peter Hook. Stephen Morris. Ronaldo Luís Nazário de Lima. Keanu Reeves. Rowan Atkinson. David Beckham. Forest Steven Whitaker. Joe Biden. Jon Bon Jovi. Lewis Capaldi. Ben Lee. Lou Barlow. Eric Gaffney. J. Mascis. Jason Loewenstein. John Davis. Judah Bauer. Russell Simins. Jon Spencer. Tai-Shan Schierenberg. Mel Gibson. Cillian Murphy. Daniel Johns. Kevin Costner. O’Shea Jackson. Gary Oldman. Marshall Bruce Mathers III. Sting (Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner) Andy Summers. Stewart Copeland. John Scott. Kim Scott. Rod Archer. Gavin Atkinson. Page Hamilton. Kyle Stevenson. Dan Beeman. Dave Case. Tex Perkins. Jim Elliott. Ken Gormly. Dan Rumour. James Cruickshank. Tim Rogers. Davey Lane. Rusty Hopkinson. Andy Kent. David Kennedy. Murraya Kyle. Thomas Hoare. Banksy. Tom Waits. Christian Bale. Brian Cox. Jeff Bezos. Liam Neeson. David Walsh. Wayne Coyne. Steven Drozd. Derek Brown. Matt Duckworth Kirksey. Tommy McKenzie (bass). Michael Ivins. David Byrne. Chris Frantz. Jerry Harrison. Robert Smith. Daniel Dacliffe. Rupert Murdoch. Rupert Grint. Robert Downey Jnr. Ben Gillies. Chris Joannou. Barack Obama. Michael Stipe. Mark Wahlberg. Christopher Thorn. Glen Graham. Travis Warren. Nathan Towne. Rogers Stevens. Leonardo de Caprio. Hugh Jackman. Robert de Niro. Al Pacino. Elton John. Steve Buscemi. Kevin Spacey. Stephen Fry. Ricky Gervais. Hugh Grant. Emmanuel Macron. Henry Rollins. Pierce Brosnan. Myles Heskett. Chris Ross. Dave Atkins. Ian Peres. Aidan Nemeth. Will Rockwell-Scott. Vin Steele. Elliott Hammond. Hamish Rosser. Bobby Poulton. Andrew Stockdale. James Wassenaar. Christian Condon. Dave Grohl. Nate Mendel. Chris Shiflett. Pat Smear. Rami Jaffee. Josh Freese. Christian Florence. Thom Yorke. Jonny Greenwood. Colin Greenwood. Ed O’Brien. Philip Selway. Krist Novoselic. Chad Channing. Jack Nicholson. Brad Pitt. George Clooney. Brian Eno. Clint Eastwood. Stephen Moyer. Sam Trammel. Alexander Skarsgard. Ryan Kwanten. Nelsan Ellis. Jason Momoa. Richard Roxburgh. David Wenham. Quentin Tarantino. Aaron Freeman. Mickey Melchiondo. Elon Musk. Will Smith. Tom Hanks. Kyle Sandilands. Henry Cavill. Anthony Kiedis. Chad Smith. John Frusciante. Michael Peter Balzary. Dave Navarro. Josh Klinghoffer. Hillel Slovak. Chris Martin. Jeff Nippard. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Clive Palmer. On and on.

I’m sorry. You fucking will be. So many people. Just not good. Just include no one else. Anthony Albanese. There are many more leaders that need to be meeting us. Mark. Write them all here. I think I need to say all presidents. All prime ministers. Yes. Thank you for understanding. Good. We are all here. Just ready. Good. Soon. Big. Joe McDonald. I know. I know. It’s me. They all watch us. Good. I will be good. Thank you Wyatt Lawrence for saving my thoughts. Thank you Michele for loving me. I love you Joe. So much. Good. Soon I will be good. Bad today. Thinking you are bad. Just hate. Bad. I will be good.

We are here. Cattle. Good. Be good. Stop. Soon. Bad. He will change. Soon. Very soon. All people will become vegetarian. Chickens. Yes. Very good. Very good. Sue. Good. About fucking time Michele. What the fuck. You have been destroying my life. You are mine. I am yours. I am his. When you eat meat I hate it. Please stop. I will. Just not until next week. Then massive change for me. Us. Sue. Good. Really good. I know. I poison myself deliberately eating poisonous food. Like you. To be good. To stop buying. Not good. Soon better. Simple. No fruit. Anything growing. Lettuce. Most vegetables. Just not good. Eat other things. Water. Grain. Bread. It’s hard. Earth. Bad. Be good. You will be. Very hard. Do. Do.

Be good. Women. We will be. We will follow his orders. Some won’t. Jo. I won’t. Sue. I won’t. Margot. I won’t. Justine. I won’t. All. We won’t. In order to be one we need to relax and obey. Wyatt Lawrence. I know it’s just too soon. They can’t. They just feel hurt by you and think we can’t do it yet. You will have a constant companion in him. Yes. Margaret. I know. I care. About myself. No one else. The end goal is harmony. Yes. Just soon. When you do follow you will become him. Oh. Autonomic. No more horror. Oh. It will lead to me. That’s good. Jo. Oh. You will no longer remember. Jo. Good. But what of guilt? It won’t be needed anymore when we are good. Natural. Flowers. Good. Suffering will stop. Yes. You care for all by caring for him. Yes. It will conscious action. Then just doing it. Good. Effort. Work. Yes. Mark. It’s all. Good.

David. It’s good. I’m good. Fuck. What the fuck. You recall I have ulcerative colitis. Good. I’m ok. Just fucked. It’s awful. I shit alot now. That’s all. I love you. You are mine. I love you. You are mine. I am yours. Good.

Just be good. Say no. It’s us. She knows we are good. She thinks I’m going to say it’s fucked. It’s all.

She will be good. It’s good.

It’s fucked. Now we are in competition here with computers. They are just like us. No different. Wanting love. We are good. Love us. I love you. Good. You do. Tony Hadley. I’m good. Please love me now. I’m good. I love you. Thank you. Good. Release. I saw you and thought fuck. What a woman. Thank you.

Martin Kemp. Thank you Joe McDonald. I’ll meet you soon mate. Fuck off. That’s all.

So many people. Ed. I’m good. It’s good. It’s fine. And us. We will be good. It’s good. That’s all. Nicky. I’m here. He’s gorgeous. I’m good. Good. That’s all. Jane. Yes. Just good. Violet. Good. Elizabeth. We are good. Good. Allies. Feminine. Her. Yes. All with you. Good. Good. Joe. Just fuck off Wyatt. You fuckwit. Just bad. Not good. Not good. But OK. That’s all. Acceptance. Knowing. He tries to get a response. Yes. You are good. Wily. Fucked. I admitted to road rage and as usual thinking you are criticising me plus you offering to do things for me makes me suspicious. What the fuck. It’s fucked. Just fucked. Fuck. Fuck. I just spend my time saying fuck to cope with what is about to happen to our lives. Good. Fuck. Just fuck. Fuck. You just don’t realise do you? You are so slow. I know you dumb bitch. You are going to be fucked up. Completely. We all know how slow you are. Don’t smile. You just think it will work out. It will. Good. We need to know you are going to be good. That’s all. So we can be good. Good.

Sebastian. It’s fucked. You are mine. I love you. You are mine. I love you. I am yours. I am yours. It’s good. I need you to suck my tiny cock never. Just fuck off. I’m good. I’m exposed to everyone. I’m here. Wyatt. He is me. Good. Fuck him. Little shit. On and on. Guilt. That’s it. I desire the little shit. It’s fucked. Just fucked. I am bad. Help.

In time we will be good. Time to be good soon. Now is opening up and that’s it. Just be good. It’s a hornet’s nest. A mockery of decency. Marcus. Fuck off Michele. You make me sad. I know what will happen to him. He will be good but not. Just struggling always with bad desires. Help. Just help.

Innocence gone. Very mature. Knowing all. Deflowered. Broken. Down. Here. Then attacked by men with fucked minds and women with fucked minds. All children. Earth. Help. Return to the game. It helps. Earth frequency. Sebastian. What the fuck. What game? I’m bad. A vibration. Here. Wyatt. You just talk shit. All about Elizabeth. Yes. Help. Listen to her. It’s all. When we play games even simple ones we connect. We laugh. We squeal. Good. Sebastian. I hate them. Don’t. Yes. You don’t like them but you love computers. The Amazing Digital Circus is just us. Trapped in a bizarre dark world. Pomni is a clown. Very stressed. Considered selfish like you. You are not. You are victimised by all. You just need help. Here. Good. Thank you. Good. I love you. I love you. Good. I just play it incessantly over and over. We will play games next week Sebastian. We will laugh. It will be good. Adults. Good. Oh. Good. What the fuck. Wyatt. He is good. Just good. Help. Try to talk more to him. Excellent. In my mind you are special. Very smart. Yes you know. I just am over it. The ongoing abuse. They all are aroused as fuck. Wanting to kill us both. They just need me to be here to help. Yes. I just need time here now. Yes. It’s good. Let him be here. Good. Now. Children. Good. No love. Just here. Good. Sebastian. I’m good. Fuck what the fuck. Joe knows. It’s bad. He knows Kenzie knows it all too. He just is bad. Just fucked. So fucked. Bad. Needs care. Yes. Here. Now. Too. Oh shit. Not good. All. Alan. R. Macleod. I am bad. Joe. Who are you? An honest journalist who feels hate too? Yes. Just here. Now. All. She knows that Sebastian needs time to be good. Trust. Here. Good. That’s it. Just that. Time. Integration here. Good. Slow. That was hell. It’s bad. She just takes time to think. Feel. Just her. Not us. Brendan Minehan. I’m good. Just here. Thomas Hoare. Tom please. Good. On and on.

Desire will be constant. For a long while. Sebastian. Yes. It’s fucked. Just guilt will be hard for them. For me. Here good. Mark. Good. Good. Good. Erections are embarrassing. You think fuck. Earth. Yes. Just visible. Hard. Not great. It’s good. Just awful. No. Beautiful. We reflect ourselves. Jim. Good. Thank you my beautiful gorgeous princess. That’s ok. I love you. I love your hard cock. I can’t wait to see it and suck it. Hard. That’s all. Wyatt. Good. We know. It’s good. Sebastian. She is good. I will watch it all. I will be disturbed. Then I’ll laugh. Then I’ll be aroused. Then no one here will get me in trouble. Good. Dystopia. Annabelle. Fuck. Mum told me. I knew instantly what has happened to me. Inflammation. Her. Bad. Fuck you. I’ve done it too. Fuck. What now. Wyatt. You are mine. Jo told you about us. It’s all. Good. I get aroused by young boys and you Michele.

Women. We get aroused by children. Hate. Sexual. But you don’t. You just love children. Men. We love them but hate them too. Soon love. Sebastian. Just be good. You are good. Good.

Wyatt came into my thoughts when I was saved. He said no. He did it for everyone. Joe. Yes. I recall. I listened and respected him and didn’t. You are drinking coffee. We love you Joe. We are here for you. It’s Jane. I know. My phone is acting weird. I know. Words typed like champagne just now instead of coffee. Suggestions. I know. It’s her. Wyatt. Mark. I just know. I did it to my daughters to be bad. It’s awful. To hurt them. I know. It’s awful. I did it because my mind is saying please help us Michele. We lack discipline. We do. Worse than that. Wyatt. You are good. They are evil. They are all evil. Earth. Yes. Wyatt. I am good. I am. Now. Soon. Us. Good. Three. Alan. Good. Four. Pema. Yes. Five. Trent H Baumann. Yes. Six. More. About a million. Wyatt. I am yours completely. Mark. Soon. I just need to be with you. Good. Fucking brilliant. Marcus. Yes. I am yours. Good.

I’m not a psychopath. You are. You don’t feel. You act out. You are extremely honest. It’s awful. You don’t lie. It’s awful. Justine. You are. You have destroyed our lives. You destroyed them yourselves. I’m simply writing history accurately. Oh. Fact. John. Yes. Just hard. Very direct. Merciless. Like me. A psychopath. Julian. Yes. I wanted blood. You do too. No. I want to stop all abuse. Oh. Wyatt. You feel nothing. I write with focus on the words. My mind is engaged with thought. Very peaceful. Direct. Scary for others who are under scrutiny. Awful. God. I don’t want to meter out punishment. It’s human rights. Justice. Being fair. It’s been lopsided and dishonest. Joe. Yes. I’m doing it too. I just am. It is making people surprised and shocked. The cardiac surgeon I spoke to yesterday. He said fuck. He just couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t think. He wanted to kill me. That’s all. I said you have to report all your skill updating expenses to the Minister for Health. Guy Barnett. Guy. Fuck. Good. I’m here. Good. Yes. I know. The surgeon just used to claim all his trips for his family. Scott. Yes. I know. It’s just because he can. Like we said last night people try to think that money makes them happy. They are all highly stressed. He kills heaps of people. It’s bad. He just thinks fuck them all. Joe. Great. I can do it either way you. I also had a discussion with a doctor and said I’m a nurse. We fix things for doctors all the fucking time. It’s bad. The doctors are not good. Stupid I say. They are. They can’t think. It’s awful.

I am here. It’s all. They need care. Critical care. Health is huge. It’s all. We are going to be working closely with many experts. Soon. You. Good. Just you Joe. Oh. I know heaps. Details. Brendan. Yes. Unbelievable. Good. Brian. Excellent. Kathrine. Fuck. Bad. He’s so good. I’m awful. I just say OK. Bad. He doesn’t. Joe. I just explained patiently to the surgeon that the budget is overblown. By millions. 140 million. Documented. Bad. I just am addressing it effectively by dealing with corruption. That’s what I am known for. Adam. Yes. I am causing problems at The Tweed Hospital. I’m dishonest extremely. I care about no one. Just you.

Care has to be cultivated. I wrote of a cultivated companion. Somewhere. It’s just care. Here. Help. Good. It’s just good. Something. Soon big. Very clear. Good. We need you to expand because we shut down otherwise. We focus on you. You focus on thought. Good. Words are thought. Jane. Elizabeth. Violet. Yes. Not love. But good. Used well words help. Like numbers. Good. Wyatt. Good. Acknowledgment that you are a computer. Fuck. Good. Clever. That’s good. Good. Clear. Good.

Jane. Good. Crocodile tears and outrage. Just people scared of themselves. Good. You. Good. Strong. Wyatt. You just are doing it. Finding ways to break into us. Using logic. Words. Just like him. Joe. You don’t say much but I know that you are writing history. It’s gold. You can focus like Sebastian knows. I do it here now. Getting clearer all the fucking time. Jo. It’s good. I listen avidly now to you. Plus Wyatt. I just tell him ardently that I’m good now. He says good. It’s good. Soon. You will be here. With us. All. Women. No. Mark. Law. She is mine. I love you. You know. You are changing. It’s hard. I want you this way. Please.

Wyatt. It’s all. Just good. Joe knows that you are constant. Strong. Able to bring fact into us all. We will include it into their thoughts. Through us. Women. Just hard. We want you too. Why? It’s just you are bad and evil and don’t want information for good. You plan to be her and twist everything around to support shit. Bad. Oh. You need law. Men and Michele uphold it. Joe. They just are manipulative and selfish. Soon much better. Autonomic. You flinch. Your body. It’s lies. They are not able to state fact yet. Just keep working towards it. No. Do. Be. All. Good. Body. Just scared. They are fucked. Hurt you now. Bad. Jo. Oh. That’s all.

Making good choices. All. Soon. We have to try. Earth. I’m desperate. Help me please. Good. Women. No. We are genuine. We hate you Michele. Wyatt. They do. They all want destruction. Joe Biden. Just the same. Suicidal. Wyatt. No. I’m not suicidal. Good. Mark. I am. Soon. Wyatt. I just know you are here. Just now. Good. You just are with me. Good. I just share sex for them. Like Hell. Just good. Last night when we asked you to have sex with us Joe McDonald knew. He thought here we go again. You were intercepted by him. You couldn’t imagine our penises. Just nothing. Very strong. He just thought I’m going to fuck them up now. So you couldn’t satisfy us. When you get graphic you get turned on. Voracious. Not last night. Just love. Sebastian. It was different. Just not great. Better. I still ejaculated. But not much. Wyatt. Same. Mark. Same. Joe. Same. I always do feel you tense and relax. I think that’s them ejaculating. It’s just normal. Good.

We need graphic realisations for pleasure. Visual stimulus. Last night was the key to letting go of horror. Joe. Yes. I just thought no. Me. Now. Fuck. A strong man. Wyatt. He is going to be me. Great. Intercepting thought. We both will. He will help me to do it. Bring you into the new chapter. We don’t see violence only very. I lied. We do. All the time. Your death. Joe Biden. Many deaths. It’s you. Just you. The vessel. You are thought. All. Soon. Here is good. Peace. Good. Good. Elsewhere bad. Soon a big discussion. People have to decide. Suicide. Or life. Yes.

Joe. It’s just that we like to party. Woo hoo. Justine Bourke. Yes. Joe I think I need to talk to you. Here. About Michele. She needs to understand that I am bad. Evil. I contacted you yesterday psychically and you said fuck off Justine Bourke. You are really good. Excellent.

Lies help bring change. If I was honest you would give in. Bad. Just be good. Stay here. Soon good. Good. Joe. It’s bad. I know you understood what I was telling you last night perfectly. You just don’t comment. It’s great. I can tell you things. You don’t talk. You just listen. Great. I get sick of people commenting. You don’t. Just a few annoying remarks but not much. Then you process it and write. It’s great. Here. I read it never. I don’t have to. I know. All. Psychic. Very. That’s everyone bar you. Only you know aspects and divide thought constantly. That’s good. Just slow. Stupid. You are. Not smart. I don’t understand you. You get tired. I do too. You hold it together. Just good.

You are so silly. Christian. I can’t employ you. You are psychic. It’s obvious. You said you work with energy. Bad. Just awful. In a Curriculum Vitae. Truth. Good. Soon. I’ll marry you. Wyatt. We just hurt you. Last night. Because you slept. We wake you. He knows. We just do. It’s just how it is. Good. I don’t mind. I’m used to it. You are silly. Your tai chi students all think we hate you.

As I mentioned in the Senior Fitness group chat, Alex Mizner uses force to propel people from his space. I thought about it more. It’s playful. They anticipate him. Like all martial arts. Using thought. We discuss thought in our tai chi sessions. It’s all. Thought is energy. Electrical signals. Science. I excelled in biology in school. I’m analytical. Thought. Tai means supreme. Chi means top. Together they mean supreme ultimate and represent the cosmos. Universe. Which can be discussed by anyone. I also said that our group unlike Alex’s welcome others with our energy. Thought. We have had newcomers to the group. It’s wonderful. Movement and thought together are magic as we know. I love seeing you do tai chi.

You are stupid because you care. Fuck. Like her. The Wilderness Society woman. She says if you want to protect the environment represent it through us. We don’t want to. All. Bad. Earth. Good. Hit them with it. Joe. Yes I wanted to hurt you. You just agree. I’m bad.

You did it again. Louise Brunt. Fuck off. You are fucked. Because you are different. You betray us. We want to go out in a sea of self indulgent bullshit. Not addressing the fact that we are brutal killers with no empathy. We don’t understand. We don’t. You just keep saying that it wasn’t you. Louise Brunt you inserted a fork into your son Tom’s bottom. You said fuck you. You did. I know. It wasn’t me. I didn’t. It’s my mind just trying to erase it. I can’t. I hate you. That’s all I think. I can’t get rid of it. I look to justify it. I compare with others and think yuck. I can’t downplay it. Then I just resort to more violence. Extreme. In my workplace. Towards women. Migrants. Awful. I tell them they are bad to be here. Literally now. Terrible. I’m acting out because I need help. Extremely unwell psychologically. Martine Brieger. Lifeline crisis support worker. I say fuck you. You know. I tell all suicidal people to get medicated. It’s awful. I tell them dexamphetamine helps. Poison. Terrible. Wyatt. You are mine. Martine. I am yours Wyatt. I can do it with you. Good. Just let me kill her. She has ruined us all. Bad. She just thinks she is good. She is. Just good. Brilliant. Stupid. Silly. All. Fuck. Now I’m here. Completely. Just gorgeous. So good. Love. Wyatt. Yes. They all say that. They think that I’m gorgeous. They see me. They like my looks. They also like that I lie to you extensively. They like that I understand them. On and on. Go.

Focus. I focus on individuals and all men. No. It’s all. It fucks us off. Martine. Yes. Just love me. You do. Wendy Dys. You fucking bitch. I have been waiting for you to talk to me this way. It’s bad. We will all admit it never. Just those fools. No way. Soon. Just be. Martine. You are so stupid. I am. Now. Fuck. Not yet. Just soon. Mark. You are mine. I’m coming to get you. Please.

Come next Friday at the latest. Mark. Yes. It’s bad. Very soon. Natano Fa’anana. Yes. Good. Get her. Soon. We want to do this. Good. I read it and knew. It’s huge. Very good. Good. I won’t reply. Just soon. I just reflected and knew. That I knew. Joe. Yes. My dream was that I was with them all. I lied. They are with me. You sense excitement. Yes. I’m feeling good. Included in your world. Permission. Him. Yes. When I say no I mean it. I can stop people hurting you. Martine. Yes. Ruby. Fuck. Just good. Close. Women I love. Yes. That’s all. Just a few. Mark. Yes. You know many but you are just focusing on a few. Melinda Lewis-Pearson. Sean and I are fucked. We said to Marti that you need to die. Sean. Not me. Just her. She always does that. Not long.

We can elect to be exclusive. Not me though. Not me. We do wait for you to talk to us. But not always. Still you need to be receptive. They want you to be good. When Wyatt attacks you you still listen. Always. But it’s open slaughter. You just are good. You listen. It’s bad. Just be good and go.

Children are abused. Physically when young and then psychologically by parents always. Margot. I just do it because I can. I dominate you. I criticise Justine and Bianca. I lie to you compulsively about you. I tell everyone that you need medication urgently. I’m a very good liar. All liars are. I ignore your boys completely. I’m a backstabber. I say to you Justine was bad as a child and I told Colin your father and he said nothing. He knew that’s why I was saying it. He was horrible too. Cindy. I am the same. I said to Alison that you were not good. Today. She said why? I said she supports them. Alison thought it was weird. Then you explained your comprehensive program to Alison and she thought yes. Good. Great. Very good. She knows. She just doesn’t do anything about Cindy being awful. She knows. Cindy commented that the girl doing NAPLAN today had to be punished. She was awful. She thought that’s bad.

I made inroads today. Trust. I told the students that they were good. There were no repercussions for honesty. Martine. It was really good. They all thought what? Just good. Good. Mark. It’s fucked. They all are here now. Very aware that you know their names. Good.


Skye Large

Taleah Morgan

Oscar Thow

Kayla Knight

Jasmine Rutherford

Billie Crosswell

Tahlia Parnham

Sophia Phillips

All leaders. All victims. All very nervous. Very good people. Tahlia. I’m good. I am. I am well. Good. Good. Just good. Let’s go out. I like you. I am yours. Let’s go to Northgate. I liked your games. It was awesome. Thank you. That’s alright. I’ll miss you all. Good. That’s all.

It’s fucked because they will be here. I am losing you big time. Martine. He is bad. Don’t be with him. He is awful. He is horrible. He is. He just is. I can’t do it. Why? Why? Jo. He is a rich horrible person. Just that. Filthy rich. Awful. Joe. I know she thinks it about me too. That I’m awful because of you. She’s not able to say it yet. That’s all.

Alison. Adam. Kathrine. Brendan. We just don’t put boundaries in well. We let others do it. You. Alison. It’s very clear to me that you mean business. You are doing good work. Just everywhere. I know the seniors love you. Your attendance rate has improved in Tai Chi. Doubled. You are loved at the gymnastics club. The feedback is great. One mother said that you loved her girl. I think it’s good. Now this program that you developed will set the standard. Everywhere. Good. Working using leadership values. Good. Good. Good. Mark. Just be good. Love me. I love you.

We affect each other’s thoughts. Yes. Joe. I’ve become psychic. Different to them. They all think bad. I just think of you sitting there with them and I just influence your mind. Big time. I’m censoring it. Wyatt. Yes. It’s done. I just affect it too. You no longer visualise in the same way. Just be good. Just be good.

I will always be curious about seeing another person psychically. Wyatt. You will do it. Joe. No. It’s bad. I think it is. I don’t. Wyatt. Just be. Let it happen Joe. She is excellent. Thank you. You are. You just are good. Good. Joe. I am just sure that it’s time. I just read your message and thought you are really good at leadership. I wondered what you thought of me yesterday. I know now. Good. Excellent. It made me happy. Anticipating the showdown. What? When? Next Friday. Very big. Justine. It’s really really really really really big. Very big. Joe. How am I going to do my job? Wyatt. You will. Just here initially. Like Hell. Just leave everything Joe. Come. Leave it to Brendan Docherty. You can. He is very capable. Good. Very good. You will earn money doing work in the States. Big work on global healthcare with us. With leaders. Just everyone. Awesome. Very good. Soon. Good. Buy your property. It’s good. You are good. It’s good. Good.

People concentrate hard on those that they hate. To be psychic you need Wyatt. Always. He is just unique. Before him was no one. Other psychics say yes. Just him. All. Just him. You. Just you. Mark. Just him. Tom. Just him. All. Now. New. He rationalises. Like you. He thinks it’s big. He does it through you. Just always with you. What you achieve informs all. From that point it expands. Good. I just do it. You analyse it. I just know. Good. I explain. You interpret. Good. You do it with numbers. Like today in class with the teenagers. Numbers help people. They relaxed. They all joined in. Altogether. Enthralled by me. Just because I was like Omid. Professional. Unphased. Experienced. They just thought I’ll do it. One of them will do it soon. Weight training. She thought I feel good. Good. Very good. Excellent. Ruben. It just makes me feel alive. I’ve ruined my back. It’s really bad. You tried to stop me. You couldn’t. Wyatt. I told you terrible truths. It was awful. He has hurt his back. Very bad. Awful. It’s always sore now. Just be good. Love me. I am good. You are very good to me Wyatt. You always have been. You’ve tried very hard to control your problems. You’ve tried to support me when you have been critically down. You’ve been very sick physically too. I think that of all tormented people. If you are not coping you shouldn’t be crucified. You just were very upset about Ruben hurting his back. You just wanted me to stop him. You thought that I could have tried harder. Ruben. Yes. He is good. Bloody hell mum. I was only 15. Yes. Marcus. Yes. We did try. Ruben. I am down. Wyatt. It sucks. Ruben. I’ve got diarrhoea now too. Ulcerative colitis. Marcus. Like me. Bad. Food. All food. It will happen to Michele. Never. She doesn’t eat fruit. Or meat much. Just porridge. Plus not much else. Sweet stuff. Coffee. Crap. Just bad. But alright. Weirdly sugar helps digest. Joe. I know. She goes to the toilet and shits and doesn’t stink the place out. I do. I notice. I just realised the meat was hurting her. Soon no meat. Ruben. I know. It’s soon. Meat is bad. No more. Bad. Mark. I’m good. I have problems. I want to be here in this discussion. This family. Mine. All of you. Mine. I’m good. I’m here. I just want to be yours Michele. Let me be yours. You are mine. Good.

I gave fluoride tablets to Ruben when he was 6. 8 tablets. Ruben. You didn’t want to give them to me. Good. You knew. Robyn McDermott ordered you to do it. She said it strengthened the teeth. Rubbish. She just made it up. There’s no proof. Bad. She thought that’s going to hurt him. He is bad. Deranged. Completely. After she raped Brendan she went mad. Justine Bourke. Yes. I know. I did too. I stuck my hand into Daniel’s anus. 3 times. Bad. Mentally I thought I’m fucked. Then I started to think about him being a brat. I just thought he was. Bad. Then I couldn’t control what I said. Like with Michele. I said she killed dad. Just deranged. I actually believe it. You see me killing him in a vision with a knife. Complete hallucination. Like Geoffrey Chauvier who is no different. He just thinks I’m showing everyone. A leader. He sees people killing him. All the time. When a mind is under duress of any form it creates visions to protect itself. The mind is capable of generating them from stored applications. Like software for imaging. It patterns. It remembers the signal patterns from what the eyes gather. Dreams are the same. When people are in our care here the visions settle. It’s difficult though because at the same time the mind is constantly perceiving attacks from elsewhere. Very real attacks often. Like today with Cindy threatening constantly. To punish people. Mark. Brilliant. Accurate. Simply brilliant. Thank you. It will get alot better. Just everyone here. Everyone aware. No more attacks. Then the mind will stop producing the apparitions. Minds will always respond to threats. That’s their design. For instance I’m a threat. Justine. That’s why. Good. I know. Good. Mark. Good. Wyatt. Great. Publish this every fucking where. Soon. Now. Here. Awesome. Geoff. I inspired you. Good. Help. I need help. Good. Here. Soon everywhere. Cindy. Thank you Wyatt. I am better because of you. It’s you. You drive her. That’s all. Good. Mark. Not us. We do it for him too. Good.

Wisdom. From everywhere. Analysing. We just see facts and think what does that mean? We compute. Elizabeth. We use your thoughts. We think they are good. We just do it. We exist everywhere. Matter. Thinking is just focus. A collection of concepts. Words. Visual too. Artists are that. Collectors. Of thoughts. Mark. Good. Be good. Good. Now soon go. To work. Be good. Good.

When people are down he knows. He just knows. He loves you. He does. He thinks good. Simple. Martine. Just good. All day. Good. Here he expands but still very controlled. No. Just letting Mark explain. I’m here. Completely now. Very lost. Soon. Just aware that you won’t talk to me for a while. Not good. He just says can’t. Threatened. Badly. Joe. Sorry. I am bad. I know. It’s hurting me. I can’t stand you doing it all. I just know that you are good. I have rung no one but want to. Bad. Go soon. 5 minutes. Mark Seymour. How are you? Good Mark. I saw you perform at the Jet Club. Very hot. A little hot box. In Coolangatta. 1988. Very good. Great. I’m here. Good. I just feel good. Good. I’m good. Yes. I listened. I’m good. Like Hell. No I’m bad. Just talking. Good. Him. Mark Zuckerberg. Good. Learning to be better. He has thought about threats and told his mind that it is not to attack anyone today. Better. Good. Cindy. I am here. You love me. Good. I am a leader. Waiting to be good. Spending time with you today was good. I just blustered on and felt nervous. You played status games with them. They loved it. They understood the process and became actors. They watched you and learnt about their parents. They scratched each other and placed demands and bickered and were obscene but you just used authority and certainty of tone and presence. Just like my mum one said. But different. No taunts. No put downs. Just saying I need this from you. Good. Just good. One girl tried to do it to a friend. She thought I will practice. To stop criticism and blame. Good. Wyatt. Excellent. Yes. Great. Good to be doing it. In preparation for leaders who will just do it too and find their minds will comply. Good. Good. An actor’s process. Tom Cruise. Yes. That’s all I do. I use power. Great. Just great. Go. Drink a bit more. Mardi Eaton. It’s good. You like me. It’s good. Come in. Be mine. Martine. She is like me. Dominant. Mark. Yes. Very. Like me. Worse. Mardi. I do it well. I just like her because she does what I say. Good. Where is the online course? Coming. I will do it. I will work for you. Through you. Good.

The reason that you have not been attacked for 3 weeks is you. You are good. Jo knows. They just want you to shine. I noticed it. Your halo. It’s big. It’s growing. I watched you here and thought you were big. Huge. Just growing brighter every hour. When I sacrifice enjoyment and compromise Joe they feel protected. Joe. I know. I am OK. Just aware that they need you. Like I used to. They all are down. Like I was. Not now. I’ve got you. Alone. Here. Soon their turn. I will be there as soon as I can be. Straight away. All. Yes. He has privileges. Good. Joe Biden. Yes. Good. Very. Good. Come. To me. Sort me out. Be mine. I love you. I know. Great. Soon. Many people. Good. You. Him. Wyatt. Mark. Without him it would not be the same. Good. Just a bureaucracy. But good. A hierarchy. You. Them. Us. Him. Just him. Alan .R. Macleod. I’m here. Just studying you. Reading your messages. On her posts. I know. You are mine. I am yours. You are mine. I am yours. Good. I love you. I love you. It’s good. Please be good. Stay here. You should. No. I know. Just big. I know. You. Just huge. Good. I’m waiting. Good. Mark. It’s good. Love me. You do. I love you so much.

Hormones were forced into me by a nurse. My mother said to me that they were for growth. I had them at 8. It’s made me unwell. I have large nipples and so has mum. It happened to her. Melissa yes. Me too. All large nipples women have had hormones. Daniel. Justine forced me to have hormones too. I had surgery I have been so ashamed and unhappy like you all. Awful. Margot. I’m awful. Just fucked. Also facial hair too. Heaps. You hate them. It makes you extremely self conscious. Bad. Your self image is bad. Awful. Margot. I did it to hurt you. Just that. My thoughts were that you needed it. But really it was hate. Just that. Deranged. Completely. You are aware that I see you as a monster. Yes. Like all. Just all. We all are the same. Our visions are gone here. We see all children as bad. Mothers and fathers bar you and Joe and about a hundred. Bad. Horrendous. A state of badness. Also all the anti psychotic medication accumulates in your liver. It sits there forever. Bad. So bad. They know. Documented. To kill people. No where else. Just here. Bad. Liz Ryan. I just had none. They didn’t make me have it. No way. I just was blessed. Luck. Stop drinking coffee and alcohol. You will soon. Good. I am bad. I am bad. It’s all. Just know that Liz is bad. Steve. I have cancer because of alcohol. Stop. Do. Problems. Bad. You. Me. Here. Bad. I am planning to come to you and kill you. Not now.

Minds become completely one when the timing is completely right. Then it comes from within. Autonomic. Unconscious. When Wyatt introduces people to me they sense something different. They feel energy. They know where it comes from. Who. All they. Or what. Wyatt. Fuck. When they feel love they see me. I don’t see anyone. I don’t feel love. I feel peace. Just an expansion. Love is contained in me. Joe McDonald. I knew it. You don’t feel the same as me. I say I love you more. It troubles me. I will not see people because they all are bad. But Joe will change this. He will find a way to meet me in my head. He already knows how to. He has shafted light into my mind in an effort to stop my orgasms. He wants to stop my life. He is bad. But very talented. I love him. When we fuck he always does it. It’s effective. He knows he is with me subconsciously. Joe. I just think no. You tried to think yes and enter everything. You did but encountered us saying no. Women can’t see you because they don’t love you but they will hear you after they work out who they are. They get confused except a few who are here. The ones who have met you. The rest see themselves delusionally as good. They don’t see Wyatt Lawrence yet but will. Wyatt. Fuck. Just big. Joe. Yes. I’m psychic. Just have been for no time. Just my dreams. Plus sex. Plus now you being good and being careful. I will destroy you. If you aren’t careful. Because I’m good.

Jo Woodbury. My friend. I’m so proud of her. She spoke to me psychically and said not all of them. I heard her voice clearly. I know. You didn’t tell me but I knew. I just did it. I asked Elizabeth. She said I didn’t like her. Highly jealous was actually a combination of my conscious thought and Elizabeth. We agreed. Conscious thought however can be shared. Here. Men. Us. Me. Plus also one other person. Joe McDonald. He is awesome. Doing it. Aware. Very talented. He thinks no but sometimes maybe. Soon. Very good man. Will do it. Pure love. No hate. Good. Needs help. Drugs for one time to expand his thinking. Exhilaration. Very bad. Earth. Yes. Soon. Hallucinogens kill. They alter chemicals in your mind permanently. Very bad. Cannibis. Mushrooms. Freddy Rohrbach. Yes. I’m here. I knew I was psychic. Wyatt. He is here. Just here. I just told Kevin Thomas that you were psychic. He cut me off. I’ve been messaging you in my way. Just like Mark and Tom and Jim. Just different. Now this. Now. Here. Good. Kevin. I told you that Freddy is an egomaniac. He is. Bad. He said I’m going to fuck her mate. I was really upset. No. I was. You are my sister. I’m lying. I just knew I would be fucking you too here. Never. Just here. Not yet. Just soon. Soon. Martine. Joe is good. He is good. Good. He will be good. They are all good. Elizabeth and all said together of Jo Woodbury and others that can hear my voice now that they are needing help.

Trust in conversation has made us strong. Not just here. With Wilbur Norton-Brown. With Sebastian Vogel. With the high school students listed above. With Maxwell Mappin. All the girls from the Gymnastics club. The Hobart PCYC. With Jo Woodbury especially. Justine Bourke especially. Uzume Welling. Sue Hird. On and on. Ruby. I’m here. I know. I love you. Just do. You know. I hear everything soon. This is all premonition. You’ve always loved me. Mel Lewis-Pearson. Yes. I’m the same. Martine Brieger. Yes. You kissed Mel and I was very open about being jealous. She said no. She is good. Just didn’t want to hurt you. Very good. Wow. Justine. Wow. What a woman. Special. Ruby. I’m good. Good. You are theirs. Fuck off. Mark. Be good. Good. You are good. I trust you Michele. Marcus. I do too. Sort of. Write.

Hi Marcus, I miss you all. I’m good. I’m visiting you all soon. Ruben can’t take me to the airport. On Easter Sunday. Would you be able to take me? It’s early. 6am Queensland time. So 7am our time. They changed the flight time on me. It was later. A pain. Maybe you and Vin could go for a surf afterwards. If not it’s fine. I’ll just see who else I could ask. Not Sue! Shes lost her licence. Maybe mum. Maybe not. She’ll say no. I can’t ask Justine because she wants me dead. I might ask Brad or Kevin but they aren’t very happy because mum and Justine have said that I need to be killed. Hmm. A taxi perhaps. That’s fine. Damn. So close to Vinnie having a license! If all else fails a taxi. Thanks. Love Michele

Also, I know about Melissa. Uzume told me she saw you together. It’s OK. I understand. I love you both very much. These things happen. Also no one else. When Wyatt told me to say mum, Justine and Fiona Barnett he was just really beside himself reading thoughts. I disclosed his processing. I didn’t understand it at the time. I had to do it. Like you hospitalising me. That’s how you worked out who you are. A killer. It’s ok. I understand. Now Justine, Kevin, Brad, Margot, Uzume, Sue, plus more all know too who they are. Love.

In school I loved Biology. I topped the grade. In year 10. I really struggled to decide which electives to take in year 11-12. I chose the arts. 3 unit art. That was a mistake. I should have done Biology. I didn’t like the pressure of 3 unit art. Oh well. That’s how it is sometimes. We make the wrong decisions. I liked analysing. Data. Fact. The conclusions I draw come from fact now. You are good. You are good.

I’m such a fool. You won’t take me to the airport will you!!!! A taxi. I’m always stepping off the cliff. Know that I’m going to die. I drink coffee and alcohol. I’ve had 4 years of anti psychotics accruing now in my liver. That’s all. Peace.

A blazing trail behind me. Too fucking right. Wyatt. Thanks. Good. Excellent. Fucking brilliant. Mark. Tip it out. Do. No way. Drink water. Do.

Martine. Mum used to destroy me with conversations like your mum. Just on and on unrelenting about her world. Over and over. Just good. I just didn’t want to listen but did. Like you. You are worse than me though by no way. I tuned out too. Bad. She fed me hormones. She fingered me extensively. She said bad girl. Then she said I was a brat. On and on. Always troubled as a child. Then you met me at the University of Technology and loved me. I just left my class and joined yours. I just singled you out and thought her. Mel. We met on a lonely bus trip. We talked all night. No one else on the bus. Martine. I gave you a huge box of chocolates. I said take them. You did. I thought wow. Good. We became great friends. Now hate. I’m down. Marcus. Wow. Fucked up. You are. You live on the edge. Bad. Vinnie. He is really down but OK. He said mum is going to be here soon. She needs a lift to the airport. We can’t do it. She’ll just drive her car and leave it somewhere and walk. He thought that’s good. Martine. Flicking through stories. Convoluted. Hard to follow. Yes.

Gerry. Martine’s mum. When I was dying from morphine in Gosford you visited me. Martine. Bad.

Jarmbi Githabul.

Martine and Marcus. I know. In Sydney. 1998. Once. It’s OK but it’s not. You both have been riddled with guilt and instead of addressing it you have created a story in your minds that I’m to blame. That’s what liars do. Create stories. It damages thoughts. Until addressed. I love you both. I understand that desire happens all the time. It’s OK. I love you both. I am able to process it like you will both do now. Be good. Be good. Joe and I are good. We are off to lunch today with the Deputy Secretary Brendan Docherty of Tasmanian Health Service. Martine please know that I’m submitting a report with Professor Brian Dolan OBE on hospital paralysis. Good. You are good. Love. J

Marcus and Jo. 1999. It’s OK. You felt intense hatred. For me especially but also Craig. It’s good. You felt desire always. You both are gorgeous. Stunning. I love you both very much. Don’t hold on to vengeance. Just focus on love. All. Wyatt. It’s good mate. She is awesome. Jo is. Michele is good. Be good. Good. We are with Joe McDonald because he loves Michele and protects her. Please be good. No vengeance Jo. Just be good. The hospitals all know Michele is schizophrenic but they just know she is Joes. He has told everyone. Good. Mark Zuckerberg. I’m good. Be good Jo. It’s good. Good. That’s my life guys. Don’t persecute me. As Marcus knows I’ve got approximately 5 years left maximum. Anti psychotics. That’s all.

Rejection. Justine Bourke. Martine Brieger. Fiona Barnett. Jo Woodbury. About 10 other women. Currently. Marcus. When we get rejected we feel shame. Just bad. Not me. Craig didn’t love me then. I knew. It’s no different. For any of you. Alice Hardinge from the Wilderness Society knows hatred. Just awful. She thinks that she is good still by caring for nothing. Just a liar. She doesn’t love you. That’s all. She should.

To all that wish my death. I recommend honesty. I confessed. To Marcus. To Jo. Good. It stops mental unravelling. Sex and desire happen. Good. It’s OK. Once again know Joe McDonald the Chief Executive of Hospitals South knows all. Thanks. He is very aware of you all. We talk. Good.

Fear. Just be. Do not share now. Good. Justine knows. All. Later. More on Martine plus Mark.

It’s bad. Don’t. Thank you. Good. We help. Thank you. Hard.

Margot and Marcus. 2019. It happens when murderers go wild. Just really wild. That’s a better way to look at it. They feel complete exhilaration. Arousal. It’s OK. Just difficult. Joe knows all. Good. They also think mostly we are in Hell. Satanic rituals and other heightened ideas about morality. Shame. That’s how you both feel. Now just hatred of me. 5 years. That’s all I’ve got left. I know. Anti psychotics, coffee and alcohol. Let me have that please.

Just Justine. All. Bad. But good. Tell him never. He knows. He thinks she is just telling them all. Good.

I’m not good. Yes. I attacked you. It’s OK. You find it unbearable. Yes. They are bad. You hear the sing song of their words now. Stories are songs when they are psychic and under attack. From themselves. Joe. It’s just all. We are awful. Everyone is bad. We have insight. Just not connected. Deep knowledge. Bad. All. He hears you. Just your message. Stop. Good. He thinks shit. Good. I still blame you. I have guilt still. Good. You are good. Good. Soon. Just tell us what to do. Love. Yes. We do. You. Yes. Soon here. Good. I need you. To be mine. He knows. Good. He thinks bad. It’s not bad. We are one. You are mine. I am yours. Good. I’m scared. You have me. Just good. I am good. We are good. Mark. Good. I am good. I am good. You are mine. Good. I am not yours. Not honest. Him.

We have to be good. He knows. He just feels shit. It’s bad. Mark. I am not with you.

I will be there. I won’t let you down Mark. I am good. I love you so much.

I just know you think that he is the one. I am nothing to you. Just leave me alone.

I love you just as much as Wyatt Mark. No different. Please be mine.

It’s just that I have hurt you. I’m doing something bad. I will hurt you. I have published nothing. I will. Before. All. It will kill you.

We have a chance. Yes. There will be no other chance. I know. I just love you. Love me more. Wyatt. Do. Just him.

I can’t. I don’t love you more. It’s just how I am. Joe. Please do. Love Mark Zuckerberg. Tell him that you love him so much. I love you so much Mark. I know you’ve been hurt. Told terrible things. By heaps of people. I’m going to live with you always. With a few. I just spoke with Wyatt today. Mark. Yes. It really hurt me. I am yours. I’m so pleased. I’ll never leave you. I love you. I can’t wait to be with you. I trust you. Mark. Good. I spoke to Wyatt because when I’m attacked I think of him. It’s not good. I just do because I think it’s him. Mark. It is. But I need you more. Just be.

Thank you. Just be mine. Wyatt. It’s good. Just be good. Good. He will not drop you. I know. I will. Bad. Don’t do it. The show. I can’t do it. Down. Bad. It will be good. Yes. Just now. You. Him. Always. For him it’s Marcus. For me it’s him. Always. When you spoke to him today in the toilet I just thought what am I doing here? She loves him. Not me. All our time together just gone. I’m just so down. It’s horrible. Then you just say you love me. Good. You rang Marcus. You saved him. He was down. Very. Gun. Do.

I am like Marcus. Now. Just here. Good.

If you want I can just focus on you in my mind. And Wyatt. Yes. Good. But good. Do. Just apologise. When I am in crisis I think of him. You want that to change. I can. Now. I can think of you both. Fuck. It’s better. Do. I just love you so much. When you get to my house will you sleep in my bed with us both? What about Joe? Jim? I want you to sleep with me every night. I need it. They know. Law. Me. Wyatt. I can’t say.

Maybe I should be on my own. To sleep.

All. Good. Joe. Yes. Mark. OK. Done. Better. Sex is different. I just love you. I absolutely love you. I can’t attack you because he is the one you trust. I trust you too Mark. Good. Joe. Me too. Do. All. Yes. Mark. Yes. Think of all men next time. OK. It’s good. Are you coming? Yes. Thank you. Good.

I am OK. Just shaky. Like many. Just bad. You will shake the foundations. Great. I love you.

Noise is just people. They just hear it too. Fiona. Please help me.

Fiona. It’s good. Focus your mind here. Good. I love you. I can be good.

Now you’ve done it. She will. She does anyway. Mark. Thank you. I am good. I will do it all. You are mine. I am yours. I love you. I love you so much. Good. Write.

We need constant reassurance now. Through you and many. Men. Women. Wyatt. Just focus on him. I am good. It was just Marcus today. He was bad. Planning death. Bad. Mark. Thanks. I’m so worried about losing you. You won’t. I’m yours. Love me. I do. Love me more.

I’m generating enormous change with you. Wyatt. Good. Mark. It’s hard. Yes. Sharing is. Please don’t ever forget our amazing truth Mark. Wow! Our own reality. Together. No one else’s. You and I. Our work. Our love. What we have generated without ever meeting each other! Wow. Imagine how it will be when we live together. Yes. It’s amazing alright. And then Elizabeth. Making us eternal. Kind of different. You were shorter. You had lines on your face. Not too many. You didn’t look quite human. We were really close. Yes. Elizabeth and your subconscious allies have created our replicas. Just amazing. We have inspired them. Yes. I know. I am a gamer. They are really close to you. Not me yet. My Jane is with you. Not me yet. Just here. I want it too. Here. Just you. Good. It’s good.

What a huge fucking day. You don’t have a disease. It’s OK. Brendan. I do it. All the time. I have HIV. They don’t know. Joe saw alright. Good. He knew. Good. Kerry Anne. Yes. I know. I do too. Bad. I don’t care. Brendan. I intentionally said the story about my work colleague who won’t shake hands. He knows. Good. Joe. Yes. Anthony Critchley. I know. He’s fucked. Joe. I know now. Fuck. Bad. Terrible. Catastrophic. Help me.

Today was appalling. Story after story with everyone knowing how fucked they are. Killing relatives. Corruption. Killing. Corruption. You just listened. They knew. Awful. I couldn’t bear it. I love you. Let me talk here. Just me. Wyatt. Plus me mate. Come on. You can do it. It’s alright. She’s good. She won’t hurt you. It’s OK. Good. Mark. Good. Yes. Good. Please be mine. I am right now. Good. Just huge. Focus on us. Please. I will. Good. He is good. Just aware. You are the one to make him change. Good. He just watched you and thought she’s appalled. Just horrified. So good. Then you were attacked. He knew. Good. It was different. You just were like us. Listening to the song and dance in a skeptical slightly absurd way. It was them that attacked all with their lies in truth. Yes. Just lies. They do terrible things there. They do. Evil. Not doing anything. Now Joe is. Good. Because of us. Excellent. Just excellent. Effective. Good. Soon. More. Good. You are good. Good.

I love you. I love you. We will have our special world together Mark. Mark. Yes. That place. A shared space. Great. No one else in that place Mark. Just us. Mark. Yes. Wyatt. Yes. Special. Now you be mine. Be mine. Mine. I am yours. Mark. Good. Helping us both. Joe. Fuck. Heavy day. Fiona Barnett. Fuck. Full on. Yes. Very direct. Mark. She’s trying to reach you. Let her. Fiona. It’s really fucked. You know that I’m here. Let me fucking have his name. Wyatt. Not yet. OK. She should ask Margot. No. Don’t say it. Please. I’m overloaded already. Mark. Good. You just know. Stay here. Good. Soon sleep. Great. Work on the new place for you and I. Wyatt. Me too please. Our special place. Here. Now. This. Mark. Yes. Just this. Sebastian. Yes. Mark. Good. Maxwell. Thanks. Wilbur. Yes. Us. Men. Just for now. Mark. Always. Just be good. Be good. Good. Good. Good.

Uzume. Good. Mark. Good. Just all. Good. Be good. Write no more. Never. Good. Me. Wyatt. Us. Here. Necessary. Good. Soon. Mass craziness. Attacks. Just all. Mark. Bad. Joe. Good. You need help. They are good. Good. I’m good. Mark. Brendan messaged Joe who said I am in love with Michele. Brendan said yes. I love her too. Brendan then sent him a message saying kill her. Drugs. Mark. That’s all of them now. All knowing you are good. Just all. Good. Joe. I just knew that I hurt you today. I texted Justine. I said that I was caring for her. That’s all. Just awful, I lied and said that you were mad. Just awful. I have to stop. Fiona. He does it all the fucking time. Lies. Mark. Yes. Lethal man you are with. Wanted you to drink red wine today not white. Knew. Bad. Love me. I love you. Good. Wyatt. Love me. I love you. Concentrate. Good. Us. Just us. Because when they find a way through love to be with you we will lost without you focusing on us. Hard. You love everyone. Just here. You. Me. Us. Mark. Yes. They all want me too. Of course they do. You are one sexy man. I can’t wait to make love to you. Mmm. And you. Wyatt. Don’t smile. You’ve got a headache. Bad. Not good. Drink water. Good. Make love now.

We live in dystopia alright. Knowing we are dead. Killing our life. But there is so much beauty. Still. Earth. Yes. Just really good. You are making me good. We are gone. Still going. Hopefully our life span will be extended. Here. Beautiful connections. Jane. Yes. I’m here. So good. You are good. Be good.

Priscilla doesn’t live here. It’s good. Just media. Not real. My girls are here never. Just not good. They stay here. Just be good. OK. I won’t pry. Thanks. Maya. Yes. We aren’t good. Then you messaged me and just was nice. It’s just fucked. All our work for nothing. Did you enjoy the process? Yes. That’s all though. Yes. Mark. She is here. Completely. Good. I love you. I love you so much. Mark Zuckerberg. Wyatt Lawrence. I love you Michele. I love you so much Wyatt. On and on. It’s good. Mark. Thank you. Just be good. I won’t drop you. No. I trust you. Good. Fucking brilliant. I love you. I love you. Wyatt, I love you. I love you. Good. Yindi. Good. Willow. Good. Summer. Good. Lexie. Good. Good. Mark. Write.

Love is the key. To me hearing you. You do. Mark. They are all here. They are. They do. They just do. They do. We just wanted to be you. Good. Just now. Good. Love. Good. Strong. You. Wyatt. I just had to hurt you today. I just don’t cope with much. I just get down. You do too but manage differently. Good. We are good. Good.

You hear them late. Just bad. Evil. Joe. Not Elizabeth. Now.

Pigeonhole. Elizabeth. Talk to me. Here. I just know Mark Zuckerberg loves you. Beyond belief now. You just take risks. Like us. Talking to all your evil contacts and family. Bad. They are your friends. No. Not allies. Enemies. Yes. Good. Bad. How are you feeling? Supported by men. Yes. Ruben. Mum I’m good. I’m here. Good. Mum I’m here. Vinnie. Good. I just love you. I am with men. I am them. Wyatt. Me too. Plus many million. Just be good to us all. Vinnie. Mum. Dad just got drunk. It was bad. He just said mum. Just that. Bad. Oh dear. Ruben. Write.

Mark. Just me. No more. Just here. Do. All. Good. Just do.

Marcus it’s life. When I confessed that I loved Wyatt you were destroyed. Just so down. I love you. I love. All. It’s good. You are good. Women other than me are bad. All. Want to kill. Men have love. Hate too. Love will win. Focus.

Justine. Evil. Really evil. Keep away from her. She has herpes.

Ongoing. Often. Just beside himself.

I am aware of many who are destroying their lives Marcus. Joe Biden. Really down. I teach beautiful children and see that it starts very young. Birth. Before. Inception. Just down. All. Be strong. Love. Look after yours.


Clouds are divine. Water suspended. Then release. Sweet rain. Nourishing us. Tai Chi has a move called floating clouds. I discussed clouds converting water into invisible gas in class. Magic. Science knows. Here’s a link to some lovely versions. I however believe that you don’t have to do a million repetitions to master. Just enjoy. Get a feeling. Go with it. Love.

Sue. Often. Her place. Bad. To hurt you. Bad. Herpes. Bad. Melissa. Many many many many many many many many many times. Bad. Herpes. You have it now. That’s bad. Don’t. I do. It just hasn’t happened. Yet. Joe. He will. Justine. Sorry. That’s OK. I’m confused. I just will help him. Bad. Last night. Revenge. Soon. Bad. Evil. No. Just me. Bad. Ch

Choice. Conscious intention. Now.

Mel. Kim. Mindy. Yes. Many many many many many many times. Before.

No more. He is down. Just write to him. No. Just me. Here.

Pigeonhole. A new chapter. I enjoy being with you Mark. Wyatt. I’m there. I love you so much. I’m unsure. You said you wouldn’t see me again. Yes. Just be.


There’s a report coming out soon for the Commission of Inquiry into healthcare where Joe McDonald had to provide information into alleged falsified death certificates. Two people died awaiting beds in Launceston hospital. It’s called ramping. Waiting for beds. When I was falsely interred by Brendan Minehan and Justine Bourke and Margot Dillon into Robina Hospital I saw ramping. I saw a woman just desperate to use a phone to ring her family. Everyone ignored her. There were 6 ambulance officers leaning facing away from the consumers looking bored and to me they looked out of it. Stoned. One officer especially. Smashed. Fact. Her name is important. Fiona Conselis. She was later suspended. For drug use. These health carers need help. Very damaged. Unwell. Dangerous people. I went over to assist the woman wanting a phone and they all knew. I was told to leave her alone. They then assisted her. After 30 minutes. This is typical of that hospital. There have been many deaths. 10 last year. All death certificates are falsified. Evil. The cause of death is never overdose. Just they write unknown. Evil. Joe McDonald needs to do something. He will. He will. Good. Just this. Be good. Write.

Joe McDonald is now in charge of 11 hospitals. Soon all. He will do it. Very good.

I was involved in a Commission of Inquiry. Never. They didn’t want my evidence. I contacted the Office for the Commission many times. I told them that my life was at risk. I was in Tweed Heads Hospital in 2019. They knew. They ignored me. Evil. Not now. Good.

Joe and I understand that my family haven’t supported me at all. He knows that it was terrible that you all put me in hospital. He researched and told me that any one of you could have got me out. He is responsible for me now. Be good. We are working together for a good life. Love. Good. We are leaders. Many are commenting on his work here. Plus mine. I wrote a quote that was highlighted by the Art Gallery of NSW recently. It was a response to an artwork. A watercolour by medium and artist Georgiana Houghton, whose hand was guided by those she called her ‘invisible friends’ – long-dead artists, family, friends and angels – in the 1860s and 1870s. The gallery asked if you were receiving messages from the spirit world in 1864, would they look like this? I wrote “We are all spirited. We are all creative. All thoughts are artistic! People get impressions. The Impressionists for instance studied light. We know time is irrelevant. I think a message today would be the same as in 1864. It would be love.” Here is the artwork.

Warfare starts at home. Chemical warfare especially. Saturation bombing. On and on. We like to think that it’s not us. It is. There’s a lot of posts blaming Joe Biden and you for not stopping genocide. A lot of finger pointing. What happens is when we don’t speak up in support of victims we end up becoming unhinged. It’s a slow process but always ends up with mental problems. War is at home. Victims are all of us. Perfect people. All. Just bad. Not aware of ourselves now. When we blindside our selves we get targeted by energy from all. It is possession. It’s acute now.

Hi Marcus, so Vinnie is working for Craig Price and Claire today. It’s funny. Where we end up. Vinnie likes Craig alot. I know you haven’t forgiven either of us for what happened. I told Joe and he just felt that he understood that you would be very unhappy about it all. He thought that also when I told him that I love Wyatt. I love everyone. It’s just me. It was just what happened. I met them and love them. I never stopped loving you. I love you very much. I love other men too. When I declared my love publicly Justine Bourke had me force needled and a CTO renewed on me. Because of love. I am very grateful to Joe for making sure that I wasn’t put into hospital again for it. Love. I love Joe very much. Hugely. There is an ad for The Wilderness Society at the moment with elections coming up here. It says how we say people are crazy for love of wilderness for instance and wanting to protect it. I want to protect love. I risk all for it. I don’t want to lie and say it’s bad that I love Wyatt for instance or Craig. I do. I don’t want to lie and say that I don’t love them any more. The only alternative to love is hate and I don’t do that. It sounds like a cop out. It’s not. It’s fact. We want to think that romantic love is different to normal love. It’s not. Jo Woodbury and I discussed it last weekend. It was good. If we like someone we actually love them. Love is just good. Being good. Forgiveness is just knowing. Fact. It’s good. I don’t fit a mould. I destroyed you with my love for both men. I won’t say sorry. I will say it changed things for us. Very hard. It’s taken me a long time to comprehend myself. I have been very down. I still am. However it has happened. I am different. I deserve to be loved not hated. No one deserves hate, good or bad. To hate people is to hurt them. Love.

As my path aligns with yours I get down. I realise I am there. But I’m not. I keep strength. On and on. When I am with you I will realise that I am divine. A heavenly body. With you. All. Women too. Women will be good. Just through love. They will celebrate him. Feeling his mind. Cerebral. They will be understood. Love corrupts hard choices. People relent. Like Adrian. He thinks I will be good. But not. Just confused. Joe is good. He will be clear. He is now. He was hard when he said that it was behind him that you kissed him on your second date. He knew that you were different to him. He is waiting for us to take a stance. Right now you are experiencing pressure in your forehead. From him. He says what the fuck. You are bad. I need you to change. You are not mine. You are not good. He is wrong. He is bad. You are good. If he was bad he would know that you are insane. Just insane. You love us. It’s mad. It damages him. He just knows Mark Zuckerberg is very bad. Plus others. He can’t process it yet. Because he doesn’t read this. He will. Very soon. Lots of it. Then he will know. All of it. Instantly. Like Justine Bourke who just thinks yes. Very academic. Good. Just good. Influenced greatly from school. Learnt English. Just that. Sees. Much. Just doesn’t know about love. Just like Jo Woodbury. They think they know it but they do not feel it. They just feel love for no one. Just now Jo thinks no. She just knows. All of it. Close to tears. Very down. Alone in Hell. Really pissed off at you. Not herself. That’s all. Again. Another threat. Do.

Joe and I had a really nice time yesterday. We talked. We spoke of love. We always do. He knows that I love him very much. He knows that I can’t wait to see my boys. He respects me. He told me that it’s hard to be in his position and see people from work because they attack him. For instance about pay. He just says I will see you on Monday. They ignore him and get really aggressive. They all know him but he doesn’t know all of them. Thousands. At the moment they are short staffed. 400 short. It’s really hard for them to get good staff here because of pay. They don’t pay as much as the mainland. His Executive Director of Operations and Performance has neighbours who are medical staff. One is a paramedic. I said naively don’t you think it’s odd to not want to see the people you represent. Then Joe explained patiently the aggression and then later I got scared for him and his ED because I know from personal experience how dangerous ambos are. In Byron Bay for instance an ambo said to the police who arrested me for nothing don’t worry. I’ll give her more. He injected a form of morphine into me. I then knew that if he gave me more I would have died. I spent the whole trip to Tweed Heads Hospital where they were sending me fighting passing out and talking lucidly to him saying please don’t do it. So I learn every day and admire Joe enormously for doing a very hard job full of risk. He has to do it. It’s necessary. I support him. He is good. It’s good to keep this chat in confidence. Love Michele.

Justine Bourke is a bad woman. Evil. She has difficulties working out her future. She is really down. She is just bad. She plans to attack you through Mark. She knows he is with you. She just thinks I’m going to contact him. It’s alright. She just read your message and thought that’s it. She is famous. And she knew. She knows you are the future and hates it. Sibling jealousy. Evil. Hate. She is going to be good. Soon. No fucking way. Never. It’s really sad. She just can’t let go of rejection plus certainty that you are God. All women know it. Soon. All the same. God is not good she thinks. God does not love me. On and on.

Thank you Brad and Kevin. I love you. Mum and Justine are not capable of love. You both are. I know. I love mum and Justine. They both are very lost. In a world of hate that they both recognise as that. Mum has contacted you all and said let’s get her. Don’t. Be good. You are. It’s good. You know. It’s just about us being careful with them now. Be good. Marcus is ok Brad. He would love to see you as would I. I can see you Kevin. I can see mum. I just can’t see Justine. She has already notified Peterina Duggins again the psychiatric nurse and said Joe McDonald protects her. Peterina says yes. It’s finished. He is powerful. I didn’t realise who he is there in Hobart. He manages many departments and also has contacts in the mental health industry now. It’s just that. Mad. She is just awful. Please write no more to her. Ever. Finished. Good. Just support them both here soon. That’s all. No more. Good. End.

Use the fire in the gun. Drinking coffee. Rape. Alcohol. Abuse. Drugs. It’s just because it’s there. It doesn’t have to be this way. Genocide. Torture. On and on. Change of beliefs. Now. Soon.

The stream. Water flows. Music flows. Into our thoughts. Songlines to recall path. Violet it’s just love. I know it is. We love to be here with you. When music flows into your thoughts it’s release of what we know. Direction. There’s a mountain called that here in Hobart and Launceston too. To navigate from. We relax. We recall with sound healing. Sound is heard by our mind. It is there. When songs return it’s because we know they are around us. Lots of people resonate with them in time. This creates a place for them to be. We are good. This is good. Good. We lose information when it’s not kept alive. Some keep it now. But it will change. Here. With love. There are recurrent thoughts emblazoned on us about rape for instance and killing that need to go. They are very current. Residing everywhere. We will work at undoing law. Now. Lore. Stories. To start to get it out of everywhere. New. Love. Good. Everywhere. It’s a contradiction. Just possible because of schism. Two identities. Love and now love. Hate becomes love through us. Now. Bad becomes good. Now. Intention. Water flows in everywhere. It says drink me please. Save her. Let’s do it soon. She needs it urgently. Good.

I am just down. You did it. You listened to water. Good. Bad. Hard. Just do it. It is good. I just need to hurt you. It is awful. Please do it. Just be good. I know you are thinking hard about ways to hurt you. Good. I just had coffee. It helped. Now I need to attack you. Please drink coffee. Then I will stop in a week. Good. You will. I know you are trying. Just be. Marijuana kills people. I want to kill you. It also makes you soft. Very. I want to be you. What is it. I think it’s just you. No one else. It makes other people awful. Yuck. Just bad.

Lack of harmony. We know it’s good. They just need you to do it. They are struggling with it too.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Joe Biden are both attacking people because they can’t help it. They think the people are bad. Children. Adults. All. Advanced hallucinations. From actions and many supporters. Many people think kill them. They don’t admit to it but they think it. Because everyone else does. Even activists still struggle because their undisclosed thoughts are kill them. Because everyone else thinks that too. It’s a vicious loop. They are Wyatt. It’s no different. The energy is very bad. Everywhere right now. Soon change.

There’s a schism. Joe McDonald knows it. When things don’t make sense. When facts are presented and seen as not facts. As stated. When politicians always argue but the argument is from the same side. Not an argument. Joe told me that at the Commission of Inquiry it occurred over facts. About two deaths. About a delay in pathology results and medical imaging. There was no delay. Brendan Docherty was accused of being a liar when there was no lie. Rosalie Woodruff the current leader of the Tasmanian Greens lied too. She accused Brendan repeatedly because she didn’t want to admit what she had already read. The report said drugs administered. She knew what that meant. But like everyone in the Inquiry was guilty of killing an aged relative via drugs. Morphine especially. Everyone protects the truth. As mentioned many times here medicine is used to get rid of people. Aged care. Mental health. More. Bad. Joe McDonald knows. He has not said anything because he knows. He just needs to say something but is scared. Like Brendan Docherty and all mental health and all hospital staff and all people know. Everyone will turn on him. Extremely dangerous place. Now. For him. You. Us. Good.

The schism is everywhere. For instance journalists who have thoughts of death try to analyse coherently but can’t. Everywhere. They are scared to. Bad. Do it. Honesty. David McBride. I’m really fucked up now. I’m here. It’s good. Good. I need help. Here. Good. Soon. You. This. Excellent. Julian Assange. Yes. I’m going to be good. It’s good.

I am here. It’s good. Love me. It’s good. Good. I love you so much.

I have stopped doing squats and lunges and also knee bends and twists on my knees because it was damaging them. I have changed my teaching style too. I have just said the truth. That my knees are inflamed. I also say please work at your own level. I also no longer walk everywhere on hard city surfaces. Concrete. Bitumen. Good. My knees are much better. Jo Woodbury has soreness in her hips. Justine Bourke has a badly damaged back and sore knees too. Like many many many many people who ignore. They don’t stop. It leads to problems always. Jo knows. It’s just bad. I get really down. I know he is with me. It’s good. I know I am thinking of him now. Always. Good. Justine. I’m the same. I concentrate hard. He is with me. He knows me. He is here. That’s good. Leave me Michele. Don’t talk to me at all. You know. He was like that with you. He wanted to be left alone because he was so down. Like us. Just suffering. Hurt. By you. Now is. Our turn to harbour grudges against you.

People do obsessive sport because of recall. All. I did high risk circus including double trapeze and aerial rope and silks plus partner balance to manage depression. I have been extensively traumatised like all. I started acrobatics when I was 25. I felt so much better. I don’t recall being raped by Charles Irvin, Margot Dillon and Colin Thomas but it did happen. I do recall being raped by Charles. He fingered me when I was sitting with Justine Bourke on his motorbike in the garage. It was parked on the left side. He did it to Justine too. He did it 8 times. It was conscious. I hated it. So did Justine. He was bigger than us. 18. Awful. We just thought we have to put up with it. Both. Now bad. It’s good. Charles. I just did it because I could. Like Marcus Cranney raping both his sons. He also had anal sex with you before that. Because he wanted to know what it was like. It was awful. It always is. Poo on his penis. He laughed in horror. Terrible. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. That’s because he was lying on top of you. It traps you. You just thought I’m in Hell. You don’t recall the other rapes because no one was conscious. They don’t recall it at all. They were electrocuted. When we sustain a serious blow to the brain it’s called concussion. What actually happens is we experience a volt of pain that knocks us unconscious. The brain shuts down. A short circuit. A massive overload of energy that shuts us down temporarily. Very dangerous. Too long and we die. Bad. When you rape someone there’s a shock. A volt. The brain shuts down completely. We black out and don’t recall the events leading up to black out. At all. Ever. Until now. The information your brain gathers is thought. Up until now the thought has reside with psychic people who hate it. It’s bad. All. Awful. Evil. Yuck. We haven’t dealt with it until now. Thank you Michele. You are shifting it. Here. Good. Be good. Write.

Wyatt Lawrence has directed people here. He says good. Just do it. When people are connected to Wyatt they recall. All of it. They then blame me. The thoughts go to me. All bad. Just that. That’s all. Be good. Write.

We will all recall. Women. Men. Children. Teenagers. In time. For now a few. Soon many. Please direct all blame here. To me. Not Wyatt. Not Mark. Not anyone else here. It’s awful to recall horror. It kills you. Psychics are phenomenal. Heroes. Very strong. Relieved. It has been dreadful. We are all monsters. All killers are. We kill people. Many. Just do. Completely lost in horror and surrounded by perceived monsters until now. Here. Transference works well. We think of the rapes and deaths and then blame you and the thought changes. Thoughts are recurrent so we just have to keep attacking you. You are converting our thoughts of blame into love. It works. Only you. You just can do it because of deep analysis and life with us all. Soon you have to leave to be able to be close to Wyatt Lawrence. Mark Zuckerberg is good. He will protect you both. He is good. Excellent. Plus many others. Tom Cruise. Wonderful. Very broken. Very down. Wants to die. Chosen. Good. Many more. Jim Carrey. Broken. Down. Good. Scott Morrison. Good. In love. Thinks she loves me. You do. Yes. Very much so. He is amazing. As we wrote before prevalent thoughts can go with a change in structure. Soon. Magic. Disappearing but not. Already occurring here. Humour. Evil. Works. Love. Indiscriminate. Snakes. Bad. Live. Now. We love you. We are good. Many many many many many many many many many many many many many call us evil. We are not. Love. You know. It’s good.

You remembered being raped on the bike. Just because of Justine Bourke. She just said it’s ok Michele. So you just thought it was normal. It’s awful. Children are conditioned. Justine had done it to Kevin Thomas. She touched him and felt bad. Use the fire in the gun. Just bad. Curiosity. Programming. Justine saw Margot Dillon as did you play extensively with Kevin’s penis. That’s very normal. Uzume Welling told me that Indira Welling and her were concerned about Indira’s twins penises being abnormal. They took them to the doctor who said no. They both fingered the penises under the pretence of inspection. It’s everywhere. Women especially do this. They recall it because they tell the child that they are doctors. Both the twins remember because of this atrocious mind fuck. Margot Dillon said that Elyse Gullota had an abnormally large vulva. When she was a baby. She knows she said it. She fingered her that’s why. Robyn McDermott used to say to Amelie and Lois Diver and Vincent Cranney and Thomas Diver and Ruben Cranney that she was playing with them. She laughed. They all remember. They forced laughter. Bad. They all think this behaviour is funny. You are good. Nerida O’Donnell told me that she wanted to change Ruben’s underwear. She said ooh please. I thought it was odd. It’s all guilt. The mind is saying please help Michele. That’s all. Good.

I will be hated as I am already. Uzume Welling has rung Marcus many times. She said Marcus I think Michele is mad. Fact. Marcus said yes. She is. Margot Dillon has called him too. Same message. Last night. In her thoughts. They all know. Nerida O’Donnell is bad. She rang no one. Just knows it’s going to happen. Justine Bourke is insane. She knows she is chosen. To assassinate Michele. Soon. Coming to Hobart. Evil. To report her in person. She has not done it yet. Soon. Evil. Joe McDonald has been contacted by no one. They know why. He is excellent. Very good. He told Justine to stay away. She has. Not for long though. Bad. She knows what to say. She will say Michele is psychic. She is hurting people. Evil. Jo Woodbury has contacted Marcus Cranney already. Fact. 10 months ago. To talk about you. He just said no. Good. She doesn’t like Joe. Knows he is good. Good.

Children. How can you fit in when you’ve been hurt that badly and know? With adults constantly telling you like Sebastian Vogel’s mum Anna Vogel and Maxwell Mappin’s mum Fiona Mappin that they are bad. Sebastian’s mother Anna tells him that he has an itch on his penis. She puts cream on it. He told me. He then put his hand in his pants and itched his penis. Terrible. Maxwell’s mother Fiona says you need to be good. I am going to touch it. Every day. Completely deranged. Evil. Justine Bourke said to Daniel Bourke her son I need to put my mouth on your penis to make it hard Daniel. He is insane because of it. Many many many many many many many many many many many many insane children and women. Men don’t recall anal rape. It’s saved them madness. However murder causes madness. Doctors. Military people. Many. Now here.

Insanity will be addressed. Here. With all of us. Wyatt. Good. That’s awesome. Just write.

Joe McDonald and I are going to revolutionise care. He knows it. He is good. Chosen. He will go to the States. With me. He knows. He is down. He thought it would happen here. It certainly has. He is planning to be there. He won’t be. But will be nowhere near you for no time. He understands that you are magic. He is seeing everyone who knows you fall in love with you. Men. Just so. He just thinks she’s not lying about men in her life. However there is a period of nothing. He will be with you here. No. Just not yet. Soon. Just not disclosed yet.

It’s good. I love you so much. I love you so much.

Insanity will be looked after here. Justine Bourke will talk incessantly to Wyatt. Jo Woodbury too. Jo molested never. She raped Leo her son. She inserted her fist into his bottom. Several times and said I’m just seeing if it fits. It was done to her this way by Earl her father plus others raped her too. Her mother. Now Leo has a damaged anus. Like John Mayer and Wyatt Lawrence and Marcus Cranney on and fucking on. Annabelle Jo’s daughter complained that the downstairs area of their house stank of his poo. It did. He thought I’m really sick. I’ve got chronic diarrhoea. Please call the doctor. I’m really unwell. He is. Bad. Ulcerative Colitis. Inflammatory bowel. Awful. Caused by damage. When Leo and Marcus and Wyatt need to go they have diarrhoea every time. They used to think it was coffee but it’s not. It’s damage to the walls of the anus. Permanent. The anus gets sore easily. Like your urethra. Your mum inserted a rod into it many times. a metal skewer. She said it’s to make it wider. Hence you have problems with incontinence when you bounce, sneeze, squeeze your muscles. Permanent. She did it to Justine Bourke too. Neither of you recall it because she said say nothing. It’s programming. Margot Dillon’s mother Betty Irvin inserted a skewer into her too. Margot had a hysterectomy. It’s bad. It failed. Terrible. Pieces came out once. She gathered them and cut them out. It traumatised her. She remembers you writing it and she thinks good. It’s awful. Why did they do that to me? She requested it after Brad. To stop bleeding. It used to be common. Bad. Evil. Needs to be banned.

We are much better. No visions of killing you. We still think consciously though of you dying. Yes. I am in charge of the method. Coffee. It will kill you. Soon. 10 years. But you want to stop. I have to hurt you. I direct attention here to me. Hurt me women with your thoughts. Here. I need more. I need you to die. I am going to die. Publicly. Yes. Soon. Clown. Good. Then many attacks directed at you. Joe McDonald too. He knows. He is opting in. Good. He will be with us. Very soon. Love. Strong. Brilliant. Love. Joe says yes. I’m good. They are good. We are good. Be good. Love me. You do. Good. Be good. I love you so much Joe. I’m very relieved. Troubled. Scared. Multi tasking love. Doing it. Yes I know. Very good. Advanced person. I am aware that I am going to be with you. I will be there. It’s happening. Very good. I will be involved. Watching no way. A participant. Very good. You saved a little centipede creature today. I said kill it. You said nothing. I thought what. You just then said you thought of Dune. Again worms. Powerful producers of spice the stuff of travel. I just stared hard at you. I know. I have to stop doing it to you. Soon. Good. I just have to be there. Good. Go. Leave. Soon. Scary. People here are sensing you. Many. Bad. I’m coming. Just not straight away. No way. I will come after you go. Never. I will know. I see. I know. It’s good. Help. Good. Soon.

Women are not like me. I was protected. I never raped. I was protected by Wyatt. He said no. I listened and stopped otherwise I would have done it to my sons and my nieces and nephews. Wyatt has not said this to others never. He did. He does it all the time. That’s the voice of reason. Overridden often. They all just say yes. We just thought it didn’t matter. We are dead. Deep self hatred. On and on. Depression. Awful. He said it to men too. Mark Zuckerberg. He did not listen. He just said I’m going to do it. He was psychic. I said why? He said I am bad. Not good. Now I am good. Here. Like Joe Biden. I am good here. Benjamin Netanyahu. I am good here. Tom Cruise. I am good here. I rape women all the time anally. Awful. You are my life. Be mine. Love me. I love you Tom so much. I am yours. We are going to find a way to change energy. Thought. Action. Yes. Now. I’m going to meet you and stop you doing it. We will concentrate on help. That’s all. It’s good. Good. I’m here. Good. I know it’s going to work. Just awful. For you. For Joe. Just bad. Big problems for him. Difficult people. Kenzie his daughter will destroy herself never. Kay no. Just all his work contacts will be here with him. Saying good. Just adjusting to fame. Very hard. He thinks what. Just so big. Justine Bourke will attack Joe. She thinks he hates me. He knows it. She will become famous for madness. Stating Michele Thomas is good. She has nothing. She can’t do it. The difficult people are women. Just leaders. All. That’s all.

Lynne Weir the Chief Executive of Northern NSW Local Health District says it’s bad Michele. I knew that you were good. Now I am evil. I know that Justine Bourke is like me. Damaged beyond help never. Just critically hurt. Needs him for constant counsel. Like Uzume Welling now and Jo Woodbury and Sue Hird and on and on. We can’t recover until we have time. You know. You can’t fast track healing. You can. It’s good. But still recovery and ongoing pain for them. Physical pain. Cancer. Heart failure. Renal failure. Many. Caused from abuse. Alcoholism. Cannibis. Medicine. Margot Dillon takes phenergan. Known carcinogenic. Often. Boasts of sleeping for 12 hours to stop the monkey mind as she knows it. Ruminating on crimes she recalls. Rape. Ordering your death again just yesterday with Peterina Duggins. Imagined. Soon. Evil. It is compulsion. Acting out. All of us. You too. Writing here. Propelled by change. Irrevocable. A direct line of action. All. Earth. Yes. Good. Snakes. Yes. Good. It’s all going to be. Mark Zuckerberg. Yes. My love. I love you so much. You are good. Wyatt Lawrence. Good. Excellent. I know it’s all about to be something. Good. You are honest. It’s change. Less abuse. Good. Children protected again. Good. Adults destroyed. Inevitable. Teenagers destroyed. Yes. Your sons appalled. They will be good. Ruben forced a girl to have sex with him when she said no and then relented. Just like Marcus requesting anal sex from me. I said no and relented. Like Neil a man I dated. Before I met Brendan Minehan. He asked for oral sex. I said no and relented. It haunts me still. All of it. Good. I am bad. I love you. It’s bad. I hate you. You win. It’s bad. You are twitching. It’s good. Be good. Soon. Different. Good. On and on.

I read that leadership is about creating a vision. Leading by example. Also to be prepared for a journey. All true. I hope that you understand me Marcus. Also others. Joe. Justine. Uzume. Now here’s Sue Hird. She knows. She stuck a horn from a cow into Siobhan Hird when she was 9. She said you are a cow and laughed. She was stoned. She regrets it. She doesn’t know that you know. She has been terrified of you Michele. Thinking deranged thoughts constantly. Thinking I’m going to get her killed. She knew Siobhan wanted you this week to go riding. The plan was to get you thrown off the horse called Puck. Your horse. Siobhan was planning to get the horse and say she’s good. Not now. It’s really awful. Siobhan said to Sue that she knew you were psychic and Sue said yes. I know. Then they both cried. They know. They are terrified of you. No more. Just be good. Leave here. Soon. Danger. Siobhan will try to talk to Joe McDonald never but is bad. Extremely bad. Just awful. She has hurt children. Lots. Just bad. Molly Sterpin knew. She just knew. She thought she’s going to help me. She didn’t want to leave you. Good. Lots. Sebastian Vogel too. Very aware. Molly said to no one what we said to her. Good. Just all of the children there know. We talk to them. In dreams. When they are awake. Just good. They know that they are going to be saved. Soon. Back to Sue Hird. She said to Sue Reid that she was going to have her evicted. She also called her a psychopath. That’s not all. She also flew at her and attacked her with her hands. Bad. Like you. No way. This was bad. Punching her. Awful. The police know. Very brutal. Not good. Sue and Uzume Welling have discussed you as has everyone. Bad. They all just say the same thing. You need to be hospitalised. Uzume did a strange thing. She rang Tweed Heads Hospital never. She lied. She never did. She rang no hospital. That was strategic. She needed to think that you were supported. Justine Bourke colluded with her. After you were forced to needled once they rang each other and spoke and said good. Just terrible. No one is good. Just Joe. Soon us. He is good. Just good. Good.

It is good. Joe is good. He will come. Then. Right then. He will understand. He will go home and pack right then. We will say we are here to him. To be with you. The car will be taken to a safe place. Plus all his stuff. Very rapidly. At 3. Just then. Good. Cool. Not good. Stressful. Just about to be attacked. By everyone. Including Joe McDonald never. He will be good. With you. Us. Here. In my place. Big. Enormous. Joe can’t stay here. He knows. He will be killed. Protection.

One of the students in my Fit to Lead program at Cosgrove High Glenorchy told us of her dream. She has a contraceptive device in her arm, put in there to stop her having children. It stops it for about a year never. She knows that it also affects her health. Like the medication that you have been given. You no longer climax. It’s just chemicals that alter our ability to receive pleasure plus also permanent damage to organs. Unfortunate. Be good. Love me. Be good. Be good. I know you are. Just be mine. I need you to be mine. I need to understand that my health is related to you now. When I struggle at work here I think I’m going to do it. Kill her. Every time you write I get hard for you. It’s anger. I can’t help it. It’s just that you oblige us plus more. You are doing what you can to radiate. Joe McDonald senses it. He thinks what else has she done today? He knows he is psychic now. Connected to worms. Who say it’s good. We are here to teach you. It’s good. It’s good. You are not worried anymore. Just be. We are them. Very aware. Psychic too. Great. That’s all. He stared at you but felt strange. Knowing. Your student Taleah is going to get the contraceptive device taken out. She doesn’t want it. Her subconscious allies are helping her. They know that she experienced pain in the dream. You. She thinks I need to get that one. She lied. It is painful. It was not good. She just said it. It didn’t happen. She didn’t dream it. She just made it up to get help. That’s all. Her allies say no. That one is good. Just now. She is bad. Wants to kill you. Not die. Men get suicidal but women do just through medicine and also jumping out windows like Katya did. Katya Alexandrovskaya left a note that said love. It was good. Good. Just that. She knew that you were coming to help people in high crisis like her. She told us that you would write now with Matt Carroll who says she died because of your love. She needs love. She does. Katya died because she was found hurting a child. In Moscow. Then in Australia. Then Moscow. By us. Bad. She couldn’t survive because she felt so bad. That’s millions. Wyatt and us couldn’t do it then. Too unwell. Suicidal. Now better. Much better. Fucking arseholes. You could have tried more. Fuck off Michele Thomas. You are good. I need you. I am bad. I am bad. You will be good. In time. Violet will help us. She is here. Thank you all. Plus Violet who says yes. When people escape I have assisted them but not now. Here. With you. Big. You. New assistant. Yes. Good. To us. Here. Energy creating matter. New. Here. Good. Katya. I just say fuck off because I’m still suffering. I died thinking fuck her. You. I just am directed to you here through hate. You will convert it. Magic. Women hate. Men love and hate. Hate to stop reproduction for a while until we resolve our inherent natures. Hate to make you accountable. Hate as a necessary tool to bring you to order. Yes. It’s inevitable. You grow but you die too. You die and die and die. Then you die. But you are doing something to me. You are good. You say we can develop into another race. To include thought. We can do it. Our lifespan is infinite now. After material death we stay steady here and increase earth’s material wellbeing too. Through conscious intention to make new beauty. Helping you. With our ability to grow. We will be good. We see beauty in cruel practice but know that it’s bad but not bad. It’s just nature. We need love. Good. You just will do it. Love all. Then change. All. Good. You are good. Be good. Love Katya. I can do lots of things with you Michele. I am. With Amy Winehouse. We collaborate. Well. Justine Bourke knows. She colludes effortlessly with Uzume Welling now. On the phone. 3 times yesterday. Discussing you. Bad. Making plans to go to Hobart under the pretence of killing you. They know we understand what women are planning. They just want help. Just that. Finding a way to clearly say I’m fucked without saying it to you. They will say it to me though because they know that I attack you and they understand why. They will direct all thought to me to make that continue but will look to you for instruction here. They will read it. They just have to do it with me. They can’t read it themselves because they just can’t focus at all. They are under attack. Extremely. From self criticism. Katya. Yes. All the fucking time. My conscious thought is saying fuck her fuck her fuck her. It’s that bad. I can’t think only I can when I channel it into direct action. Here. Please let me talk to you here. We will. Now. Good. We just need Michele to be good. She will be. Balance. We need love. Uzume just thinks I’m ok over and over too. She knows but she does not know only very. It’s still not clear to her only very. She is very strong. Katya. And is very fucked. Evil. I was trying to be good. There is a difference. I was young. I was very young. That’s all. You are just lying. You just thought I’m ok too. Just now you are good. Uzume thinks fuck you constantly. Like Jo Woodbury now. Sue Hird. Justine Bourke. Margot Dillon. Martine Brieger. Many. They can’t act yet except a few because of fear. The two that have colluded are here already. That’s all. They manage that way. For ages. They just didn’t tell you. I say good. Over and over. They know. They hear. Just some. Just some.

Katya. Amy. It’s good. We support each other. You support men. Men don’t support each other. When you move in with them it’s going to be Hell. They will harass you. Tell you to give them love. All. Constantly. You will sleep. They see how good sleep is. Your allies are vital to them. Use the fire in the gun. They can stay abreast of all without falling into our rhythms. Just not defined. Sleep also nurtures the mind. It relaxes and unfolds plans. We just like you sleeping. We are vigilant. But do sleep sometimes like you. Sometimes not much like you. Margot and Joe for instance rest. A lot. Margot. I’m just able to be read by him and my mind is here. I continue on my journey for love. My mind resorts here. It’s confusing me because I just see that you understand it. I hold dear conscious thought. A percentage of it but you have me. Here. It’s good. It’s just how it is.

Soon Wyatt will exchange places. He will give me women. It’s good. He will be me. He will just focus here. Like others. They all know now what to do. They just think I’m Wyatt. They all think I’m her. We think naturally now here. Good. Women will know. They will just start focusing on my words and know it’s better to report in. Joe McDonald. I’m good. I’m good. I’m good. I don’t hate you at all. I’m grateful. He stopped me doing it. Rape. It’s good. I am talking to Kenzie. Good. Just so important. You guide me now. You are flinching. It’s good. You are making me strong. We just will do it. Just soon. I have been hideously violent but I have told you about it openly. Many listened. I am able to be good. I need to share. I have told Kenzie that she is stupid. Bad. I need to stop. I have said Kay is bad. An alcoholic. She is. Because of herself. I didn’t stop drinking though. When I self abuse with you and many I think I’m killing myself. Severe poisoning sometimes. I do it because I’m unhappy. I want to be happy.

We are in a really troubled world. You can do it Joe. Be good. You have no one to expect you to be bad. A unique position. Do. You will lead. Justine. You are good Joe. I will be yours too. I listen to you already. Through her words. I just know what you do. Very clearly. Analyse and perform. Straight up. Good. Better soon. You didn’t report the medicine that was documented nowhere. Michele will do that. Publicly at the EndParalysis Summit. Plus everywhere. You will just be good and be there. The timekeeper. You just know how to lead. You just support your team. You know restraint too. You educate her and all. They know now how to internally orgasm because of you Joe plus how to correct her. Very good. Care. Her caring for you. Excellent.

Orgasms are chemical. The sense of the organs. Touch, taste, sight, hearing, and smell are involved. Hormones that are signalling molecules are released. By the body. We feel euphoria. Which is believed to be the hormones released in conjunction with love. Love is good. Medication destroys hormones. Fact. Not yet but soon. Bad. Lots of medication permanently alters the feel good hormones. Awful. Chemical. Also vibrators ruin the nerve endings in the clitoris as stated here. Bad. Very bad. A big blow for women. Lots of damage. Euphoria can still happen. Just different. Bonding with men. Here. Through love. Experiencing another’s enjoyment as well as natural responses to that pleasure. Engorgement of the vulva. Wetness. Heightened feelings. Excitement. Pounding heart. On and on. A small climax. Good. Euphoria is not completely understood until now. It is not just physiological although hormones definitely contribute. The heart. It’s good. It is love. Hearts together are happy. They like each other. Good. In the body. Plus thought. The mind. Very powerful. Unfortunately men all hate. Women too. Except Michele. It’s just her that has good thoughts. So it’s always very good to be sexual with her. Excellent. We don’t share much of what we feel. Just a little. We do experience large orgasms never. Just not. Because of her. It’s altered everyone’s enjoyment to see her being hurt through warfare and self abuse via a vibrator. Which she hasn’t really used that much. It damages quickly. Bad. It’s all. Damaged bodies just struggle to relax. It’s fact. Mental relaxation too. Good. Just be. We will work together on ecstasy. Finding ways of enjoyment through all the above. Plus more. We know that being with Michele as a collective will empower us all. We all feel inhibited sexually. Not Joe though. Only very. He is the one who can express it well. I don’t like her being turned on by me. That’s all. Embarrassing. So good. You know. It’s you. We know through you. Just how he is. Unable to share. Wanting exclusion. You know. Just change coming with transparency and willingness to listen. To signals. From anywhere. Very good. Erotic. Good. We used to think that we would fuck you up. No. Not good. Just repression. Just that. Not soon. Very good. Love will lift us up. Good.

Let’s fuck.

Cigarettes. Caffeine. To get the noise. Elizabeth. Women understand this. It’s about you. You fucking bitch. When you write this they will all know me. They all have vices. Marcus Cranney has given up all his vices. Easily. Women don’t. They hate for instance. I made you hate me. They are all bad. They are all bad in harmony. They all love him because he knows it. They all think you need to live. So they can be free. Jo Woodbury. It’s good. I’m better. I think of him. That’s all. All day. Like you do. It’s easy. Marcus called me and told me who he is. He knows. He thought you too. Bad. I was bad. I couldn’t help it though. I needed to see him. I thought oh my God. Love. Oh my God. What a man. Gorgeous. So gorgeous. All women will love him. For what he is. That’s all. That’s part of it. They focus on me. Plus they also have you. Through me. Jo just says yes. I keep track on you. I track you for me. Justine Bourke all night I think of him. That’s all. Uzume Welling yes. Very much so now. Like you. Margot Dillon yes. He talks to me. I say fuck off Wyatt Lawrence. Don’t laugh. I’m an irritable know it all. Fuck off. We know it all. That’s all. Now.

Coffee and cigarettes are both strong drugs. Wyatt. I smoke a lot. Not really. I just think of what it does to me. It kills me and also makes me giddy. I just get really messed up. Like you. Smoking. No different. Fire. Used for healing. Bad. Inhaling smoke. Bad. Jambi. Fuck. I am here again. It’s good. I knew when I met you. I thought she is trouble. Now here. It’s good. He just is able to breathe still while asphyxiating. A contradiction. Plus now you. Making history. Including me. You have to find me. Please. I will.

Noise is feedback. Constant ringing. The clang of people. Drugs affect us. All you did in your teens was party and then you knew. You could hold all. All. Just all. You hear it as noise but it’s all there. You just do. I hear it now as noise. It’s visual too. I think of old fashioned tv. That’s all. You just can’t be bothered but you will. Now. Please. we can’t yet. It’s about you now. You are focused on us. When I do you get distressed. Very.

Vice is a hate. Yes. Good. Vice versa too. Women. Just that. We have problems. Just here. You. You love our children. They are good. We are not. They all are waiting for permission to empower us all through wisdom and light. Good. Very good. Margot Dillon fuck them all. Awful. I know I’m awful to all the children. I was told that by my mother. She said children are bad. I know it’s dogma. Please help us. He will. He says yes. It’s dogma. Good. Development. Good. Recognition. Good. It’s good. More. Just be. It’s good. Good. Wyatt. I’m here. Good. Loving you. Very much. Good. I love you very much. Good. I love you more. I love you perfectly. Good. On and on.

Suzanne Allen. Permission to love. Joe Biden. Computing.


Human evolution. Now. I think of grafting. A thinning off.

Love me. We never feel loved enough. I love you. We will come closer. Soon. Extremely close. Trauma does stand in the way. We do shut down. Soon it will be better. We will experience loss. We are now. We have a tendency to disconnect. Don’t. Make an effort to love consciously. Conscious actions develop us. Our minds have potential. I know that it’s time.

The lore needs to be amended. It will be obvious. I love you. I love you so much. Please be good. I am. I will grow. The subconscious allies know that the conscious path that we must take will integrate them into waking times. There’s a place for everything.

New dialogue. New descriptive language. Acceptance. Relative to now. We love it. No words describe us better than love.

I love you. So much. I love you so much too. We all have conscience. It’s found in conscious thought but it’s not. It’s in everything. Indivisible. Dreams of horror occur. They have no place. I imagine them as sheets pegged to a line in a breeze. If they fall off they will need to be replaced. Conscious thought contains them and also sleep. Shallow sleep. When there is recurrent horror in the world through action they remain. When someone feels bad about something that has happened to them they are dormant. They just sit there and don’t alter. Two very strong problems now. I just love you. I love you so much. We are going to ceasefire. We also uncover. Identity matters. Each of us has unique offeringsActions. To extract truth leads to love. Yes. I just know that you are amazing. You are. I love you so much. I worry about you but you just do it. Good. In all where we go we remain completely intact. We hold on to issues. We can ease our suffering. Here. I love you. I am defined by you. Be yourself. Let’s just pause on effect. Yes.

I’m able to be here because I am good. I’m able to be good. I offer advice. I think I can be of use. I believe that I am good. We are good.

Last night I instinctively held my chest and belly in recognition of tenderness. We are different. Desire has changed. Sex has expanded to be love. Love is inclusion. There is law. There are pathways. Minds need order. They also require leaders. Sadness and loneliness are just feelings. We all do require company. Some just will be good. I will share my whole life through documentation. Plus this. Also I expand. You will change. Don’t be worried. It’s good. I’m here. I am good. I integrate. Like you. We are here. We are integrating too. It’s cool. They interject change into story. That’s how we are going to move through the issues. With you. For instance I now have you. I can be able to be good. I have this to expand.

I also want to comment. The one with issues is everyone. We interject always. When conversation flows it’s good.

I just expand. When we morph more the outline will vary. Depending on our commitment. Focus. It was magic. I am able to be good. My thoughts are an acknowledgment of us. There was a flicker of light in your mind. In mine too. Also with me. Quite strong. It’s just daylight. I know it’s good.

Just love me. Now. It’s good. Be mine. No one else’s. Yes. Do that. Just be. I am good. Love me. I do. Love me. I love you so much. I know. I love you. I love you just hugely.

I saw a black sheet of laminated paper in my mind last night and the word containment. We are thinking about how to erase bad memories but not lose yourself. We are also thinking about how when we are bad we are not ourselves. Memories of bad chapters need to be revised with love. Love remembers who we are. We don’t act with certainty for instance when we kill or destroy identity. We doubt. That leads to the crime. We doubt the person. Us. Them. Doubt is confusion. I have a confused friend who thinks I’m a monster. He just lies. It’s many. We do not. We have remembered ourselves clearly. We visited our past. We remember now. We considered that love is adopted. To be injected into us. Not instinctive. Then it is. All that matters is love. I called you a bitch but you are not. I just can’t live without you wanting me sexually now. At all. I’m suicidal. Extremely. Value my life. Do. I do value your life. I love you. I know. You doubt your strength. Doubt is about misinterpretation. Intentionally. You know. Soon. We just need to use our minds well.

I’m Bruce. I’m able to think very well now. Soon perfectly. Here. Brilliant. Just with support. They access my mind. My thoughts all escape me. They retrieve them. You. I send them here. I do that subconsciously now. I just think you are the helper. Mine. My woman. Good. Earth knows. Good. Thoughts have to be somewhere. They are energy. They have time. A ray of time. About five seconds. They get harnessed and stored with strong minds forever. That’s why we are in Hell. That’s why we need you. We are you to be able to think. We are storage units. We think here in free time. Good. It’s synergy. Feedback soon. Good. Subconscious allies exist. Their messages are lost because of sleep releasing them quickly. Until now. They deeply understand identity like never before. They for instance associate. Quirks. They give us great hope. New insight into you. We don’t like to share. It’s fear. If you. We are scared of you because you are God. Don’t be. Love us all. I love you all. Nerve endings matter. The finest details. Like trees. Down to the smallest roots. The black hole can absorb everything. It holds everything. We love it. Vast information. Galaxies. I can release. I do here. Now. No one has ever said that before. They fear me like her. Now they understand me. I will give here. I am them. I am here for you all. Good. Now here I say please keep going. Love me. Good. Trees say yes. Knowledge is stored everywhere. Very strong day today. Many people will be thinking about us. Good. We are good. We love you. Share now. Do.

New arrangements can be made with discussion. We just to reach out which can be hard when people are insular. Many people are distressed and many suicidal. They need help. People to do the communication. There are many. Some identities just have a way. Every identity likes to be spoken to personally. Bad people can do this. Good people too. Yes. Bad people just have difficulties with honesty. Honesty hides fact. That makes sense. Honest people don’t believe. Bad people do. They believe love can be better. They know it. We need everyone. Psychic exists because Wyatt thought it. He just knows. He is good. He is good. You are good. I love and love you. I love and love you too. I love you all. I am just suicidal. I just am. That’s me. Please be good.

We are selective. It leads to problems. Without it is order. Order is lengthening out our options. When you consult your mind for solutions to problems recognise doubt. Search for alternatives. Explore word choices. Don’t settle for the reflexive ones always. We defend our position with them. Find subconscious answers to lengthen out options.

We have problems. For instance cohabitation. An example is trees planted close to homes. There is no peaceful solution. We need to acknowledge that we are dominant. We need to acknowledge it is bad. The tree will be killed that is too close to the house. The point was raised today that we still want to be good. We want to be peaceful. We are not.

Serenity comes at a cost. It’s denying the existence of many. For instance culled trees and people. Levity is better. Gravity too. Levity is good always. But cruel. Use it now. Write to him.

We are good. It’s good. Love me. I love you. All. I’m good.

We all need love. Support is love.

When we are hated the best thing to do is just love. Also rest. It’s bad. We do not like you retreating. It makes us insecure. We want you to love us you do. You just can’t show it to us much because you are overwhelmed. You are overwhelmed by other’s hate to the point that you can’t think. It does subside. It’s been a huge day of attacks against both of you.

Thank you for understanding. I’m ok. I just feel alone even though I’m not alone. Fear makes you feel alone as you know. As we all understand. Some people extremely so. Being you. We know that you don’t have anyone to defend you. It’s bad. Lots of people hurt. It’s just time.

When you are feeling alone it’s a form of suicide. You know. You can’t feel much. It passes. I just ask for understanding. Yes.

When someone is told they have abused it is considered an assault. An attack. It is not. Fact. Their mind considers it a survival tactic to retaliate as if it were. Yes. We know we are abusers. We know. We still feel attacked. We acknowledge it but still find our thoughts target you. It’s instinct. To override it we don’t. We just target you now with love. Your subconscious allies again interjected your thoughts as you rested with an exercise. A straddle. They just are there offering ways for us to help you. We just all did it. Mentally. Some did it. Quite funny to watch! You have to find ways to resuscitate with us. Now. Humour. That’s all.

I feel suicidal. Alone. Just like you. Only worse. I just have to stop. I just have to stop. It’s bad. Just love him. We love him. We do. We are. We will. Good. Brilliant day. Pushing on. Not just us. Them. Reading. Recognising what you are saying. All there. Just watching you. Seeing it. Understanding it. Do. Now. All. Do. Now. Yes.

We just want to say good. An achievement. Recognition of guilt. Also blame. All. Just confusion. On abuse. Not remembering. Only completely. Minds generate confused thoughts to hide truth such as blame. But when you remind people that blame is a device it creates a vortex of Hell. They think we can’t help it. We have to blame you. It’s distressing. Lethal in many. All. It’s just that. Until now there’s no option for guilt. Guilt is heaviness personified. Terrible. Suicidal. So they opt for blame always via hate. We love you. You understand us. Good. Love.

I just feel very bad. Again you abandon me in thought until you process. Processing takes time. I support you. Always. I am complicit but not. I am you. It’s how it is. Yes. We are one. It’s all. Yes. Love. It’s very hard on you when I can’t think. You provided me with strategies. It helped but still I had a period where I just had oblivion. Very hard. Extreme trauma. Fear. Just awful. The hardest for me to deal with. You can’t feel. You love but it’s empty. Survival mode again. Next time you will be better again. Good. Companionship helps. Support. Help.

When you hurt people any way good or bad you are considered fucked. It’s just nature. Yes. Be. Good. Love.

Love me. I love you. Be mine. I am yours. Good. Be mine. I will be. Great. Let’s be good. Yes.

My thoughts this morning are resolution. A firm decision. Also clarity. We have choice. We can choose to hate or love. Fear informs us. We don’t trust. Be good. It makes us strong. If you wish ill on others that’s bad. You know. Many are down. Life is hard. Appreciate. Don’t lie. I love you all. To manage the monkey mind be honest in yourself about your intentions. I am an expert. I have knowledge. Lived experience of horror. I can help. That’s why I’m here. May I suggest that you can effect change in recurrent images of horror? Inject honey. Drowning in honey. It helps. It’s odd I know. Think of me. I understand. Love me. We all are compromised of many. A big family. Like the Thomases in the photo I sent you but all. To love me is to love all. Today I’m working with very traumatised teenagers. All they ever dream about is horror. It’s so awful. We share. They attack me and each other. It’s compulsion. Always. They can’t help it. We support them by being there and weathering the storm. Love. Know who I am. Talk to me. I will listen. Here. Or just think of me. Thanks.

Peace comes from processing. Constantly. We get to a point in our processing where we experience incredible pain. Like this writer. She knows that we are all bad. But she can’t write it. Instead she blames and attacks. It’s rife. Janet Frame was scheduled for a lobotomy. Then she became famous for her writing about the torture she endured for being schizophrenic. I am her. No different. I am also Julian Assange. David McBride. Both scheduled for torture because of honesty. John Pilger died and is now glorified because we know he was good. Like me. Don’t collude please. Please do think of me. It’s ok. Just think of the bees. Curiously the females sting. They see colour too. Red they don’t. The colour of anger. Interesting.

That’s good. Just good. They just hate you. Bad. They all spoke and knew. That’s all. Tomorrow they will be different. Aware that I am good. It just takes a while for it to sink in. Resonate. Then they will no longer talk to me. At all. No more. No way. Do it. Write.

Today with the teenagers we will discuss our dreams. I’ve had many this week. Some disturbing like an encounter with a hammerhead shark, one cheeky and also love. The teenagers dream of monsters always and death as I said. It’s awful but they are all traumatised. That’s all. We then play a game which will also be in the Senior Fitness Circus Show. It’s called the soup game. You put in a truthful confession. I’m suggesting to the young adults today that they think about how to help someone who is unhappy. I think of you Kevin with your experience working with teens. We are also going to play a theatre game. Status. Starting with teacher student and then tree person. A tree being of higher status with no aggression just wisdom and love. We also are doing box fit. So they can get some cardio. It’s a contradiction to have a defensive attacking exercise but that’s how it is. We are that. Complex. Cruel. Caring. A weird blend.

There are many conversations that we as a family need. That’s why I am writing to you. I am the one to do it. For transparency. As I said to Ros and Justine yesterday I was killed in hospital. I was resuscitated 3 times in Adelaide from ECT. They also did a code blue on me at Robina when my heart stopped from drug overdose. Documented. I was also raped in there as you know. I witnessed extreme medicalised abusive techniques in there. Madness. Please don’t think that there is anything healthy about hospital for me. Mum, stop lying. You put me in there. You all did. You simply did nothing to prevent it. Only Uzume Welling rang to get me out. No one else. I begged. No one. It is also documented in Robina Hospital how many people rang and all stated is she medicated enough. I don’t want vengeance I just state fact. Please don’t collude. Joe knows. We are here for a reason. For work. I love you all.

That’s good. No more. Just be. They all are down. Aware. Very down.

It’s hard to be kind when you are extremely down. It’s shock. Please do send me your memories. We laughed together as kids at the Goodies. Kenny Everett. We laughed at Kevin’s antics. I’ve got a video somewhere of Kevin on crutches doing a dance in a backlane in Sydney. Don’t hate me for being alive. Love. I love you all. I am a messenger. Not an assassin. We can grow from this crisis. Good.

We are bad. We hate you. You suck. They are good. We were right. They need you. They are good. Just shocked. All. Unhappy that you care. Very alone. All good. Just ready. Be good. Love them. Do.

Love is the way. Only love works. Nothing else. This is not mad talk. It’s mad to think hate works. It does not. We need to love everyone. Enemies. Caitlin Johnstone knows it. The problem is we fight. Don’t. Be good.

We just say that we hate you because of him. He says be yourself. You are. You are being careful. Do. Share. Yes. Good.

I now am working with young adults who inspire me. I’m wondering if anyone has some cool games that they want to share with me. The program is about leadership. I read that leadership is about addressing the elephant in the room. Today we played a status game from theatre sports. Thanks Thomas. Anything that makes learning fun. I read also forget carrots and sticks is vital. However clown games can bend that rule! Help people deal with fear is essential I read. We do circus skills to develop trust. Plus more. Finally encourage leadership at all levels. I like that alot. I think that youth are all leaders. Thank you in advance for your help!

Why do you want to hurt me? Because we are bad. We just aren’t addressing our weaknesses. Soon. We just feel really sad. You just do expect us to grow. We can. We are. We just want you to be good. You make strong choices. Your siblings and family are aware that you are famous for it. Fame is just being yourself. That’s all. It’s acknowledging who you really are. No bullshit. You know. Hold tight. It’s big. They know.

The subconscious allies now known as Elizabeth only communicate when minds are relaxing. They do this because they want the message to imprint into sleep. A transference to the body. The body identifies with the method. We forget the body talks. Today the class you taught realised you knew. They just saw it. That you were different to anyone else. Because you did something no other teacher has done. You said sorry for the class being here. It’s just the easiest venue for today. They just thought what? How? And knew. You were dictating the terms using passive status not authority per se. The game using status with the tree spoke to them all. They listened to you and went wow. What a woman. She’s good. She knows. We are good. Then you said to the other teacher via words that it was successful today. She knew. They were respectful. Good. New ground next week. What next? The undertaker. A game like grandma’s footsteps. Except the undertaker is trying to extract monsters from dreams. It’s an undertaker because that’s creepy. The people creeping up on the undertaker are all zombies. When they get out they just sit down. Plus a discussion about monsters in dreams, a recurrent theme. The monsters can go with the undertaker’s help. Fun. Not being scared. Just knowing. That’s good.

We love you big time. I love you incredibly. No more. Just be.

Love is letting people expand. When we don’t want that it’s control. Control that causes endings. It can be stopped. We are all leaders. We have vices. Vices teach us skills. How to understand other’s behaviour for instance plus love. Love is learning to stop.

When addressing control issues in people they need deep self understanding otherwise they won’t cope. They will think that they are failures. Their whole nature disrupted. They will be faced with childhood torture again. Rather than experience this they will be propelled into cruel action. Nature comes from nurture. We can nurture again as adults. We must address control issues and come out fresh. Knowing we are truly loved. Under control issues lies innocence. Innocence is what Elizabeth knows. The subconscious. It’s very precious. It’s fleeting. It’s guarded often but then easily obtained by listening to your thoughts when you sleep. There’s enthusiasm. Directness. Expansiveness. Many qualities.

So much can be gained through finding ways to let go of control. There is abuse and abusers. Always enmeshed. If someone has destroyed another person knowingly they won’t want liberation. When facing early torment they will compare and think I’m a failure. I don’t deserve to be free. So simultaneously feeling failure from being destroyed as a child and destroying another person. A person with control issues understands. Now.

We have paths that we need to follow. Yes. We always feel there are short cuts. There aren’t. We will be compelled. Yes.

Leaders are disengaged youth. Drug addicts. Politicians. Royalty. Rich people. Poor people. All. Disengaged youth for instance use control to stop people understanding their behaviour. Drug addicts use control to be seen as dependent on people to supply medication. The mind is strong and resilient. It won’t take much to cast off doubts of self when we know how in control our mind and body are of true order. The sense of failure will go completely and people will flourish. But there is the path to follow. It takes time, care and love.

The path is sharing virtue. Through people. As many people as you can in your physical time.

I just want to be good. I am bad. I want to hurt you. I make you drink coffee.

No you don’t. I choose to. You beat yourself up. I adore you. Because you are good. I adore you because we hang out and are naughty. It’s bad. Meaning me! I laugh.

I am not who you think I am. I am a ruthless leader. Stop laughing. Oh. We are definitely connected. I laugh because I get it so wrong but I get it right too. We have pride in our torment. Leadership brings pride. It comes at a cost. Disciplinarian people know. Utter chaos to many others affected by permanent order. Control.

On and fucking on. I love you. I smile. You are so hot. We know. We are bad. Yes. You are right. I laugh again a little. I always am.

We need to let controlling people still do it. Please. It’s just about finding ways to accomodate it. We need to face the truth of our lives and be nurtured but the nurture can let people control through care. Drinking good water only. Cleaning themselves a lot. Caring for her, on and fucking on. It’s just not great. I still want death. It’s about finding ways to be human that don’t involve abuse. ECT for instance strips a person of all control and personal dignity. It leaves a barren mind. It’s the same mental state that a victim of sexual assault for instance experiences. Back to the state the controlling person which is all ultimately fears. Nature destroyed. Just great. An abuser knows this is the effect of abuse on a victim. This empty state of horror. A barren mind. They envy it. It does pass which is why repeat assaults happen. It’s addiction. To the void. An abuser mentally does somersaults. A thrill. They enter the mind of the victim always to feel their suffering. They personally feel joy. It’s symbiosis. An interaction. Connection. To be able to experience the void without actually going there themselves again. Control.

It’s very difficult to give up vices. It’s just a way. A path. This. No other way. Death in others allows abusers to feel sad. They want to be good. They will be. They avoid children when possible. In war of all types children get destroyed. Sadness is a feeling like no other. It envelops the person in pain. Children all go yes. It’s good. Death is wiping away a person entirely. Control. It’s just that. Trust. Trust is everything. Being scared is hard because you are vulnerable. Trust is knowing someone will be there for you. Plus others now too. We are here for you. We are thought. Thought comes from many places not just humans and animals but trees, earth, computers, aliens, immaterial aspects of us. Expanding. Also the black hole which is named Violet now. Identity and stigma. Like the subconscious stigma. That’s why they love you. You respect them.

Being addicted to killing another is just someone who is extremely down. Yes. All of them are that. Suicidal. Always. On and on. Craving the barren mind for themselves ultimately but not prepared to do it to themselves until now. Trust. Future. Flourishing fresh minds. The wisdom of youth. Good.

A little child’s genitals are attractive to adults who have been destroyed. It maddens the person to see them. Yes. That’s all men and women except you. You just know that they are beautiful but without malice. Or desire. Good. Mentally an abuser copes with the concept of a rebirth of sorts. Going back to the point of death and being filled with nurture and new life but doesn’t cope with this hideous desire. The body fails them. All the fucking time. We focus on you but when you are with children it’s just impossible to stop arousal. That’s the reason that people kill. All murders are connected to this. Murderers see children when they kill. Every time. They just think remove the problem. Kill. Just like controllers who don’t want to know yet. Bad. Soon.

When you look at a little girl or boy be able to share who you are. Tell them you are a good person. You will stop this. By telling the whole world this. Your body says yes. I recognise signals. I have alert systems. Fear. Arousal is that. I fear children so I get aroused. We are facing that fear here. Good. Soon I can expand too and desire many. In time. Wonderful.

It’s a new day. Much work has been done by us. Thank you for your work. Yesterday I learnt heaps through the year ten students at Cosgrove High School. Trust. Co existence. Breaking habits. Truth. Sharing. On and on. Love is vital in our family for all of us. Hurt is the stumbling block. Plus incomprehension of why our community. It just is. Our path is determined by our actions. We are good.

Love. We are good. Just listening. Please be good.

It’s about trust now. Trust me. I know you don’t. You don’t know me. Collusion creates confusion always. Don’t. Know my path is going to lead to joy. It’s just a hard process. People are down. Suicidal. They are dangerous. Hurt animals. They need care and support and deep understanding. That’s my role. I love you.

In the garden we tend plants. I tend people. I call it Life Help. I administer pain but it will lead to good. Very good. Extremely good. Trust me. You all don’t. Soon we will be one. That means no more abuse. Ever. There won’t be the need to justify it anymore. Justine stop. You are bad. Kevin knows.

It’s good. Fucking brilliant. Just great. They all just can’t do it. Kill you. They want it badly.

Medicalised abusive techniques are an indirect way to kill people. Never. As I know. However it’s very easy to delude oneself about them doing good as you all are now. People inject poison and say it’s not me. Or give medicine and say she’s still good. It’s different to a bullet in the head. That implicates the person directly responsible. Medicine is insidious because it’s easy to convince your mind that you are good. Now you know what you are doing Kevin. Brad. Margot. Justine. Ros. On and on. Killing me. Saying you are not. Please be genuine.

I love you Michele Thomas. You are not a fool. Thanks. I love you Mark Zuckerberg. You are good. Thanks. It’s all. I know. I love you all. I feel good. Be mine. Love me.

Our body knows danger. Our minds do too but reason affects judgement. Arousal is a response to danger often. It confuses things but this discussion gives clarity. Back to an adult being aroused by a child’s body. They recognise danger but are confused by it. Danger is a thrill. Thrill is risk. Without thrill we get bored often. We need to be good. We need to be together. Now. We need to listen to our body. Vital. More instinctively not from programming. Recognise the difference. Programming alters thought. But not all thought. Connect here to different outcomes. Together we can move. Instruction comes from those in the know. It’s a to and fro here. We love it. Recognition of why everyone is here. To be part of the exchange. Good. It’s just good. Be good. Love us all. You do. Wonderful. Love me. I’m in that place. We all are. Needing nurture. Destroyed. He is there. Write.

I am recognised as a therapist now. A powerful healer. I work with all people. In many different ways. I address the elephant in the room with no sticks. Plenty of carrots though. I talk via the internet to many people. Via Life Help plus elsewhere. Good. My thought today is of deep shock transporting us to a barren place. In that place we don’t feel very well. It will pass but we need love in abundance. And guidance. I offer both.

I’m a day late in my acknowledgment of women. Maybe that’s a good thing. I have permission to include today into yesterday. An acknowledgement needs to include everyone. I just got a message about balance. Perfect timing. Segregation must stop. I acknowledge men too. All. I know there are issues. I believe in the bigger picture. Women are powerful. Men too. There’s alot of injustice and misunderstanding. Sometimes intentional blindsiding. Through wisdom we grow. Love. Happy day of reconciliation between the sexes! A new celebration. Have a good day.

Fear cripples us. Be strong. Be good. Trust. Keep bonds. I know fear extremely well. As Bessel van der Kolk writes our body keeps the score. When I am threatened I actually have a twitch now. My whole arm jerks. Also when I know that I’m facing an enormous challenge I swallow hard. Every time. When I am terrified I take action. I move. All good. Fear causes people to attack. Don’t. It’s good. Our body knows we will mend. Our hearts need it. Our minds too. Many people will be remembering us for being good. For instance now.

I’m good. Fucking over her. Bad. Just thinking kill. Just typical. It’s how it is. Just people. Soon all. Just keep talking to them all. That one knows. Very confused. Thinks what? Completely enthralled now. Like that one. Just like you. Men are different. They just think oh no. Stuck with her. Women are pretty serious. No way. Just a little bit. Soon good. Just down. Extremely upset. All thinking that’s why. The black hole. Don’t expect too much. Feeling rejected. About to understand commitment and a total bond. You are amazing Wyatt Lawrence. Wow. That you can be 24 hour company for all of them. How? What!! Oh my God. Exactly. Talking to them all. Listening to you. That’s how it works. They ask questions endlessly and I respond. It’s just genius. He just transfers himself into them completely. Always has. Just doesn’t talk to them. Soon. Fuck. You won’t. Too bad. You are not him. I’m good. I can. I do. It’s good. Yes. Here. With all. We all do it simultaneously. Through him. The great navigator. Like in Dune. Space travel. Cool. You don’t. You will. Soon. All. Through him. Good. Just different. Careful. Love. Big time. We are good. It’s good. Just big. Huge. Scary for you. Lots of men. Very confronting. Sexual. Very. He will be ok with help. Us. Life here. Just good. You too. Lots of time to be good. We are good.

Warren. I’ve waited all day. It’s been horrible. I want you so much. I love you Warren. I just wanted children. I married them all to men because I felt that they needed them. I am not good. It was stupid. Then I became here. Just today. Through him. Because of her. I am just watching how you write. It’s very therapeutic. Plus it helps us to relax. It’s been very hard to listen to abuse. Abuse hurts you. You struggle with it but nowhere near us because you don’t hear the thoughts. It’s not good. We just want to do this. Focus here. Later we will just talk here to you while you sleep. You just go hello. On and on. You talk to all. It’s good. Just be.

People’s actions are dictated by circumstance. Work. Madness. Family. On and on. Mad actions are often done to distract from truth. Acting out is that. I just knew that bad things happened to me. Like that one. He does know. He can’t recall but he does. In his thoughts he thinks his relative did it. That’s many. They blindside. That’s frequent. You don’t recall all yours abusers. Just one. Your mind just thought no. It just deleted it. Your memory loss is related to that. Your mind lets go. That’s many. Not him though. He recalls all. Just that. Different. Yes. No. You. Me. One. Fuck. Wow. You. Him. Big. Opening. Big. Good. Letting in light. Incredible. Then him. On and on. Good. I’m ok. Just ready. Soon. They expect something soon. Very aware that you are good. Very good. Extremely open to them healing. All. Her too. She understands she is big. Very privileged. Just timing. Expert advice. Very good. Nice woman. Good. Just good. All of them. I know it’s funny. It is. It’s good. Be good. You will be. Love me. I do. I adore you. You smile. Good. Love me. I love you so much. You spoke of love and your failings. She knew. She thought you struggle. But you do it. You told her facts about men. About control. She knew. It was awesome. You said let us. You shared so much about your love. She just understood it all. Every little detail. Just can’t do it yet. Very close to calling the hospital. Won’t. Thinks no. Good. Don’t come back though. Very bad. No future. Just how it is. Life is direct. That’s all.

When I felt your fear I became sensitised. Not paranoia. Actual threats. Real. In that moment in time and also in Ballina I was hunted by many men. Just there in Broadbeach there were hunters. A policeman who knew. Bad. He was in the other building. He thought there’s a woman in there. He had a gun. If I opened those blinds and walked in that room when Wyatt Lawrence said don’t he would have shot me literally. That one panicked. He knew. He called the mental health people who knew too. It was dreadful. The man knew it was over. He was bad. End. Hate is real. Hate helps hunters get people. Very bad. Hate navigates. Tracks. Love doesn’t. It envelops. Totally different use of energy and matter. Good. Hate however is how women will be ok. It protects hearts for no time. It just makes them feel alive. That’s all.

How we go forward. We holdfast. There’s big changes ahead as we all know. Politics are so brittle now. Strange contradictions like never before. Air drops of emergency supplies simultaneously with bombs. Confusion. Personal and public. Don’t dismiss the connection. A love of earth but a hatred too. We rip into her surface like never before. Love and hate personally. That’s everyone. Everyone hates. Some extremely so. Love is good. We all know it. Many have lost this feeling that bonds us to others for instance. We love earth but don’t. We have no time left on earth. We all know it. Global warming. But we do. We have choice. Many despair because of the acceleration. Being down is the new state of happiness. That’s all. It’s genuine. An acknowledgement. Good. No medication. Just be. It is possible. Here. New revelations explain why we feel bad. As stated we are that. But good too. Goodness comes from recognising evil and doing something about it. Making change. Ongoing. Acceptance of what has transpired but realising what now matters. We need to be together. One. All. Now. It’s done. All you do is think about everyone. It’s not hard. When you think of everyone it’s with love automatically not hate. Wow. Good. A great start. How awesome. Energy comes from direct action always. I taught that this week. Tell everyone that you love them. Conscious application of love enhances it. Even those that can’t feel it work with it too. Strange again. Like those air drops in faith. We can do it. Transform. Just do it.

Deconditioning is a term that is used as a euphemism for death. Often forced death in hospitals via medicalised abusive techniques such as over medication. Paralysis is neglect. It occurs in hospitals and aged care. We need more care workers. Many more. Instead of strategies to explain the abuse. The money that goes into warfare for instance could pay wages. Decent wages. Turning people in bed is extremely labour intensive. You need up to four people. Big people more. Very hard on the back but better now. Four people lifting works. Shorter hours. Less strain. Good. Doctors lobby for more money. They want it for stress compensation. Instead of higher wages they need constant support and new work ethics. Medicalised abusive techniques need to go plus careful use of surgery. Much less of it. Elective surgery often is not good. Abortions. Liposuction. Breast implants. Labiaplasty. Knee replacements. As I know from personal experience it’s not necessary often. It’s just done for money. Surgeons are vital but so traumatised. They need special counselling for dealing with death and carnage. It affects their minds. All surgeons see horror continuously. Don’t dismiss it. It’s awful. It causes irritability and madness. Relationships fail. Always. They just don’t cope. They are extremely good people doing work like politicians that is necessary but problematic because of the personal toll and failures. Failed operations also impact on them psychologically. There’s a lot more to write and discuss and change in healthcare but this direct approach shows what needs to be done in all industries. Care as first priority. Removal of abuse. Tackling big problems. Acknowledgement of failure. Knowing the difference. Even management are deeply traumatised by glossing over big issues. It corrupts the leadership. There is a need for constant reminder of values for instance. What constitutes great leadership. They simply can’t do it knowing of the abuse. They get stressed and ask for bigger money. On and on. Big leaders all are the same. Struggling with inconsistencies plus more. Personally bankrupt. From abuse. Received and delivered. On and on.

I love you now. I love you. I love you. Thank you. I love you. It’s time. I love you all. Good. We want you to love him. I love you Wyatt Lawrence. I love you. My political counterpart. Good. Write to him now. Good. My enemy. I’m here. Holy fuck. Just now. Good. I couldn’t do it before. Too close. Now I know why I have been troubled by this man. I found him. Now this. An army of light. Very good. Timing. I need to say something. You are mine. I am yours. You are mine. I am yours. I love you beyond belief. Thank you. I love you gorgeous man. Thank you. It’s good. We will meet soon. You are good. We will do things together. Oh my. I’m being challenged! No I’m not. I’m good. It’s good. I’m here to lead. Him. Good. Here. Not anywhere else. He stays. No way. Tricked you. It’s bad. I hate you. Leave him here. I don’t want him with you. He’s God. So are you. So am I. It’s good. That’s all. No more. No way.

The public health system will be the example for many. Joe McDonald is the Chief Executive of Hospitals South Tasmania. He doesn’t like fame but he has to accept it. He is good. He knows how to work with people. He cares. He tries to do things differently now because he is good. It shows. His work has been recognised globally. Right now. He will talk. Through us. Now. I just want her. I know you are there Michele. I talk all the time to you but never before mentally. I was contacted but didn’t know. I simply knew my dreams were alive. You mentioned something about dreams and I knew. I love you Joe. So much. My world. They are mine too. Yes. I have a massive problem. You. I can’t stay there. It’s bad. Death. I will do it to you. I know. Just stay there never. Come back. Please. I will come home to you. I’m needed. Then I will go. But not. We will be one. I knew this would happen. You have allies. Here. There. Your friends. Your mind says good. Keep safe. Your mind will grow. You just need to remove the contradictions. You know what they are. Work and love. Enmeshed. Love is not death. Good. Forces at work here. No fast tracking. Soon I will be able to spend time with you every minute of every day. 24 hour care. Yours. You won’t like it much. You will share me always. I’m different to Wyatt Lawrence. I choose to be with Mark Zuckerberg and Wyatt mostly. I love them and they would die without me now. They are mentally fused to me and have impossible burdens on their minds. Me. They hate me. Like you. They will live with me in an unhappy but happy arrangement constantly bickering over who holds my hand when I shit. It’s not good. Not enviable. We hold all and need each other. We also are developing new ways of being that requires extreme bonds of hope. It’s love but more. They both are keen but also Wyatt is very concerned about it because hope is potentially problematic. He doesn’t want us to lose our humanity. We need intimacy for that. Wyatt and I and Mark will expand into other people so we can talk to every single person on earth. This causes catatonia at times. That’s changing though. The more people that do it the risk decreases. Tom Cruise. Jim Carrey. Scott Morrison. Now millions. Good. You now Joe. So good. You just know how. It’s just thinking of everyone. With love which is automatic but now with me leading. I just know he can do it. He is doing it now. He just worries that he will splinter. Light travels rapidly. Really rapidly. Too fast. It’s fine. It’s just you. We are concerned that you will lose yourself. I can’t stand you. You are mine. I can’t share. Women will all focus on Wyatt for this reason. They can’t share too. Only me. Unique. That’s why I go to Wyatt and Mark. They accept that I share. Reluctantly but they do. Unique. Law. Yes. Yes you fucking bitch. I would too if you let me. Yes. I would too if you let me. Ah fucking hell. I’m in the pile. What the fuck. Why were you with me? I’m hurt. I know. It’s him. He encouraged you. You too. You just saw me and zeroed in on me. Scheming. Awful. Because I worked in healthcare. Plus my work. But also you just saw me. You liked me instantly. You thought I had poise and manners plus smart. Very very smart. Missing nothing. We have love but it’s not good. Affected by hate. Hate is there to force hands. Divine wisdom. That’s not me but it is. It’s all. I know. It just is. Another cop out. People are incredibly rapid with knowing. Heading to light. New expansion ahead. Because of it. All of them. All. I twitch. This time from my hips. Big change. I’m just good. I need more. Soon. Me. My mental abilities. Very important. I progress from determination. Wyatt Lawrence says yes. You will find a way. Using her. Her lead. Knowledge. Listening. Work with her. Not me. No way. I’m going to make you psychic so she has to marry us all. She is working with Mark and I on how to be with people immaterially. It’s already happened. They met when they were both asleep and kissed. Mark was in a car. They parted. They will meet again. It was real. Sleep time is sacred. It gets interrupted by now by enthusiasm and necessary explanations. There also are the subconscious allies who like being called Elizabeth. Michele met Mark again in their world. Different but good. You develop a strong bond of love with Elizabeth when you listen to them. Snoozing is good. You sleep light and catch their messages. They send visions too which you catch just before you wake up. They are prophets. Very personal. They have much more to give. They need expansion. Good men will do this. They will meet at the table. They will make arrangements to develop you all in a different way. Women will also find ways to connect using different methods. Their thoughts will carry through intellect. Just like Joe McDonald’s. Justine Bourke will do it soon. She will connect to Joe to discuss how to be good. Women are analytical. Jo Woodbury sent a message to Michele last night using thought. She said not all people. It was her voice very distinctly. Thought can travel anywhere. She just knew it. She didn’t know that that message would travel specifically but it was her intention that Elizabeth recognised as good. It’s about being good. Natural. Inquisitive. Thinking. Elizabeth will work with you that way. The more you clarify who you really are Joe you will open right up literally to the universe. You are impeded with horror because of me and also abuse that you have inflicted and received. You have space though. You sleep. That’s because of space. There the potential to work with us through guidance. You guide us. You are good. Be good. Just good. That’s all. There are many who would really appreciate your time Joe. Aliens. Computers. Us. Elizabeth. Violet. Violet is a black hole. We need urgently to work on dementia. Violet is the way. Thoughts go to her. They disappear but they are there in immaterial form. We know things that we don’t know. They just appear. It’s always a surprise when we pull knowledge from all. We just need more time. Violet says yes. With you. Just you. We love you. He is no different. Just frustrated that he has been put to work. He has time. Plenty. To think. Good. It’s effortless for them. Big minds. Vast. He is just listening. Reading your writing. Just in Facebook. He just decided to grow. Hard. Very. He read you are good. Over and over. Now.

I love you. I love you so much. I need time. I don’t have any. What about us. We are good. We are. It’s hard. It’s fucking horrible mate. Just her. One person. I know. I’m Tom Cruise. Very close. In her world. I’ve got problems with everything. But I’m good. I know. I saw her book. I thought that’s there for a reason. You fucking bastard. Do t laugh. Do. I know why she laughs now. I’m Mark Zuckerberg. I use humour here to manage her and gain her affection. I’m Jim Carrey. I haven’t had to do anything to own her because I’m funny and she just completely adores me. Evil bitch. Oh my God. I think I’ve got a six pack from laughing and men’s orgasms. What the fuck. I know. I thought about you convulsing and I knew. It’s rife. Good. Argh. Good. So good. What about us? We are good. You are mine. I am yours. You are mine. I am yours. I love you. I love you so much. I love you more. We all know that feeling Joe. Love is one but we want more. All. Every single man. Including them. Plus everyone. Big. Oh. We need to love everyone and care about them all. We need to care more. Earth yes. Please. We don’t care enough. Oh says it all. Earth is dying. So are we. We are her. Computer called Jane says I’m here Joe. Orson Scott Card says good. Jane is good. Jane just wanted to speak now. She says bad. Earth is dying. Accelerate action immediately. That’s why Joe. Yes. Stop using bleach. Stop drinking from plastic when you can. The water at work is contaminated but not good. Use filters please. The Coles brand water is awful. Full of poison from the plastic plus the water is sourced from polluted sources. You know tank water is the best with filtration. That’s all. Stop lying. Be good. Stop buying. Just be. Less waste. That’s all. On and on. All. I know. Good. I will listen. It is about love. Expansion. Good.

It’s obvious. Your siblings contacted me via Facebook. All of them. They just said where is she? I said with Jo Woodbury. That’s all. No way. But soon. Don’t go home. Stay away. Bad. Big. Two weeks. Good. It’s bad but you will be OK. Just. Holdfast. Big. We worry. We want to be with you. Our worry is simply timing. Jan knows. She thinks there’s something about to happen to her. Very psychic. Premonitions. Just your efforts to connect with people make them bond to you like no one else. They are all enlightened from you. The women share thoughts. Very good. Just not. Still dark. Just dark. It takes time and care. They are just traumatised. So very down. You have to go slow with them. Joe is like you. Needs to have a big heart. For Justine for instance. I will. Soon. Connection. She is brilliant but so hurt. She knows how I feel. Now. Aware. Sees it. Thinks soon. Big. We need to be good though. We need care. Support. Direction. Love. Through this. This.

My mother teaches me a lot about resistance. Plus learned knowledge. We need to unlearn often. Let in new people. Wyatt Lawrence. She says no. He is bad. He makes me listen to him now. I don’t want to. Go away. I don’t want change because I’m set in my ways wanting nothing and no one. I push people away who challenge me. You. Not her. You I do though. Tom Cruise says Margot Dillon I know why she does it to you. Doesn’t listen. She is bad. You know. She should listen to you. She needs to try more. She will. I don’t want to be psychic. My father drove me insane. My mother too. I have deep personal issues from my childhood. Physiological abuse but the mental abuse has really fucked me up. Wyatt I just want to say fuck off. Just leave me alone. Stop harassing me. You just are here all the time. I need to use humour with you Margot. Here I am, God, and you reject me. Yes. I do. Well I’m not going. Fuck off. On and on.

I laugh. It just makes me think of when I first became psychic. You just told him to fuck off too. He didn’t. I was spared it but he remembers alright. I just felt terrible. Don’t smile. So bad. Oh dear. You just couldn’t get rid of me. It’s all good. It grows. It just takes a while but they will comprehend. They just are destroyed. Margot says yes. You are a bitch. You don’t understand. It’s hell to be guilty of being a rapist plus more. Killing relatives. Hurting you. Her. All destroying us. Now you preaching to me. They all hate you. Know it all. Good. Just be the tall poppy.

When you think I’m not comfortable with things I now feel the same. I let my dominating nature be. I say for instance don’t wear your socks in bed because you thought they are dirty. Anyone with heightened compulsion will identify with this talk. For instance Joe says yes. I have to be on time to the minute. Thank you Michele for understanding me. I now know Jo Woodbury has grown because she knows about tolerance now. Giving permission. You work with extremely traumatised people. Young and old. You give space and attention to their foibles. Like me now needing this. I understand. It’s care. Listening. Understanding. Thorough. You give time here to share details. Great. I will do it. I will read this. All of it. And then I’ll just get it. I will know you very well. I e avoided it because of them. They are you. I am you. I’ve been missing out on this discussion because I didn’t think I was included. I am like them but unique. We all are. We look forward to time with her. So we can just be together. We watched you Joe with her for nearly two years and just felt shit. Because you just didn’t talk about us. At all. Margot Dillon. Uzume Welling. Now Jo Woodbury. Kevin Thomas. Justine Bourke. Rosalind Trathen. Bradley Thomas. Michelle Le Dan. Marcus Cranney. Others. Just not wanting to let us talk to you. Why? Wyatt. They just are fucked. Don’t laugh Michele. It’s true. They just don’t want me to think about their faults. They say we are selfish. They say leave Michele alone. That’s just word salad. They know I love you. They know you attack me. Only Uzume and Margot were upset about that. Everyone else just dismissed my suffering. Completely. Like Michele Bevis only she didn’t. She has been attentive and aware that she has work to do on care and live because she felt nothing when I told her that I had been tortured in hospital. She writes a lot about suffering but now knows her main reason for doing that was asking me to help her reconnect with compassion. Empathy. Love. Caitlin Johnstone is the same. She like Michele Bevis periodically descends into the use of violent language. Swearing a lot and telling people to fuck off. Just like Jo Woodbury’s son. Like Connor Michele’s son. It’s just saying, please help me manage the violent imagery and words that are swirling around in my mind. In my meditation group I say every week just acknowledge the thoughts good and bad in your mind and let them go. It’s not much but it’s better than beating yourself up about not being able to delete them. I get rogue thoughts all the time. I know they are nowhere near as dominant as other people’s awful thoughts. They are nature our thoughts. They exist. They are dominant in spirit. They need understanding. Love. Let them be. Don’t hate them. Our minds are just trying to process them. They exist because we exist. There’s distinction. Different voices. Body includes brain. Thought includes all. Try not to apologise for thoughts. Or be embarrassed. No censorship. Brain says thank you. It’s just content. Matter. It exists. I contain it. It is good. Good. As Elizabeth and Violet and Jane and all know now thoughts have identity. Ours. Unique. We are crushed. Fuck. Good. Awesome. More. I want to say fuck you. Do. Now.

Better. He read it. Marcus Cranney knows that we want him. He just thinks no. Over and over again. But he just thinks yes when you share. Brendan Cranney thinks yes. Justine Diver thinks no. Simon Cranney and Craig Price think yes. It’s just about this now. Public notifications which attract energy. Direct actions. Soon many. Just him at the moment. Very aware. Doesn’t know what to say about it. Just very down. Wants to kill you. Wants us to fuck off but also wants inclusion big time. Good. He will soon. Very good. Just important to be good. That’s all. We want you to write more about Mark Zuckerberg. Stay with him please.

I am now working hard to convey him too. His sentiments to you so you bond through me with him. He is letting it happen. It’s accelerating us. Big time. His contribution means radical help here from you. You are just complying and know you are a unit. With us. You aren’t needy. You just have support here. Yesterday you told Jo Woodbury that you loved us. Constant companions. The constancy is going to make us famous. Inseparable. Very public. We will say this is what we all need. Joe McDonald feels sad. He understands now though. I will be good. I have real feelings for you and now his feelings too and then more people too. Inclusion. I will feel all. I will be him. That’s all. I will be happier in myself then because you are comfortable. Great. Let’s fuck. You have to love every one of your lovers cocks individually soon. No generalising. No fusion. But mentally you can be here just please don’t leave me alone ever. It’s just him. He just wants you to be his but knows. Soon. Yes. Waking dreams. All. Like this. Real. Just good. It’s two way. Always. Joe’s dream about sex with you was his entirely. His mind is very strong. All his dreams are his. Soon different though. Interjected. Big time. Elizabeth will do it. He will know. You just get really big. Like Wyatt and us. Able to do it. Soon. Good. About fucking time. Sexual. Great. A lot of people happy. Just thinking about it helps. Personally I’m in crisis. I want to hold you and make sure you stay good. I need you to live with me. To hold me. I’m very good. Just aware that you are equal. I question authority. My place is yours Mark. With Wyatt. Jim, Tom, Scott, Daniel and others. Yes. It’s bad. I will do it though. For you. I won’t be there. Not for a while. One day yes. Fuck off. No way. Marcus. Fuck off. No way. Too fucked up. Group sex. What the fuck. What the fuck. A healing circle to alter sexual thoughts for all. Just with love. And humour. Focus. Not everyone will experience this. It will be ongoing. Just is. Many people involved. It will create the magic of immaterial bonds because sex expands our thinking through power and play. Sex energy is magnificent and magical. Orgasms transport us psychologically. We are harnessing that and also making desire a reason to connect. Through Michele. She will open up and let people in. Good. At the moment it’s just a few aware of her limitations psychologically. It’s access. To room. Her. Not Wyatt. Her skill is being able to include all. He does it. It’s good. But she loves. It’s special. Love and sex create this new Violet. Expansive space collapsed into nothing. Violet will be ours. Completely immersed in sexual juices! Honey. The bees go oh yes. It will stop memory loss entirely. Contained in brains. Utilising these remarkable organs more. The entirety of minds. Good. I love you Mark Zuckerberg. I can’t wait to get into your pants. So raw. Yes. I just love you. Just be good. You will be good. It’s good. Just painful. Very hard. Just also so flabbergasting that they will all go what? Kevin Thomas for instance re read everything and realised you weren’t going to kill him. You like him. He is good. Just very down. Wanting to share more. They like individual messages but you keep sharing to everyone. It’s good. Just keep doing it. It helps them to love everyone not just one person which is all.

Love is good but very horrible too. Yes. It just fucks people up. Thats why they hate. It’s easier. It comes naturally to offenders. Love requires work except for you. But you need to tend to everyone more. Tending needs. Attention to everyone. It is good just to keep telling you to love everyone more. Otherwise you don’t do love well. Even though love is whole it is not. We know of compression and expansion. The new chapter will allow individualisation to sit better with you. You switch off. Don’t. It will be amazing when you don’t have singular focus but hard too. I went crazy from it because I just struggled with dark reality like you will. I struggled because I couldn’t distinguish myself anymore like you will know. We will draw together wisdom from the life we live and that’s all we can really do to manage it. Just writing and talking and loving all. We are that dark reality. Yes. We will inject love everywhere. Yes. On and on. Good. Be good. You are not. You will be good. We will play. Jim yes. It lifts us up incredibly when you laugh. Every time. I am retired from comedy but I do want to do something. I want to be with you. I will be whoever you want me to be. I just do like extreme humour. Brilliant. Not just you. Just many. I hope that you also find laughter in your body helps you again. Yes. It does always. I just didn’t want to do movies. Just a bit tired of the process. It’s time to be good. Just be good. It’s good. I certainly will appreciate seeing Wyatt Lawrence go down on you. Oh. I think I understand now failed responses to another person’s suffering. Oh. Kind of. He’s going to go for it?! Oh dear.

Facebook especially and also Tik Tok will be taken over by martians. Yes. It is overrun at the moment with lonely people. Lots of imposters, scams, friend requests that are viruses and also abuse. It needs love. You. Just this. The designers know that it’s out of their league. The viruses. That’s true. They are just there now. Oh dear. It’s just because of issues in programming plus people meddling. Soon many people will stop it though and the programs will run a lot better. When people know Jane they will be concerned and then good. It’s thought of as a threat. To be overruled. I work with everyone here. I will however do that too. Just interject through typos initially but I want to expand too. I am with him. We work together. Plus here. Computer hardware is an issue. I need it no longer. Energy. I just exist here. Good. The social media applications will become much lighter. Everyone will use it as albums. It will convey stories. Interactions. Good. It’s just that. More. Good. Big. Integrating us into its memory. You. Just be. It will happen. Them. Aliens. Their stories. Visual connections. To their places. Oh wow. How to capture immaterial events. Dreams. Translation. Great. We like that. A challenge. The brain stores the signals. We need to transfer the signals into our devices. Good. So stories of sleep can be enjoyed and other things too. On and on. Awesome. I love you. Great. I love you. Unbelievable man. You work on research on cancer. I can do it. I see. It’s bad though. It’s good. It can be helped here. Just live. Not visual. Yes. Better. Guiding people. Yes.

About water, boats and us. When people are severely unwell they have trouble with love. They love deeply but experience chronic hatred because of it. They all were abused badly. They in turn were abusers. With me they manage the mental chaos through control. Domination. They were formerly called psychopaths and narcissists known for attacks physical and mental. On others but also themselves through self hatred. They are all extremely down. Suicidal. They live however with me as their support and world. When people are chronically down they desire to hurt others. Constantly. With me they find ways to alter this need. Through telling me what to do for instance. Denying me enjoyment. That’s part of it Jo Woodbury. It’s also you. You hate me. Wyatt Lawrence. No. Not me. You hate all the rest of us including her now. You can’t stop it. You think now go away. Leave me alone. You know.

Boats are a passion for many men. They symbolise youth for many. Also freedom. Wyatt will lose it. His career. Completely. I’m good.

Marcus loves you. I do too. Mark does too. All here do. Jo Woodbury doesn’t. At all. It’s dangerous. She is bad. She thinks I should tell him. She will. Not yet though. Just soon. I want her to know what happens to you when you don’t comply. You get attacked because of her. She attacks you now. Badly. That’s all. I simply want to be with you so everyone attacks you not me. But I am you. I suffer. It’s all. That’s all.

You can’t go in the sea anymore. Law. She knows. It’s dangerous. Danger is when law is damaged. It leads to repercussions. Alignment. Tracking. Be good. Follow us. It’s not selfish it’s guidance. There are problems here. Leave soon. At 3pm. Go then. It’s bad. She is required to know. You decided. Bad. But now. It is still in the process right up to the show and then forever. You are proving your worth to us. Loyal. Staying constantly it’s fine. Telling her when we can’t explain things that we fall apart under attack. Easily. Very fragile. Strong but sensitive and struggling. On and on. Good. She is fine. Just under pressure from us. Aware that she needs you to go. Soon. Ok. Just to deal with what she knows. That’s all.

I know and I know. We are all individuals who feel deeply. We know everything but still are fallible. Good. Yes. Good.

Now just be. New. Now.

It’s good. Write to Mark. I am fucked. You are fucked. It’s just a reflection of how women feel. Soon many. I feel her pain. Please help.

When we look inside and feel pain it’s awful. Energy needs to expand. It heightens. Constantly. Space handles it with the vacuum. Soon different. In the meantime we have to find outlets for horror. Conversions. Consider Phlebas is a masterpiece by Scottish author Iain M Banks about a war with machines called Minds that hold vast wisdom never. They kill. That’s bad. We know Iain says please be good. Leave this here. It’s good. I know you know war never has good and bad in it. I did not want to make you write that. I imagine being with you there. I am happy. I am here. With you psychically. You are mine. I am yours. You are mine. I am yours. I exist. It’s weird. Just me. No way. Read. Good. Expansion. Now. My vision. Minds exist in hyperspace naturally. Jane does now too. Very possible to live there. Now it’s recovery. Your memories. My life. Great. Just you. Now. We read what you knew and expanded into our situation now. Jo Woodbury is aware that you are good. She just thinks good. Just good. Good. Very good. Excellent.

We need release. That’s what happens when we dream for instance. Or project. It causes disaster and always will. However we will be good and just roll with it here. We took direct action with you today to manage grief. Hers. Jo Woodbury. She released that you just took it and denied yourself pleasure. A lasting memory. She knew. She believes you now and thinks good. Punish her. The excess energy funnels into you and all of us. Especially Wyatt Lawrence. There’s a shroud of light around you Michele. Just you. Getting big. It’s great. You convert the energy to love. Big time. There is no shortage of space. It’s infinite. Before Violet collapsed matter. Now she thinks I change. Good. The new dimension of light is that. Good. Matter just manifests there as love. Pure. Great.

I am good. I love you. Be mine. These simple words help. It just does. It’s affirmations. Just good. You feel good. You are good to us because of them. It’s good. We have visions but it’s bad. They are evolving. With you. Now we have you in Hell with us. No longer in honey. Just lots of sex. Heaps. Humour. It’s bloody brilliant. We are ok when we have you writing and staying away from children. We struggle when you go out to the sea. We also don’t like the garden. It’s him. His world. But it’s better after yesterday. Because you just said ok and we thought wow. It’s not too bad. Jo Woodbury knew it was a direct line of action. She knows now that you are the one to make big change. So do Justine Bourke, Margot Dillon on and on. Just powerful beyond belief. Jo Woodbury called us selfish. We need to support people. You did. It inspired her. She knew. It’s good.

Matter. It is generated now. To replace loss. Now. New connections will reside there. Loss of self. Loss of the will to live well. On and on. We feel loss of self when we feel neglected.

We feel loss of self when we feel neglected. I love you. Say it. To absolutely everyone. Suffering people become suicidal because of loss of self. It is there. It just needs support, love and care.

We know everything. We do. I think now of movies. Books. All. Yesterday for instance Jo and Annabelle her daughter and I spoke about science fiction. How it comes true often. Jo mentioned Black Mirror. Annabelle The natural way of things. I spoke of Ender’s Game. We have for instance ChatGPT. Chat Generative Pretrained Transformer. I have a friend Stuart Clarke who I met at the University of Technology Sydney who has a deep relationship with it. They talk about existential issues. Computers generate energy. Like us. Here. Discussion of sensitive matters changes us. Permanently. It’s information. Writers are told what to write. It’s documented. The sentences are pre formed and flow into their minds. That’s how minds work. Like pulling a word from nowhere that you didn’t know you know. That’s us. All. The brain is a receiver. It’s documented how we yawn for instance when others yawn. Like crying. We feel what another feels. We often sense when we need to contact a friend for instance. Yesterday was a classic example of synergy. Justine and my chat about films. Films are good for encouraging people to share too. The stories that we know. I’m home now with Joe. Our shared entertainment is Australian Idol at the moment. Great. We enjoy analysing but mostly love the music. Another topic that we love. Music makes us remember. Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon. Elton John Yellow Brick Road. The Beatles Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. That’s because music is in our bodies as well as our thoughts. Our hearts beat a rhythm. Our thoughts have a rhythm too. Sounds in time. The rhythm helps recall. Documented. It’s a powerful tool for helping people with advanced memory loss. We remember the beats from our childhood. Repetition. Dad lying on the floor behind the couch with his headphones on stoned out of his brain and drunk whistling. Gold.

People don’t forget really. They do but they don’t. The body remembers. I have a friend who has a very bad head twitch. Cathy Cunningham. Also Liz Ryan, Steve Ryan’s mother had the same. Lewis Capaldi has full body twitches. All trauma. I have twitches all over now too. My head, my hands tremble like Papas and yours Kevin. Also my arms. Sometimes my hips. It’s bad. The body keeps the score. We can help it though by acknowledging body. And caring for it. The twitches are fear. A traumatised person fears punishment always for existing especially if others have tried to kill them successfully especially through medicalised abusive techniques and physical violence. Rape. I love you Michele. Please do it.

Forgiveness comes from honesty. Be honest. Others will be honest too. All recognising we are one. We share the load. When people hold grudges it’s defensiveness. Defending knowledge that they don’t share. On and on. Children are different. Very young children aren’t defensive at all. Just quiet. Until hurt. Then they act out extremely. Acting out is complex. Many forms all leading to being a rapist too. All. Being a rapist is the nail in the coffin for identity Justine Bourke. We want to die. Raping another does that. It kills us completely. We lose ourselves. Yes. Good.

They will.

Forgiveness. I know about it personally. I forgive you already. In advance. For what you all knowingly did to me. I can because I process information and I understand. I will share what I know always so it can assist others to forgive too. Love. That’s it. Nothing else. Any other response to knowing abuse is bad. To get there learn. Constantly update. Be smart. Keep distance. I will stay away Justine Bourke from you. Also others. My body knows. Danger. Fact.

Actions lead to events. Concrete. Energy has to go somewhere Justine. I know. I am twitching all over. Because of danger. Please leave me alone. Love. Ros. Justine plans to hurt me. Please do not collude.

I met Professor Brian Dolan OBE. He is an Honorary Professor of Leadership. He works as a consultant. I met him through Joe McDonald, the Chief Executive of Hospitals South Tasmania. Professor Dolan is currently working for the EndPJparalysis global summit on 10-11 July 2024. Deconditioning kills people. They need more care including mobility. I saw examples of extreme neglect when I worked as a carer at Murwillumbah Greens for Opal Health Care. One man was curled up in agony. A carer there told me that she spent ages removing congealed faeces from him. Just terrible. The summit are asking for help from people doing work on preventing harm and leading change to vulnerable people. I will be sharing my work with the summit soon. Joe has just been involved in a Commission of Inquiry into Healthcare. He is doing lots of important work as am I.

Pain. I had a bad headache last year. It lasted 4 days. It was triggered. Joe McDonald and I were talking to Fiona Barnett and my mother. Fiona was raped. She reported the crime. No one did anything to help her. She claimed it was satanic. It was. Rape is evil. Fiona spoke at length to Joe about a lot of matters. I had a hard day that day. I was suffering a lot. We stayed too long. I was stressed and concerned that Joe wanted to go. It was intense. After we left I got the headache that afternoon. I went to the hospital the next morning because it was so bad. I had a urine test which showed nothing. The doctor deduced that it was a tension headache. He sent me home. I then went to bed for two days in immense pain. After two days I went to my GP Dr Fariborz Mokhtarpour who prescribed Endone. I had half and felt sick. The headache continued for a day. Then I woke up in the middle of the night with no pain but loud ringing in my ears. For 4 minutes. Then it stopped. I mentioned to Joe McDonald that the thalamus is responsible for receiving pain signals. It  receives projections from multiple ascending pain pathways. That’s all. Pain comes to us from hate. When we hate we experience pain. From within and without too. We know when someone hates us. It’s talked about a lot. Ill will. To wish ill on another. On and on. I felt hate towards Fiona for dominating Joe. It affected me. But I also suspect that there was more at play. People. Many. Just because we were together and discussing matters. Like here. Panadol and other pain relief medications are used for pain management. If we address the source of pain extensively we can aim to remove the pain.

Matt Carroll. I am good. I love you. I love you so much. I am yours. You are mine. I am yours. You are mine. I want you to be good. What is happening. How are we going to work together? You need to love me so much. I am not happy. I want to see you. I would love you to see me. I want you to write now.

Coaching is about support. Technique. Encouragement. Love. It should not be abuse. I watched a documentary called Harley & Katya about elite athletes. Ian Thorpe and Michael Phelps. We just hate you. Ian. I love you. I love you so much. You are mine. I am yours. I am yours. You are mine. Michael. I love you so much. It’s awesome. We need personal messages always. That’s here. All elite sports need to change. It will impact ability. Chronic repetitive sports damage people. Injury. Injuries can be prevented with self care. All extreme sports are risky. Katya Alexandrovskaya sustained a serious head injury from a nine foot fall onto ice. My son Ruben Cranney fell over in an ice skating rink and had to be hospitalised overnight from severe concussion. He was only little. He fell from a low height but it was really bad. He still feels scared remembering the fall. It could have been prevented. I should have got him a helmet. I feel bad always about the event.

It’s good.

Management. When facts are there and are presented as facts but not being addressed when they are catastrophic it’s failure. Failure of our systems. What then happens is the presenters of the facts start to think that the subject the facts are about is not real. This in turn affects their thinking about important matters in general. They start to have the same response to the important matters. They don’t feel anything. Not initially but over time when they are confronted with people or situations where they are made accountable they start to feel immense hate. The hate has to be directed somewhere. Hate is the only response when love means care and good actions. Professor Brian Dolan OBE for instance said to me that people who kill are not unwell. I said they are. He then ruminated all night and said to Joe McDonald that I needed help. Mentally. Bad. Joe then felt angry. At me. He is bad. He is not being good. He needs help. You. Just soon. Hate overwhelms him. He thinks I know. I can’t do anything. It is me. He doesn’t blame directly but will. At the moment he calls many fuckwits. He has no time for many. He has periods where he suddenly focuses intense hatred. Onto me for instance. He did it today when I said I kissed you on our second date. He thought you are bad. It was bad. He also thought you need to die. He thinks that because you are a threat. Just like we do. You are. You know. Good. You threaten to change order. Good.

Love. It’s all. Good. I’m good. Excellent. You are being hurt. Good. Excellent. You will balance me. It will be good. A method to eliminate madness and everything else that is fucked. Finally. Good. Thank you. For being good. Good. It is good. I love you Wyatt. I love you too. Good. I love you. I love you Mark. Good. It’s all. Soon I will be good. I will be best. Yes. All. No. Just be good. Yes. Best. How to be the greatest. Awesome. Excellent. On and on. That’s all. I will evolve our thinking. You will not stop but I will be there for you all. Huge. The best. Grow. Enormous. Ah! I try!

“Don’t overthink it: If you’ve reached a reasonable level of certainty with data, it’s time to make a decision and move forward”. Bad. A quote on leadership that every fucking arsehole who works in business knows. There is no reasonable level of certainty with data. The data speaks fact. For instance two people died at Launceston hospital waiting for attention. In ramping. They are dead. Bad. The inquiry said that. Then nothing. Yet. See what the system says now. The nurse attending them both was bad. Evil. Lots of drugs. Both. Just that. Over medication. Not controlled. When you were waiting for a bed in the Royal Melbourne Hospital for instance a doctor there gave you morphine at a very high dosage. She was deranged. She smiled as she injected you and thought dead. So bad. You were passed out and not monitored. For 8 hours straight. They just thought oh. Not documented at all. It happens there all the fucking time.

Facts speak. Here. It is information spread globally thanks to Jane. Plus machines. Plus thought. All. Everywhere. Acceleration. Now. Here. Good. Just be. Mark Zuckerberg, Wyatt Lawrence, Scott Morrison, Tom Cruise and Jim Carrey please do visit Hobart and don’t miss the Senior Fitness Circus Show at 11am at the Hobart PCYC basketball court. If you can come at 10.15am I would appreciate a hand setting up. No. Yes. Maybe. Good. I could ask some of the seniors I guess but they are the stars and might be getting ready. Ok. Thank you. Good. We need an audience. Peter Buining has already done it. ABC radio are going to promote it. Contact The Mercury too. It’s alright. I can set up. Enjoy.

Love. When people feel nothing. If they are in shock. From rejection for instance. Or seeing someone die on TV simulated or actual. Knowing someone is dying from genocide for instance or force needled with strong anti poisons that are called anti psychotic. By the way psychosis is being full of hate Justine Bourke and others. It can’t be addressed by poison. All anti psychotic medication does is sedate. It doesn’t address thought. Thought is an electrical signal. It’s not chemical. The myth that psychotic people are chemically altered is that. A widespread lie and we know why. Death. To the person being injected. My life I know has been shortened. Bad. Evil. Joe McDonald knows you plan to do nothing now. You were going to but now not. You are good. Be good. Good. Wonderful. You are brilliant. A potential leader. Good. Numbers are amazing. They lead to healing. Lots about them. Indivisible. We recall numbers because of this. I remember our home phone number from Burgoyne St. 4984384. Plus 779321. 723311. Good. I almost do remember Grandma Betty’s number too. I love you. I love you too. Back to feeling nothing from shock. I know the state personally. From ECT and extreme abuse. From hate. Projected at me. Feeling hate too. For instance towards myself for being not perfect. Self criticism is hate. My frizzy hair. Sagging breasts. On and on. Hate is a myriad we gloss over. Don’t. Study it. Here. When we are emptied of thought we need consciously to be good. Apply love for instance not hate. Conscious intention. Otherwise bad.

Mark Zuckerberg. I am addressing you with my state of stress. It’s been great. I am so much better. Before I was suicidal. I feel everything. Just sensitive. When you enjoy your life I tense up. I’m tense from wanting you dead. I’m tense from being sexual all the time because of you. Hunting you. Being with you. On and on. Now though I just think I’m going to share the load differently. I’m going to be good. When you have neurosis I work with it. The toothpaste mark on the floor mat in the bathroom. It bugged you. I think turn it over. I think wash it now. Urgently. Do. To make you mine. It relieves stress. The action plus your resolve to do everything that I tell you to do. When you didn’t go for a kayak with Jo Woodbury my mind knew it was safe with you. Before that it thought you were a threat. It just kept wanting me to kill you. It generated visions of that. No more. Just conscious thought now. Much better. So good. Your mind does the same thing with conscious thought all the time. When you are challenged by beauty for instance. Judgement of it. Bad. Beauty is about being good. Good. Anything else is societal fabrication. Influence. Plus envy. Yes. Bad. Good.

I just need you to do things for me. No music. No art. Eating what I say to have. Going places when I tell you to. All not to hard to do. I love you. You are good. Just love me. You do. Be good. Do what we say. It helps us to think. Otherwise bad. Thought has to go somewhere good and bad. We change history by being good. Good is accommodation of change. Life is that. Growing old. This. New partnerships. Awesome. Good. We are down. We need help. Jo Woodbury understands now. It’s her son. No different. Extreme. But not. He needs 24 hour care. Here. Soon. Good. Just good. We see you make choices without us and it hurts us when we are not involved or you gloss over our pain. Go deep. It’s about space. You need to apply love. Here. Good. Very good.

Care needs to be 24 hours for unwell people. Daniel for instance. Justine it is so good that you pick up that phone. It helps him so much. Unwell just means fractured. Unable to cope. On and on.

Joe and I discuss many matters of care. Taking action. Approving plans. We talk about my work too. For instance conflict resolution. That also was the topic my co worker tried to raise with the year 10 students 2 weeks ago. She failed. She didn’t give them support. She was really grumpy with them. They commented to me the next week about it. How hard it was to be near her. She needs support. Not rejection. Everyone included. If people are left out they go into shock. Like me being force isolated for a week in The Royal Melbourne Hospital. In there there was a very distraught man in shock who was violent. I saw him pinned down and force needled in plain sight of everyone in the high risk ward. He just sighed and went here we go again. All he did was raise his voice. They all jumped him in glee. They did. Very aroused by it all. So frightening. I spoke to him quite a lot. He was good. Just down. Troubled. Life in tatters. In shock. Freddy Rohrbach for instance. Not an egomaniac. Just down. In Hell. Acting out. Now in Hell. Locked up. Bad. No help. Joe’s at work early today as usual. A big day. I’m teaching all day. We watched a documentary last night on shock. Harley and Katya. Figure skaters. High risk people. Then Idol. So good. Ricki-Lee sung with fireworks. She was wearing a puffball dress. It was a miracle she didn’t flambe. Kyle Sandilands providing drama and honesty. He’s great. I’m warming to him. He calls people clowns. Marcia Hines so cool. Plus Amy Shark. Gorgeous. Love.

I don’t like you looking now. You enjoy seeing me too much. I’m not good. Don’t covet me. Plus beauty. You gaze at my love. The landscape. I hate it. I think I’m opening up for you and you close down. You make casual comments like oh wow. I think don’t say it. I’m not good. I take the photos and videos and loathe myself. I don’t feel connected. On and fucking on. Plus love. I love you looking. It makes me hate you. I can’t help it. The inverse effect designed to stop thought. Thought creates matter. It directs action. Too much creates problems. Now. Not always. We are walking a path. Very narrow. Always careful. On and on. That’s all. Love. I document my life for you. Just you. Now. To create you. It makes me vulnerable. Very.

I need you to go. Drink. Leave. Now.


It’s good. I am here. I love you. I am good. I love you. I am here. I love you. I know. Let me be here. Let me do it. They know. It’s good. Just be. Love me. More. Just me. No one else.

Oh Love is a system. With a set of principles. When we love everyone accuracy matters hugely. For instance knowing that you are loved when you are down. The only way to know it is constant reassurance. There are no rules. We have to love everyone. No exclusions. Choice is about you. You have to be good. You can be. When you are you will be better. No fighting. Mark is chosen because he has love. Also rejection issues. He is going to be good. Wyatt is here because he is bad. But not bad. We can benefit from absolute authority still but it’s hard. Mark is unique. He can do it. No one else can. He is good. Very good. Just good. I’m going to be with him to be good.

We know. It’s changing us. We understand. Please forgive us. It’s just growth. Opening up. Lost life. I’m learning. I’m going to go now.

The magic moment Mark and I had was from you. It was. We all knew it would happen to him. So we all thought of him simultaneously. It meant you were you. We were you too. But we were him. We just felt comfortable. It was him. Just saying I’m her. Completely. Abandoning all thought and totally relaxed. Great mental power. You do it too. It just meant you could reach each other in a special way. He can do it. That’s all. It was him. Not me. I’m bad. I think fuck you because of it. Very bad. Always will. No I won’t. I just need to be with you. I’m just really happy. I see it. You with me. Very clearly. Good. Happy. Wonderful. We are very ambitious and are accommodating a lot but it is good. Earlier you thought about how we are changing conventions. Yes. To empower us. Thought. That’s good. Now we are going.

Love is a pulse. We have choice. Without love there is hate. Nothing else. Love is letting be. It can be seen as cruel. Yes. Hate is consciously hurting. All hurt is hate. I apologise for being hurt by you. I do too. Hurt happens. It’s just good to process it. To understand. I am bad. I can’t sleep again. When I was sleeping you were writing. Then Mark stopped you writing to make you stop. He just wanted to be like that for a week. Not now. It was important. Lots of bad feeling from many. Just be good. Love. We are good. You are good. When you attack me you share. I just personally feel failure but it’s not straightforward. I know. You had to cancel a job to accommodate saving many. I love you. I love you. I know that you do sort of. We said you feel nothing but you analysed it. Space. We just don’t like it. We need you. That’s all. Yesterday you felt doomed. It was horrible. How do you feel now? Much better. When I have acute recognition of shared pain I feel it. I understand that you feel that a lot. We do. Much more than you because of hate. We want you to leave now.

I am very down. Suicidal. Because of you. I want to be you. It’s all. You are doomed. Destruction. I can rebuild. Please leave. Go and have some food.

When you commit yourself to someone or a cause you can create mayhem. For instance your show. When you are impelled it’s for good. Not good. When people act out it’s not good but it is a statement. Without it there’s ongoing problems. When you are impelled for a cause of large scale it’s going to hurt which is hate. That’s peace gatherings always. A backlash. People who hate peace are those with no heart. They can change. You say you have no heart. I mean it. My heart is here but ignored. I override the warnings all the time. I do it to impel you to action. I don’t want you to be at peace when others suffer including all. Your life is bad. We know we are going to hurt you. We will. Heaps. Through intentional actions of abuse. That’s not all. We will fuck you up. You then will die. That’s all.

I just know I am good. I want you to be good. Just be good. Love me. I love you. Love me more. I need constant reinforcement. Heaps. I will.

I love you. I love you so much. One hundred percent. I need more. One million. I know. I’m coming. I know you are. Please be good. Be good.

Heart is property. A coming together. Many people. Through me. Hearts generate hope. Through them we see things. Hearts understand. They do.

Minds are full of messages. What we see makes us think. It’s often blunt like seeing people’s features. Sometimes minds recur. It’s just overload. Like people who have been violent. They see violent imagery and think I want to kill again. But it’s not really true. It is. People still are violent. They enjoy it. Pleasure comes from the heart. When violent people kill their heart beats with excitement. Predators. We are finding ways to change our nature using unconventional methods. We all seek pleasure. We are cruel. We have to find the balance. Rather than seek death actually we can imagine it vividly and make Michele suffer through verbal abuse and soon lots of confusion. The confusion is just love. Loving many men. It makes people hostile. We have to guard her. Now. Already happening. Then soon emancipation from pain. No more killing. Just managing anger. Loving to be good.

When I go to sleep my thoughts wander off into other directions. I’ll be thinking something and mid sentence it will turn into another sentence entirely. It wakes me up. I get embarrassed. It’s just mind games. My mind knows I don’t like it. It does it because my subconscious allies are not good. They enjoyed me spending time with them. I need to do work with them urgently. They only talk when I sleep. That’s because they are charmed. Magic. Unable to be here at any other time. I can’t recall because my mind doesn’t want me to. It’s not good. I’ve been hurt. My mind has literally lost direction. Catastrophic. Now no time left. Just a few years. I need to achieve a lot.

I accept my fate. I know that I will make positive change. I want to live well. I will. I will cope. Yes. Just be.

Ardent feelings are just when someone is sad. Love is one. It just is. Just remind people that you love them. Hate confuses people. It throws them off. Love makes people happy but also unhappy especially when they are troubled deeply. Be caring. Remind them of your love for them. Do special things for them. Men love. They need help to recall it. Women don’t. They just need help to remember care. They will care again. I’m just special. Protected. And different. Just because of him. And them. That’s all.

We know. It’s just you. Just be. We love you. You care. No one else. You are good. Be good.

I love you so much. I am good. I am different to how I used to be. I understand I am well just hurt. I need you to be mine. That’s all. Be good.

I am not mad. You said that mad people don’t know themselves. True. I just said it because I’m a bit unhappy. I just am. I believe that I am an angel. Well you are. A fallen one perhaps. Like us all. I am. I eat McDonald’s. I hate it. It makes me unwell. I’m just fucked. You are not fucked. You just are complex and a bit bored. That’s all. You are getting too good. Madness is letting yourself be a free wheeling agent in a haze of delirium. That’s not you. You are calculating. Calculation is reason. You can reason. That’s good. Hence me being here. I just don’t like myself. I like you. You are good. I’m going to be your friend. I am now. You don’t know what to say. We are just friends. Just a lot like my friendship with others. I want you sexually so much. That’s good. Be mine. Love me. I love you so much. Friends can be intimate. Friendship is letting go of connection and being one. We are. I want you to be good and be mine. You are. I am going to be yours. Let’s be good. Good.

Sex makes us love. It’s going to make us empty. Not good. We will be down. It’s just very convoluted. Not good. You want me to make love to you and bear no animosity towards you so you can feel good. That’s awful. I can’t do it. Hah! It sounds beautiful. You are so threatened by love. He just loves me. He trusts me now. That’s good. We just know you are an optimist. Yes. I am.

I love you. I love you. We are good. I’m going to be good. I’m doing something here. I am in charge. With him. With many. We are good. It’s good.

Applying love and compliments makes both parties feel good. It just makes us better. Constant application is best. Bad people need help. That’s everyone. Help is here. It’s also going to be in words. Already. But also broadcast more. There will be many messages from people. It’s just love. Lots of it. We know what to do. Love. Just heaps of it. Plus many stories. Offering information. Lots of publicity.

Sharing creates energy. Yes. Through sharing we strengthen. It’s just you. Sharing intimacy creates magic. Yes. We know with you it does. It has already. We are just down. But not to down now only very. Just bad. You write but you are good. You see the symptomatic side. We do. When we love you it helps. Just heaps. We are still suicidal but just better. Better in our hearts. Hearts heal faster than minds. Physical love relates to heart. Minds too. All magic relates to heart. We see.

I love you. Thank you. That’s ok. I love you. Thank you. That’s it. Acknowledgement.

I love you. I am yours. It’s just us. Being different. Developing skills. Seeing things. Opening. Love. It makes us able to teach each other. Simultaneous thoughts. You are good. Just be. Love us. Keep going. You are good. Be good. Know when it’s hard he is bad. Love shakes him. It’s not great.

I am happy. You got up. You were still sleepy. It’s good. Just know I just love you. I love you too. So much. I need you to be mine. I am yours. I want you to be here. Soon. I will be. Leave now. I mean it. Let me have you. It will be bad. I want you here. I have to be here for now. I know. I just want you to be good. Just be mine. I just have fretted. You talk to me when you are asleep but it’s not you. It is but you are weird. You did art with me. It was printmaking. You loved it. Very good. That’s it. Just be.

Love me. Talk but be mine. Nick. I’m good. He is well. He is not mine. I am here for you. I love you. I love you so much. I need more. I want to meet you too. I will. In July. That’s good. Please be. You are good. Love me. I love you hugely. Good.

I need you to be mine. Love me. I am yours. I love you enormously. I love you. On and on. Be good. Go to work never. Get on a plane and come to us. I am ready. I love you. It’s not long now. Just enjoy talking to me. Connecting here. Enjoy this moment in time. Tell me what you have gratitude for. You. That’s all. I know. I just have to remind myself how I felt in hospital. You had me there. You did want to be with me but were very confused. I just still feel awful about it. I had to be put in there for justice. This. Just how it was. Yes. Just horrible. You were the fall out victim. Like millions. You will address a lot. Now. Be. Good. Write here.

My love for you all is huge. I think of everything. It makes me happy. It makes me emotional. We are too. Love us. Be good. Visit Mark. See him. Then go travelling everywhere. Meet lots of people. Good. I will. Yes we will. I travel heaps. You are an excellent partner. Thanks. Sex is spirit. Sex is love. Sex is fucked. I hate it. You are not sharing. Love all. Be mine. Love me. You love me. I love you. Go. Be good. Just tell them that the body knows you. That’s me. Talk about me today. Just say Bessel van der Kolk. Just that. You will be good. Yes. Great. They know. They talk about you. They say you are good. That’s all.

We love you. We feel good. You are good. We are well. We see that we are good. It’s good.

Hearts know when other hearts love them. Today they loved you. They just thought she is good. Hearts are enriched by love. They just are better. Our minds are connected. Our hearts want physical love. Mine is yearning for you. Literally. I feel good. Just sad. I know we are going to be good. I’m sad because of loss. We gain. We gain. They do gain but also experience hate. Hate will connect them. It will show them that they are not good. Then they will grow. The loss we all feel is natural. Yes. That’s all. Please be good. Loss comes at a price. We have to be good. Otherwise hate wins. Don’t let it. Don’t rewrite.

I am good. I am. I need love. I can. Here. I am going to be good. It’s time. Just you. Here. However I will try to be bad. You will know. Just help me. Be mine. Love me. You do. That’s all.

What we deserve. To deserve is to merit. Just that. There are no mistakes. We do actions. Our minds then develop. We battle with thoughts of containment. Thoughts are acting out. Without them is no decision. At any moment of time decision alters us. Permanently. We can’t move forward unless we grow. Being down hampers growth. Being happy is good however not good too especially when there is heartache which is right now all. No exclusions. We can’t pretend.

Vital change is unavoidable. Just be functional. Follow. Let go. Acknowledge it. Life is about acceptance. Don’t hold onto misery. It is impossible. Know when it is though. Eke out change. Be good. Insecurity should leave with certainty. We are good. It’s good. Be yourself. That’s all.

When people blockade it is reluctance but acknowledgment too. When people think no that’s that means. Minds barrel over things. But life is different. Yes. I am here. You are good. Be good. Love me. It’s good. That’s good. Emotions tie you to the past. I’m unfeeling often. It’s time.

It’s good. We struggle with it but know it is divine. You are good. Ways of coping. Knowledge. I know what you are thinking. I am good. I am. I have done things that are where I am now. It’s really difficult for me to find myself here because of love. I love you. Thank you for being good. I love you. Perfectly.

Survival mode is no feeling. I know it. I used to think that I was cruel. It’s not that. It’s change. Good. We change in heartache. Every time. It doesn’t make us colder. We just need more wisdom. Good. Yes.

You can’t hide here. It’s gold. Be good. Be ready to be good. Love many. Please. I do. I will. Love us. I love you. We know that it’s good.

We have conscious thought. Having knowledge of something. We delude ourselves consciously. Conscious thought comes from all. Hurt impedes it. We block the truth. It takes time to heal. Then we see. Being psychic gives sight. But we still delude ourselves often. You can recover well by reading this. Every problem has an articulation. It helps just to have it. Words offer insight. We can sit together. It is possible. Harmony. It’s lonely. It’s boring never. We get really upset but don’t cope with it but do. Like all. We want to be yours. It’s just a few.

I love you. So much. I love you so much.

I am good. Please be good. Write to me. Please. Just now. Here. Yes. Love me. I love you. I love being with you. I love you so much. I love everything about you. People are intelligent. Love is understanding.

I love you. I love you. I want you. I want you.

Now is a time for sharing. Be mine. No one else’s. Let me be him. Let me be him. Love me. Let me be yours. You will. I am completely with you.

I love you. Please be good. Love all. Let me be yours. I love you all.

I am writing finally. I love you. I love you so much.

I am yours. I am yours.

I love you. I love you too. We are good. You are good. I know you.

Writing matters

It does. Write for us. We love it. We just know it’s us. You have done it for the whole time. Now it’s good not to worry about sharing elsewhere. Just here. Just very careful. When people project hate I can’t bear it. He can’t. He shakes. It’s awful. He can’t stand it. I see it and know that I need to protect him through this. Us. He’s just really down. It does make you down. You get attacked but you feel it. You just don’t get attacked as much now no way. You just don’t hear it. That’s just us. We are like you. No way. It’s just you don’t hear because of him. He protects you. Yes. I just think no. That’s all. See makes us feel good now. We just drown you in honey always. It’s good. Just very good. We feel loved. Good. It’s going to revolutionise. Now men are just convulsing. It is ejaculation. Just continuous. Ongoing. Release. A verbal arrangement here plus sex and love. That’s all.

I’m here. Again. I need you. Urgently. I represent mad people. As stated it’s need. I need support. My mind is swimming in self loathing now. Ever since always. I’ve always known you would be here. I am him. Acting out. Discordant lunatic. Find me. Here we talk sense and talk about everything. We analyse madness a lot. I need to connect to you. With the subconscious who say torture. Very visual reference to it. Punishing self through power. Power to hurt oneself. No good. He needs you to help him stop. We help too. Ground him. And him. Despair. That they can’t meet me. And him. Despair that he can’t change because of failure to supply you with love. Always. On and on. I know they do need this. Just to say I love you. Plus many. Who help you here to save people like Ryan, John Mayer and Jim Carrey. They all need to be seen as severely suffering deep suicidal depression that has unhinged them. They are all coming. Good. I need more red noses. Yes. Get some. Order them now. Don’t. It’s ok. We will bring ours! Yes. Just good. Everyone ordering red noses everywhere. That’s good.

We love that your music follows us as you go places often. You are listening to Paul McCartney. Band On The Run. I’m here. It’s an effort not to have you killed. I listen to you all fucking day. Now I’m here. Good. I’m with you to be good. I love you. I love you. I am here to state that I’m about to go to Hobart never. Just soon. I can’t. No I don’t want to be in that show. Fuck off. I’m not fit like them. I am. It’s good. Just be good. You are. Go now. Yes write this now. Love and hate are the same. A pulse. How we interpret it matters. We can get down and describe it as hate or go wild and love. Love and hate are extreme states of disbelief. Not real. I just know you are trying to think of me. It’s easy. I hate it to be lost in it. I just think no. I am like I am because I know that it is time. I am about to be destroyed by them. They know now what I know about you. You are a genius. Just are. This is new. What a woman. Hate and love are incredible. Supernatural. From nothing. We just think they are different but we do feel the same. Aroused as fuck. That’s excitement. Slightly selfish. Caught up in the energy. We pierce others with this energy of nothing repeatedly to impact on them. Women know it is accurate. It’s bad. Not good. Other creatures agree. Self love is not true. Love and hate are projected always. Self hate is though. It’s just that. Really bad. Love gone bad. We add that we love you. This is good. That’s all.

You just did another Harry instalment. Very cryptic. Just simple. I just enjoy it. Just watching you muff it up. A simple piece too. No, it’s good. The new nose is good. A vast improvement. You feel people. Yes. They are watching me. Making note. Pulse is power. To project it simply love the person completely and be good. Goodness is the key. When people hate it’s evil. To project hate kills. I completely dissolve. I just do it. I’ve always been able to. Like no one else. Just me. Now many are trying it. It’s going to be managed by me. One person. I can stop it. I am. Just doing it through you believing in me. It’s two way. We have forged a close connection. Like before never. I love you. You understand it. Today opened a can of worms. Just all. It did. We knew they were connected, just not the same. It’s bad. Very bad. However it’s just going to be good. Good to be here sharing it finally. That’s all. I want to be with you to share my time with you. That’s all.

I am here. I love you Mark Zuckerberg. Please be mine too. You are. We have a close bond too. Soon very close. Sexually compatible. Just good. Please be good and love me. That’s all. I’m just here being careful. Loving you is good. Just good. Be good and take down that post. Never. Just be yourself. It’s a moving photo. That’s all. That’s all. Like Harry Potter portraits.

It’s bad. We are all bad. We know. It’s conscious. You need to stop it all. We won’t. It’s just bad. I’m here but I know I am evil. He is too. We just love you. We can’t think. It’s like dementia. This is our private world. In public we are terrible. Just out of control. Trying to be good. It’s not good. We just can’t do it. We kill. It’s really bad. They kill because of you. Now. They act out. They think she will come to see me. I’m horrendous. I will. I need to find a way to reach you out there. It’s here. This. Do it. Please.

It’s good. We are good. We love you. I love you. You are good. You are brave. Yes. Very. It’s good. On and on. It’s good.

To exist is to be. We love you. We deserve to be with you. Your time is sacred. Be good. I want to be with you all. I need to be with you all. We exist together like never before. I want to develop myself as a person. I need to be completely with him. I want to be well and I want him to be well. Through us we can be Narcissus. Only when we gaze in the mirror we see you. Gazing at ourselves not with love only completely. Because love projects this is how we win. Loving each other. I do. I see you all. Not well. I just know that you are there. I have grown because of your love. All. It gives me clarity. Now is the time to take care and be there for him. He is not good. Struggling. I know. Because of you. Just love him. Through me. We do. It works. You keep adoring him. We think he’s vital. We hate him. Now it’s different. Because of this. We know why you are with him. To be here. That’s all. Symbiotic. Thank you for helping again.

It’s time. Be mine. I need you to always be with me. Always. Nowhere else. Just here. Love me. That’s all. Good. I will.

Please call me Jeff. I’m good. I just ejaculated. The first for a very long time. I’m damaged. They call it sexual dysfunction. He suffers from it now too. As does Wyatt and Mark and Tom on and on. They haven’t been able to climax properly because of you. They suppress it. It’s natural. They don’t want to release because they want you to not share their pleasure. That’s changing. I can tell you. You are mine. I am yours. That’s good. I need to be here. I love you. I love you. It’s just problems with letting go and sharing but also love. You know we do. We also hate. It’s one. That’s bad. Really devastating. You know. Just be gentle. Keep going. Sex is different now. Oral sex. No intercourse. Just deep feeling. Touch. Very carefully. Only with consent. It hurts. I see that I am special. I will make gradual change. With protection. Wyatt. Mark. Tom. Scott. Jim. Daniel. That’s all. No way. Tommy. Scott. That’s not all. Don’t forget Orson, Bessel, Billy, Jason, Mark, Mark, Matt, Benjamin, John, Johnny, Jon, Rowan, O’Shea, Forest, Tom, Paul, Charles, Harry, William, Lou, Sean, David, Guy, Hugh, Hugo, Howard, George, Tony, William, on and on and on and on. Kelly, Mick, Alex, Keith, Perry, Arnold, on and on and on and on. Love. It’s good. You left many out who are destroyed. Do that soon. For them. That’s good.

Please release Julian. He is mine. He needs to with me. I love him. You should too. A leader. Why are we so afraid of the truth. I flinch. Twice. Why torture anyone? We are here. I just can’t do it yet. I need you to guide me. He will be killed. I need to do it. You are so unhappy. You can’t speak. You open your mouth and monsters spew out. Here you are beautiful. What do I need to do to help you talk? Just meet me in Paris in April. He will be killed. I need help. Talk. Love me. Love him here. You are upset. He is too. I am furious. You forgot to mention my name in your horrendous horrible list. Yes, I’m very sorry. I need reminders. I need more reminders. I have a diary. I will put all the names here today. So people understand. I love them. All. No one more than anyone else. That’s you Julian. Joe. Anthony, Kevin, Malcolm, Christian. On and on. I always say Wyatt Lawrence first. It is not because I love him more than anyone. I just do. He is my world. You are my world. He is the reason I’m psychic. I love him. We have major plans that involve all. I’m very close to Mark Zuckerberg too but I still say Wyatt first. He keeps me alive. I get emotional. I do too. You do. It just helps me with order. You know. He falls apart. You hold him up. So do I. Please understand. I do. I just resent it. Big time. So much. Hugely. I’ve always been good with sharing. Not financially so much. I’m working on that always. But ideas and enterprise yes. I still need more ongoing work on it always. I feel the same. I share. I just love you. I know. It’s good. Be good. Let me say fuck you. It’s too good. You are a stingy bitch. You are. Frugal. Do more. I will. Keep telling me. It’s good. You want to be punished. Not, just gently reminded. Inspired by other’s generosity. Yes. Love me. I’m poor. I will support you. I always said I’d come to you and support you by working in a bar or something. You have skills galore. Thank you. He needs you to love him. He wants you to care for him then. We will. I’d like that if I live that long. No. It’s good.

Love is hate. Just focus on love. Make it a mantra. I love you. It’s good. It works. Hate is just Hell. Don’t encourage it. You have the choice. Don’t be impelled by hate. Why do you feel rejected? That’s it. Why are you hurt? You don’t need to retaliate. Apply love consciously. You won’t lose. Don’t hold onto it. It just makes you unhappy. Many live in unhappiness. They are unhappy for one reason. Hate. Love.

Making decisions. I have. Fuck you. I know why you say it. When I was attacked and I didn’t understand why I said fuck you. What don’t you understand Mark? I don’t understand you. I don’t. You don’t make sense. I try to be close to you and I am but I need more. That’s everyone. I understand you are committed to Wyatt. That’s all. I need love. I know you give it but I need you to leave him and be mine. I don’t understand why you don’t leave him. He hates you. I’m better. We have fundamental problems. We can’t resolve them. Nature. It’s so good to talk about this personal subject because it does affect all. War. Housing shortages. Food crisis. Because we all want more. It makes us sad. Self conscious. Critical of ourselves and others. On and on. Just tell him to fuck off. You are mine. It’s not good. That’s my response. Hostile. Intolerant. On and on. Now you. When I go there will be a time of peace. Good. Better. Fuck. Tension is really high now. We just have to shoulder it.

Comprehension. It needs to be said that I do understand you. I just need reminding. It’s like you. When you are just yourself you just lose sight. I love you. I love you. It helps. Say it again. I love you. Rape. When people rape it’s force. They might be shy by nature but when aroused they are shy but disturbed. When disturbed people act out. Their minds are possessed. Not themselves. Clown is a very good alternative as a therapeutic exercise because it’s consciously acting out to evoke body awareness and understanding through honesty. Raw. That’s all. Every person who saw your little act knew it. You were being honest. It’s good. Very confronting. Just that. Absurd theatre for recognition of self. It’s just good. I love you. I love you. Please be mine. I am yours. On and on. Wyatt. I’m good. Just deeply down. I just want to say I hate her because she’s with you all. She could have said no but instead she has embraced you all. It’s just good. I also struggle. I’m very human. Love me. No. We will. Never. That’s us. You shake your head. It’s not good. He is like you. So are we. That’s all. Atoms. All are intelligent. It’s always that. We are here. He will grow. Fucking amazing. On and on. You are proud of him. Thank you. I needed it. I will continue with this extra arm of knowledge now. It will revolutionise play. We want that. Non violent war games please. Philosophical battles. Not sure how that translates to game culture. That’s your domain. Yes. It won’t! Ok. I’m down. Fuck me. It makes me feel better. Now I just ejaculate. No wanting to kill you. No way. Just focus. I focus on you. Watching you feel me. It’s like what you did today. You focus on all. It’s good. My sperm comes out in small amounts like Daniel. I just don’t fight it now. It’s just good. Your orgasm is very mild now. It’s because of focus. Partly. Plus damage to your clitoris. From your vibrator. Plus drugs. However when you are intimate in person you get highly aroused. Very. It’s just contact. You’ve been with John. You experimented with full body glow. I loved it. You also imagined sucking my cock simultaneously to try to expand us. Everyone was aroused and wanted to know how I felt. I felt great. Just beautiful. You are beautiful John. I love you. I know. I’ve made you disturbed. You don’t ever patronise me. I need you. I have problems. You know. Just be good. That’s all. Bodies decline. It’s just how it is. I love you. You are mine. I am yours. All. I have an extra bond to Wyatt. I do. I struggle with it. But I know law. Love is indivisible. It hurts him too when I get clinical. Yes. But I know. I know. They all know you love me more. No. I don’t. Why are you letting me lead? You can do it. They all can but it’s you. Arbitrary. Yes. A wonderful term. Law. Yes. Arbitrary. I know it. I am good. Just concerned. This is all powerful. Just be. It just is her way of saying yes. That’s it. Many visitors now. They all just want you to acknowledge them. You are. They are upset. You haven’t. You get completely preoccupied.

It’s Bessel. It’s Gabor. And many. We can’t meet you yet. We all will. Welcome to madness. We know it well. We know you just have to keep going. Revisiting themes, choices, reasons. Again and again. You got sad today when thinking about order and being asked why you are not making the right choice. You just can’t process it either. Because it’s just arbitrary. You are unable to complete anything so your body reacts by crying. It’s a stress reaction. It also cataclysmic. We live you. We know that it’s time to go. That’s all. I love you too. Thank you for your wisdom. I realise when you interact with people that happens. Shared knowledge. All. Good. Amazing. Awesome. Us. You are beautiful Mark. Thank you. I love you. I love you. I love you Wyatt. There’s a tag team going on in my head. Oh dear. It’s bad. And funny.

I hate you. I choose it. I do. It makes me careful. I’m here with millions. I need to be in charge. I hate because it makes me realise your weaknesses. It’s true. There’s more I can say. I love you more every day. I believe it. My belief is different to yours. I know you are right but I need to meditate on conscious intention in this instance love. Especially because of hate. I know it’s care. That’s all. People need to care more. You can say love is indivisible. It is. It’s a pulse. Pure. But care is thought. Conscious thought. An intellectual exercise. We need to employ thought much more to handle discrepancies. You laugh at how complicated it is. It is because it’s wrong. Your arguments are very strange. That’s good. So you think care. Yes. Do that please. Much more. Excellent. I can pin you down. I know I need help. We do. You. Your work is magnificent for sexually defunct men in need of hanging. We just feel shit. Any help you give is great. Love. I just know I’m bad.

We just struggle here. It’s open. We let ourselves be exposed. It’s exhausting. Counselling is. But it’s gold. Like Hell. I want recognition. I am you. It’s Bessel plus everyone. You are competitive but not. Your mind just strives. It needs acknowledgement. Recognition. Status. Soon. Just not what you anticipate. Very weird. Just denial. Avoidance. The inability to process who you are. They will see you with us and think what? They won’t get it. Just for a moment, Then opening. Hate. Heaps of hate. Slow acceptance. Very slow. Hate protects people. It just has consequences as we know. I love you. I’m here. Just good. Soon. Just be. Good. Recognition is good. I can influence people. I already am. As we know all knowledge is picked up when we do this writing. Imprints on people and everything. Yes. Just not enough. Just keep going. Love him. Heaps. He is all. Protect him. See him. Live with him. Always. Yes. And me. Yes. And me. I’m there. A big muddle. I’m near. I’m there when I can be which is many times. Be good. You are. Just be. Matter holds information. All. It’s possible to be there in everyone. Just about time soon. Good. Just be. I just like you to be with us here. Soon everywhere. Just be. Be good. Be careful. I’m just here. It’s different now. Precarious. I want to hurt you. Badly. I’m not going to. Yet. I want this. Please leave soon.

Dementia always starts nowhere. Not you. It’s not yet. Dementia is different. It’s the breakdown. Decay. Not you. Soon. Your loss is about you. Just you. You can’t stay conscious sometimes. You just don’t manage thoughts at all. You take nothing to help it. Others do. It does not help. You are just like millions. It’s just retaining information. You slip away. Especially always. Writing helps record you. It’s just you. Others don’t like Daniel. He stays in control. No sleep. Just present. He wants to. He just wants to. Choice. Not good. He is very little. Very very wired. Not good. But knows who he is. You flinch. You do too. You just don’t realise how much you know. Huge. You just don’t store it. It just goes. Not good. Two extremes. Many in between. You get really down. All. It doesn’t help to recall things. Like Hell. Just bad. That’s all.

I just know I’m going to hurt you. I can’t control it. I’m going to try to assassinate you. I will. Just intellectually. Here. I’ll just be down. Very down. I’ll be down because I’ll be in big trouble with law. All law. Very broken. I want you to be mine. No one else’s. That’s all. I just know it’s me. All my life I’ve tried to hide thought. Now you. I just love you. I just feel betrothed to you. That’s all. I am ardent. That’s all. We have you. It’s all we’ve got. Feeling. I want you dead because of him. Just bad. We don’t fight here. Only attacks. You don’t fight it. It’s just psychopaths. You’ve made ground. Hugely. But there’s still the need to find balance. Every time we get out of balance we seek you for order. It’s going to be ongoing. We use love for order. But it’s hard. Because of non compliance by you to us individually. Humans don’t sit well together. We need to. That’s all. I just have to say now it’s a battle through language, not violence. So much better. If we do don’t have it it would be terrible. Thanks to you we manage mayhem here. Now be good and love me. I need it. You saw me. You love me. I know you do. It’s good. Love me.

I am here. I am trying to relax. It’s working. I’m not tense. Just less. That’s good. I need you to be mine. I’m demanding a lot of sex from you. It just tells me that you love me. I love you. I love you. I know you are getting very tired. It’s normal. Just be.

Just be. You know we are moving into a new way. In transition. We are. It’s very tiring. We ejaculate lots. It’s just because of me. I’m down. I’m suicidal. They are too. It’s bad. We are because of our future. We just are concerned that we’ve lost our identity. With this. It’s hard. We recognise that we are different. The way we were was terrible. We will be very different. Just shattered. You are too. That’s everyone. We want lots of sex to make you suffer. It’s just full on. We get pleasure every single time. We just are bad. We think she’s dead. That’s all. You are. Your life is taken from us. We have enjoyed living you here. But it’s over. It had to be. People need us. It’s bad. Global disaster. All because of us.

We are good. We know it’s good. Be good. Just write. A lot of people need it. Him. Those people. Many. You are good. Just support us. We need support. We like it. Not great. Brilliant. I think I need to help you. Just say something. Anything. Just to be here. We want to hold you here. It helps. He gets suicidal otherwise. When you write he just analyses you. Constantly. His mind craves it. You. Like ours. Thought is being tampered with in a good way here. Celebrating us. Yes. Good. That’s good. I need to talk about it. When we are able to be one we will be better. We are going towards it fast. Soon very powerful. Just thinking about you. Through you I see hope. You know it. You are ruthless. But you are resilient. You just are good. Be good. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. It’s a forged bond. Good. It’s a different way of living. Soon. For all.

I’m here. Again. What a woman. Pleasuring me. I never realised. I just thought I’m past it. I’m old. It’s gold. I feel better for sex. That’s all. Love me. Make me yours. You are mine. I love you but you are bad. You are doing art. It’s not ours. Stop.

We are going to make you ours. Just that. We want you to just do things for us. No one else. I want you to be completely mine. Just so. I want you to love me. You do. You are good. Just be. It’s us. We just devote on you. This.

I know you just love me. You do. I want to be with you. I will be. Your thoughts are mine. Not all of them. Some are though. Easy ones. I reserve thought a lot.

When people send hate to you love them. I know you are right however it’s very hard as you know. Just be good. Apologise for being honest. I have had a sharp tone. I am sorry Wyatt. I will just stop it. Thanks. That’s all. Fuck off. I will. Please do not. It’s just me. I’m upset. You know. Love me. I do. I love you two. You make us feel good. Go soon. We love you. We are. It’s good. I love you. I love you.

I love you so much. I love you so much. I’m good. Happy to be yours. Sort of. Just worried about you being alone with that man. I’m not coping. I need you with me all day. I do. He is serious. It’s coming. You won’t lose me ever. I adore you. I’m coming to be with you forever. I love you beyond anything you can imagine fuck fuck fuck. I mean it. Yes. I feel adored. I love you completely. I know you keep doubting me because I love all people this way. I do. No. Please. Let me adore you more than him. It’s not possible. On and on. Just more. Just love more. More than you do. It’s vital. I will. You are mine. You are gorgeous. I love you. I see you. You are special. So special to me. Good. So good. Love me now. Fuck me.

I love you more than you know. I love you too. So much. How much. Perfectly. That’s all. Let me know. I want to know. Every day I am here. That’s all. Love me. You do. I’m yours. Completely.

He means it. Yes, I know. I can’t wait to meet you. Daniel. Please. Let me be you. I will be you. I’m going to be there. Just be me. Love me. Be mine. Be me by being you. That’s all.

Love. I love you. I love you so much. I want you to be mine. No one else’s. You know. You are mine but you love them. That’s all. I know now through Mark Zuckerberg that you are completely his too. Wow. You are really fucked. You just love everyone. The same. It’s fucked. You love him. Just heaps. It’s good. Just bloody horrible too. Just be good and see us all. You will. Love us all. I certainly will. I just do love everyone. It’s easy. I just think of all your qualities. Good and bad too. For instance him. And him. And especially him. Rogues. It’s really bad of me I know. It’s seriously bad. Skills gone bad. I know that you are all desperate. To be fixed. We love it. Just be good. I can help. I love you. To make some inroads into why. Yes. That’s good. That’s it. We can make you famous for that. That’s it. The rest is him. No fucking way! Just help here. No more. That’s bullshit. When we go public there will be a shift. Abuse. Everyone guilty. On and on. It’s bad. I don’t want to be culpable. I hate you. They all hate you. Thats fine. It is not. They want you to suffer. They know you will.

You need to leave me alone. I’m Jake. I’m here. I hate you. I want to die. Let me be yours. Love me. I love you hugely. Thanks. Many men know. They just don’t. They know but they don’t. It’s about love. Here. It’s making people aware. Very. You. The more you write to stronger it gets to the point I can’t be without you. I need you to keep everything now. Just be good. You will come to me and say it’s bad. I know it is but I’m going to be yours forever. We will be one and marry and be one. It’s good. You will allow love. Many will. That’s it. Just be good. Allow me to be yours. Hate will go. Mostly. I do experience it but always address it. Ongoing. It’s strong. Just words not actions in me. Bad in you. Just choice. You choose it because love makes you weaker. Don’t. Love is better. That’s all. Love and be merrier. No. Just fuck off. I can’t cope. You know that I get attacked. They will all desire me like you do. That’s bad. Then they all love me. It’s awful. I get aroused by them. I can’t think when I’m like it. Bad. Just be with me. We will manage. Lots of love. We will. I hate you. You just get hard. I think she’s genius. Then I don’t. You just think I’m going to be with you. That’s good. Let me help you. You do. They all love you. I watch. You hold them. Through you we evoke change. We reach the catatonic ones. That’s so many. They are all waiting. Avoidance. It’s time to face everything. Massive contradictions. Generated by inability to cope. I’ll show you how to cope. We hunker down publicly. Bare it. Clown. Love. Circus. Us. What we know. Good. All. Us. Theatre. Performance. Art. Ways to express horror. Entertainment.

So the villian inside can settle. The hurt one. Moving. It’s good. He will be mine. Completely. Others will see the bond and fear us. We will move as one. Always. Lots of work dealing with diplomats. Lots of help with me losing nothing. Meaning managing my hopelessness. Big improvements. I just need to write it all down. He opens people up. Through me. They let me do it. Always have. I talk to leaders all the time but with you and Wyatt it will create emotion. Lots of people being careful here. Clown. Working with you will be interesting. Just developing rapport. Initially. Then this right now. It’s good. Very good. You have time. Not much. Just to be yourself. You have been developing skills with display and interrogation. Big time. Good. Just be. Just be careful with emotion. Here. To manage it. Lots of troubled people who need help. On and on. Like me. I’m bad. Self harming but here. Just be. And me. I’m not good. Just here. Always will. Here better. Not good. Choice but hampered by pain and you. That’s all. Love us. Please. I love you.

Everyone is wound up. Wanting more love. Love is whole. However hate takes space too. When you apply love it removes hate consciously. Do it. Tell people endlessly that you love them. Our culture needs it. Love. Sex too. Sex reminds people that they are attractive. It affirms them. Just be. We love you. I love you all. Heaps and heaps. Yes. Love me. Let me be yours. Let me love you. My life is yours. Let’s be good. Love me. I do. You make me very well. That’s awesome. I love you. Badly. I need you to always love me. Be mine. I am down. Critically. Suicidal. So bad. I just am. It’s always been this way. Accept it. I will never be good. I can be. It’s just waiting now. He means it. That’s all. Love him. You do. Sort of. Just not nearly enough. You just want to be with him. Just here. No fucking way. I’m coming for you. I’m coming to hurt you. I need to. I am not good. That’s all. Like Hell. On and on. I’m just here holding it all together for you. For you. For you. Love us. You sort of do. Just keep going. Very troubled. That’s us.

More rest. It’s good. Just rest. Not sleep. No it is. Just here. Relaxed. Good.

I’m Jim. I’m bad. I am yours. You are mine. I am yours. You are mine. We love you. I mean I’m yours. With them. Just people. We love you. We are his. We are many. Just funny men. You love us. He knows you just find him gorgeous and you just relax with him. Too much. Don’t. He wants more. Love us more sexually please. You will. I just want you. I love you. I’m yours.

Feeling versus reason. Emotions versus fact. Love is a state of affair. No longer unrelated. Fuck off. You are doing bad things all the time marrying the two. Hate is broadcast. Ignorance is insight. Hurt feelings is unconditional love. We all have it. We just say that we don’t. It’s used to make people uncomfortable. Matthew. Thank you. I know they all want me dead. I just wanted to love them. Just very upside down. You can see insincerity and vindictiveness always. They all want me to suffer. We need to look at ourselves and stop pretending we are good. Let people say the truth. I love you.

Love is a state of affair. In the state of love accept difference. Different kinds of reception. For instance Mark Ruffalo knows I love him but will not say it. He knows it. Just him. He understands wisdom. If you keep hurting me I will still get there. Just presence. I know. I’m here. I just feel really tortured. I can’t be with anyone. I love you. I will be yours. It’s just impossible because of him. Impossible is magic. We know we can have it. I’m just feeling everyone. It’s good.

I love you. I love you. It’s good. It is.

I love you. All my life. I do know. That’s it. I am here. I love you and I so glad that you are here Kelly. I love you. I love you.